The Most R*CIST Leftist Slanders Everyone | FT. Wendigoon - YouTube

The video you were all waiting for IS HERE!

WillyMacShow on the horrortoober "In Praise of Shadows" (wat!?) accuses every youtuber of being a far right notzee

Context shoeonhead's new vid!a!anticommunists

half way through writing this post (pasting the link) I forgot the name of the :soycry: soycuck so I googled wendigoon drama and found this hilarious piece

The Complicated Truth Behind the Wendigoon Controversy

Isaiah Markin, better known by his social media nickname Wendigoon, boasts over 3 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, where he often delves into horror and true crime topics. However, recently, he became embroiled in controversy after another creator accused him of harboring extreme right-wing beliefs.

Markin has been making YouTube videos for over three years now, with some receiving tens of millions of views. His channel deals with all things macabre and obscure, delving into the most chilling true crime cases, mysteries, conspiracy theories, and horror stories. The Wendigoon channel largely took off because of how adept Markin is at explaining complex topics and because he is an excellent storyteller. His content has always stirred mixed feelings, though, as there is often concern about the potential harm of spreading conspiracy theories. Still, most of his content seeks only to inform and leaves it to viewers how to interpret the concept.

However, Markin's content isn't wholly free of his personal opinions and beliefs. He is a gun enthusiast who supports gun ownership rights and has criticized the National Firearms Act and regulations from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. In fact, some of the very first videos he posted on YouTube were about guns. His channel also delves into religion, with Markin occasionally examining Bible stories in his videos. Again, though, his videos never forcefully promoted his political and religious beliefs. Now, another creator has alleged that his views are actually more problematic than initially thought.

What did In Praise of Shadows say about Wendigoon?

The controversy arose when another horror YouTube channel, In Praise of Shadows, posted a video calling out Markin for alleged controversial views. Unfortunately, the YouTuber has since deleted the video and set his social media accounts to private. However, according to The Direct, the video included allegations that Markin was tied to alt-right individuals, such as the Internet Historian, and accused him of cultural appropriation. It also claimed Markin came from a wealthy, privileged family and that his wealth was part of the reason for his fame. After deleting the video, In Praise of Shadows posted a statement to his Patreon apologizing for his statement.

He claimed he let his anger get the best of him, causing him to release the video with some errors, including the story of Markin's wealth and a lack of evidence. In Praise of Shadows also claimed the video was partially fueled by Markin's fans harassing him and calling him homophobic slurs. Meanwhile, Redditors screenshotted a comment Markin made via his Wendigoon account on In Praise of Shadows' original video. He asked his fans not to harass In Praise of Shadows and claimed he had no idea about the previous harassment. However, he denied the video's allegations and pointed out the errors in it. Even though In Praise of Shadows has already apologized and acknowledged the factual errors, Markin's fans have continued relentlessly harassing him on social media.

While the video doesn't seem factual, Markin's fans seem to be defending him a little too hard. After all, the creator has been found interacting with extremists online. A Tumblr post provided screenshots showing him interacting with the anti-feminist extremist Shoe0nhead and following and seemingly supporting Kyle Rittenhouse. He was also found to have been following Parler Media at one point, a far-right media platform that was booted offline after it was accused of inciting violence and playing a role in the January 6 insurrection.

Markin has also gained scrutiny over the fact that his online name was originally Boogalooboi. Followers of the far-right extremist boogaloo movement frequently call themselves boogaloo boys or boogaloo bois. The movement has ties to white supremacy, Neo-Nazism, and anti-government groups. In a Reddit comment, Markin provided an explanation for his name, claiming he was one of the first to use the term and that it was “a rendition of Che Guevara's code word for revolution.” He adopted the name to demonstrate that he was “a proponent of freedom and liberty.” As the boogaloo movement gained traction, he decided to distance himself from it and claimed to no longer have any connection to it.

