This is what they took from us : redscarepod
It's over for Hindu nationalists

Sexy Indian dudes getting downvoted

I think it's just one or two guys who post Indian things to the sub.

/u/GregsBoatShoes come to rDrama


When I was 10, I went to this tutor for the 11+ exam (basically just to get into a 'good' secondary school in Essex - I think it was nationwide too?) and this guy Brin was just the biggest prick ever man, I can't lie.

Fully grown Sixth Form student that taught there was just constantly singling me out in front of the whole cohort. Pretty sure a lot of insults were thrown my way about my character my presentation idek. Maybe I deserved a bit of slapping around, but that was reserved for the old guy that taught us, not this fella.

Anyways it was absolutely fricking shocking to see this guy on my feed again today winning Masterchef. Hadn't really thought about him until like 3 years ago where I maanaged to dig up his name again, but goddarn.

Sucks but as an American who lives in Britain, I can personally attest that winning master chef UK is like winning master plumber India. To all my Brit friends, your country finally has the crunchy kind of flamin' hot cheetos. Please pick some up at your nearest convenience store and eat some real food.


/r/rspod is the alternative to /r/redscarepod in case you don't follow redscare meta drama. The main sub is mostly jannied by two foids it seems.

/u/genuine-girl-666 and /u/Longjumpingrow9

:marseyakshually: she could get it removed if she reportmaxxed it for harassment.

We have to get these twinks here to our safe space before they're banned for pinning posts like this.


Azealia must be mad as heck she can no longer make fat jokes about her


Her subreddit has been saying the new album has a song about ozempic at the day spa


how do i find a black gf to send me gm booty pics
recreating art
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