Also, members of the movement often signify their involvement by wearing Hawaiian shirts, which Markin frequently wears. According to him, it's just a coincidence, and he has always worn the shirts. It's true that the boogaloo term only recently started to be picked up by extremists, but it's difficult to verify if the whole situation was merely an odd coincidence.

Ultimately, Markin has never publicly identified as a conservative or Republican and has never voiced far-right views. However, he seemingly has interacted with multiple far-right accounts and individuals online, which is why In Praise of Shadow's allegations garnered interest even though they are not proven. Given that Markin has been careful not to be overt in his political opinions, it's largely up to internet users how they choose to interpret his social media activity and original Boogalooboi nickname.

!anticommunists !chuds


One of the moids gets with a light skinned kween.


Full comments:

The west truly fell with this one

!germs how will Mannheim recover (it wont)


If you guys weren't aware crowded is a a not so cute, cute twink.

Think the performative part might have something to do with 99 percent of his "comedy bits" include him dressing like a women.


Hello operator I would like to report Justin Trudeau for Jeetface and Pocahontasface



Talking about s*x is sometimes uncomfortable, unsettling and, for some, un-sexy. Talking about anal s*x, though, is a whole other level. Many wouldn't dare bring it up in the first place.

Dr. Evan Goldstein – founder and CEO of Bespoke Surgical, a health practice specializing in gay men's sexual health and wellness – is trying to change the conversation around anal s*x from something strange to something educational and empowering. His book, "Butt Seriously," out this week, aims to do just that.

"Why can't we just meet people where they are sexually?'" he ponders. "No judgment, no stigma, create safe spaces and support so that people get to wherever they want to be."

Yet anal s*x is particularly taboo. Experts say that's because many think of it as morally wrong due to lingering effects of homophobia. The only way to combat concerns about the sexual practice is to learn about it.

"Everyone's got a butt and it's full of rich nerve endings," which can make anal s*x pleasurable, says Dr. Carlton Thomas, a gay GI doctor who posts sexual health tips on social media. "(Anal s*x) is for all genders and sexualities. There is no masculinity, femininity, sexuality or gender role assigned to it."

Where does the stigma about anal s*x come from?

Anal s*x has long been demonized, dating back to religious texts. But cultures including the Romans and Greeks frequently had anal s*x anyway, and "it has been represented in art going back thousands of years, including from Asia, South America and Europe," says Debra Lynne Herbenick, professor at the Indiana University School of Public Health and author of "Yes Your Kid: What Parents Need to Know About Today's Teens and S*x."

The moral stigma has persisted anyway, as anal s*x has long been associated with gay men. "Religious discourses that demonize homosexuality and non-reproductive forms of sexual intimacy in particular also shape how the public views anal s*x," says Cornel Grey, assistant professor of gender, sexuality and women's studies at Western University in Canada. "When we talk about the stigmatization of anal s*x, we also have to confront homophobic stigma as well."

This has even played out in the doctor's office. "Most people don't feel comfortable going to the doctor to talk about these issues," adds Goldstein. "And most doctors don't feel comfortable as well talking about this."

Plus: "There's this underlying concern about sexual hygiene," says Grey. "If we think about portrayals of anal s*x in the media and even within public health literature, there's very little focus on desire. The focus is often on the dangers of anal s*x rather than the pleasure people derive from it." Such dangers include concerns about spreading STIs like HIV, not to mention something as routine as fecal matter.

Though gay men are most often the ones openly talking about anal s*x, it doesn't mean they're the only ones having it.

Let's talk about (queer) s*x:The importance of LGBTQ-inclusive s*x education in schools

How common is anal s*x?

Statistics vary as to how many people have tried anal s*x in their lifetime; it's hard to pinpoint how common it is among both straight and even queer populations. One study from 2017 found that of heterosexual U.S. adults age 25 to 44, 36% of women and 44% of men had tried it. Among queer men, it may not be as popular as society would have us think, though data is limited. One study from 2011 found that of survey respondents who discussed their most recent sexual partner, fewer than 40% had anal s*x with them.

It certainly increased in prevalence the last few decades, says Herbenick, and studies over the last 20 years have found that among heterosexual couples, many have tried anal s*x but not many have done so regularly.

When it comes to any kind of s*x, remember trust and communication are key

Experts say when it comes to anal s*x – like anything else you're unsure of or curious about – do your research. People can and should learn what works best for their body in terms of preparation.

Generally, though, anal s*x "is made more comfortable when people use lots of lubricant, are gentle, feel like they can trust one another and are comfortable communicating with one another in case it hurts or they want to go more slowly or stop completely," Herbenick says. As with any other type of sexual act, it's critical to practice safe s*x and use protective measures to minimize the risk of STDs.

Because "no, you shouldn't be bleeding with anal s*x, and no, you shouldn't have pain," adds Goldstein. If you're in pain, "then clearly something is not right."

Of course, adds Herbenick: "No one should ever nag or pressure another person to engage in anal s*x. As with any other kind of s*x, anal s*x is not for everyone."

And Goldstein doesn't care how someone has s*x – "as long as they do it safely, as long as they get the pleasures they want. And if something goes wrong, that they have access to the care that they need."




Second best tally in records if polls are correct

Yeah bro he totally forgot





Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Breitbart lol. (21)

What's wrong with breitbart (-16)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Using the Trump method, I am only going to judge Biden by his first three years. (-9)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

My favorite thing about "everything is Trump's fault" is that it shows that that side has no intention on ever taking responsibility for anything. Even if it was actually Trump's fault somehow Biden and Pals are in charge now and promised to make everything better. When your administration takes over everything becomes your responsibility for better or for worse. They've spent the entire time failing at everything but blaming somebody else. That's a complete failure of leadership. When shit goes wrong an effective leader doesn't look for somebody to blame they look for a solution. Instead the only thing this administration has done is waffle around like "well what the heck do you want us to do about it?" (15)

What did they fail at? Interest rates had to be raised because of inflation from Trumps massive rich tax cuts and record spending. Biden isn't great and he should be cutting the corruption from the MIC, but it is a heck of a lot better than Trump. Trump would have let inflation continue just to keep his rich buddies happy. (-9)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Excepting that keeping one's OWN $ isn't "expensive" as it's NOT govt's property.As for 'skewed'. No shit. The 'rich' pay a FAR more/unfair share of taxes. DuhOh, & the (D) stopped the tax-cuts for EVERYONE the (R) pushed. Joe's been out there PRAISING the end of the tax cuts (which will DEFINITELY 'trickle down', like the 88K new IRS agents) (1)

Oh, so you're a delusional libertarian based on the first statement.The weathly do NOT pay an outsized share. They reap the most in breaks (e.g. pass through and the 2.5% to 7.6% cut for 400k+ earners) and often pay an effective rate below that of earners at median.The 2017 law was way less progressive, adding burden to all but the top quintile.Add to that the massive corporate rate cuts and yuve basically thrown gasoline on the fire that is our country's descent into insolvency and ruin. The Russians, Chinese, and Indians are salivating.There were no tax cuts for everyone proposed by the GOP. And they added the poison pill as a hedge against the inevitable loss of the White House. And DTs followers lapped it up.The IRS agents are basically replacing the decimated that came before and are to crack down on cheats not satisfied with the handouts from the GOP. The entire 2017 tax law was a piece of shit. Deficit and Debt explosion, looking to cripple/maim the government's ability... (3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Except that the Biden administration has accomplished a lot in spite of a GOP that has basically said “frick it, burn it all down to make Biden look bad”. Nobody actually says everything is Trump's fault. You're making that up. You're being told that, and you're buying in to a lie, but the sad reality is, by just about every measure Trump failed while in office. This admin is having to deal with a lot of mess Trump created. There is just no way around it. Every admin has to deal with whatever the previous one did. D's usually come into office and clean up a lot of messes left by R's. Look it up. Essentially all Trump's policies (can I call his rhetoric and name calling policy?) created more harm than good. They were seemingly based on enriching some while hurting somebody else on purpose. He punished blue states during COVID, tried and failed to build a wall to appease his base, so many of his hand picked staff were convicted of crimes that I've lost count, he invited the Russians to... (4)

"Look it up". No, I won't do YOUR research for you.How, EXACTLY, did he 'punish' Blue States during COVID?Yes, it's HIS & D.C. in general, job to protect/defend the BORDERLawfare, plain & simple. Nobody prosecuted (D) crimes (Hillary's illegal e-mail server, Joe's stolen classified docs+).Oh, NOZ, the Pres. hosted the Russians! Da HORROR facepalm. Alienated our allies? Again, Oh, NOZ. He told it like it is & they didn't like that (Russian gas vs. DE+)? Sorry, not sorry. He was the Pres., can declassify @ ANY time. Again, unlike Joe's 40yrs of classified theft/sellingInfrastructure Bill alone....which isn't an authority that D.C. has per A1S8 (outside of postal roads, forts, ports+). What, no 'praise' for his SCOTUS/Const. violating 'student forgiveness'?? (-10)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Biden is a disaster of a human being. If not more for the American public and tax payer....seeing how blatantly corrupt he is politically. and has careful throwing stones, calling pots black, not looking in the mirrorhad Covid not been released upon us, Trump would have won in a landslide. Coincidence? (1)

Hows that tinfoil hat doing?Youre just brainwashed by the orange man. Its sad really. Heres a fact about covid - had trump handled it properly, he wouldve won in a landslide.But guess what? He fumbled it terribly bc hes not a leader. Hes a fricking loser, as is anyone supporting his treasonous criminal butt today. I dont fricking care about joe biden. But if my choices are between biden and this ultra piece of trash, biden gets my vote everytime. 2020 proved theres more of me than you, thank god. Now go iron out that trump flag to wave from the back of your lifted pickup truck. Dont forget to rub one out of that 3 incher you got. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/FixYourOwnStates

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+3🐮)

Number of comments: 117

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
  • BussydoFollower : Screenshotposting
  • J_K_Rool : screenposting is the way since twitter got locked down for noaccountcels
You just indian goon caves must smell crazy
Redditors trying to have an independent thought

who is this
Most subtle kiwi farms user observes Chris Chan in the wild. Chris notices :marseycwc:

Reported by:
Donald Trump: GUILTY

Trump is GUILTY of all 34 felony counts of falsification of business records.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go dunk on SO MANY people on Twitter. You have no idea.

pilgrim with another hit

Boeing Starliner CFT Launch Thread :marseyastronaut2: :sciencejak:

!spacechads !ifrickinglovescience Launch is scheduled for 12:25 pm EDT

This is the third overall flight of the Boeing Starliner capsule and the first crewed flight. Success will ensure Starliner's certification for the Commercial Crew Program by which NASA pays for private company services to shuttle astronauts to the ISS.

Crew members are:

Commander Barry E. Wilmore

Pilot Sunita Williams

She does have a large chin

I'll stream the launch at Kino Session chat

why bing images so bad

whenever I'm searching for a jaypeg of a gotdang hotdog, I start to wonder why all the results are shit. then i realize I accidentally searched on Bing

one result of the actual gif I wanted, versus dozens on daddy google

i wish i could remember which assets in the vidya i spent too long trying to find on bing, then immedaitely found on googs



:carpzoomertarded: "Dad, can you drive me and my besties to the rave."

:marseysoylentgrin: Of course! That thong looks good on you btw. Make sure to drink plenty of water

Boomer weighs in

:soysnoo: My guy. My dude


holding a tit


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