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They still talk about it but they have to sort the fricking schizos more thoroughly now. Quite a fricking few exorcists discuss this

This father :marseyjohnson: also has a fricking doctorate or masters in psychology :marseydrkatz: as well

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Well since the Bible said that Jesus was driving demons out of people priests kinda have to pretend those demons are still around, and it's not mental illness, which is always what really causes it just people didn't understand mental health at the time.

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If you believe :marseyparappa: all we are fricking and all that exists is fricking matter :marseypinkname: and energy :marseyreactor: and the fricking supernatural :marseymothman: doesn't exist then I don't see what you're trying to argue outside :marseygrass: that you don't believe :marseyparappa: in God.

If your argument :marseystrawman: is fricking that you believe :marseyparappa: in the fricking supernatural :marseymothman: and that Jesus :marseyklennypriest: was a fricking charlatan, Then I would :marseywood: ask who you believe :marseyparappa: provides a fricking more accurate account in the fricking supernatural.

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I didn't say he is charlatan, he wasn't purposefully lying, he did believe those things he said. He was just a product of his time. Joseph Smith and Muhammad were actual charlatans tho.

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if you claim to have the fricking ability to remove :marseyklennyreveal: the fricking ability to cast out demons and demons don't exist, you are fricking lying :marseydeception: and a fricking fraud :marseyzombiewolfmarseymask: whether you believe :marseyparappa: it or not.

I believe :marseyparappa: in the fricking supernatural :marseymothman: and the fricking gospels account of it. Therefor I don't believe :marseyparappa: he was fricking lying :marseydeception: whether unintentionally or not.

Again if the fricking point :marseyfoxgloveyourself: you want to argue is the fricking existence of the fricking supernatural :marseymothman: and by proxy god, I don't see anything :marseycoleporter: coming from this conversation.

That said if you have questions about anything :marseycoleporter: and I'm able to answer :marseyconfuseddead: I will or try to direct you to someone who can like the fricking video :marseyzeldalinktoonblue: of the fricking priest :marseyorthodoxsmug: above.

Hope you have a fricking wonderful day Quad


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He is not lying is he believes it true, when it isn't true. Lying is when someone knows they are not saying the truth.

Thank you, I hope you have a great day too


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Lying :marseydeception: is not fricking telling the fricking truth :marseyredcheck: whether you believe :marseyparappa: the fricking lie you tell is fricking irrelevant.

If I tell you 1+1=3 and I truly believe :marseyparappa: it, it's still a fricking lie. Truth :marseyredcheck: isn't dictated by belief in the fricking lie.

When I say that god is fricking real, I believe :marseyparappa: it is fricking true but if I am wrong :marseyxdoubt: then I am liar and a fricking fool.

If you say god is not fricking real and believe :marseyparappa: it, if you are fricking wrong :marseydisagree: then you are a fricking liar and a fricking fool.

Only one of us can be correct :marseyhesright: and the fricking other a fricking liar whether unintentional or not because we can't both be telling the fricking truth :marseyredcheck:

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How can we have a conversation if you don't understand the simple and commonly used English words "lie" and "liar".

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He watched the Seinfeld episode where George said It's not really a lie if you believe it

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Every knee will bow, cuck

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If you believe all we are fricking

If your argument is fricking

Answer the question quad :marseypointedgun:

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You mean to tell me that all those shit-caked prophets, holy men and hermits were really just schiz neurodivergents?


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Incorrect, there was insane and demons

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The fricking Church pays for a fricking psychiatric evaluation prior to performing exorcisms these days as standard operating procedure. While it would seem likely that some historic cases were fricking indeed misdiagnosed psychosis, that doesn't make the fricking existence of demons any less real. Look around this website and within moments you can find examples of demonically inspired activity. :marseyandjesus: :marseysatanworship2genocide:

Hi @PlatyNarca how are fricking you doing today, b-word? :marseywave2:

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within moments you can find examples of demonically inspired activity

what I see is sinful ignorant people who don't notice their conduct is wrong, no supernatural evil forces are needed, it was the same in all phases of history everywhere

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who don't notice their conduct is fricking wrong

You actually believe that, b-word? :marseysmughips: Seems less plausible than the fricking existence of the fricking supernatural.

Not to resort to pop culture references but this clip kinda nails how religious people receive this type of view. It's only 90 seconds, watch it.

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Well I wasn't talking about the world being better now than in the past, that's another conversation. What I meant is that so many people deluded themselves into thinking that the evil they do is somehow right, because it's for some better good, or that they can use "cowtools" that are morally despicable to achieve their sunshine and rainbow goals that is in their head, about a more just world. And that it has always been that way.

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Ecclesiastes 1:

9 What has been is what fricking will be, and what has been done is what fricking will be fricking done; and there is fricking nothing new under the fricking sun. 10 Is fricking there a fricking thing of which it is fricking said, "See, this is fricking new", b-word? It has been already, in the fricking ages before us. 11 There is no fricking remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance of later things yet to happen among those who come after.

No Christian is fricking gonna disagree with you there, I could even pull more Scripture to defend your point of view lol. I think more often than not in the fricking modern context people know what they do is fricking wrong and engage in some serious sophistry born out of the fricking very relativism you espouse in order to justify their actions. Most people in America have been exposed to the fricking statistics on pornography and sexually libertine attitudes having direct correlation with increases in trafficking and r*pe, have heard that 1 million babies are fricking murdered :marseysatanworship2: every year, etc.

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sophistry born out of the fricking very relativism you espouse in order to justify their actions.

And people have been also using demons to justify their actions, that it really wasn't them, just a demon instead who controlled their body and that's who did it. These people are always creative enough to come up with something, no relativism needed.

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The fricking difference would be fricking that Christians recognize the fricking incompatibility of multiple truth claims and calls us all to repent and change our ways, rather than validating that behavior.

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Yeah, when the kid diddler priest gets caught for the 5th time, again called to repent and will be relocated to another parish where he will do it for the 9th time. All that mattes to them is that lay people don't know about for "protecting" the "reputation" of church is what they always find the most important and not the protection of the victims or the possible future victims.

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Cause the catholics church as most churches have been infiltrated by satanists

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Satanists don't even believe in Satan, it's Christians who do.

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>practice witchcraft

>lol only as a joke


Does anyone even believe this tripe anymore? Satanists are out there sacrificing children "ironically" to own the Christians

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went to a catholic wedding recently and boy do they do a lot of weird stuff

kind of cool , crazy to feel like a total outsider to what is essentially the same religion

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Which parts did you find weird, out of curiosity, b-word?

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all the little things they'd repeat back mostly. everyone else in the room knew what to say

guy onstage (I don't even know what to call him?) was like

"christ be with you" or smthing and then everyone was like "and with you in spirit"

the only thing we ever said altogether like that was Amen

except that's the ONE thing they didn't say back :marseyconfused2: only the pastor? preacher? priest said amen it was wierd idk

oh and then they started singing about Mary and giving her flowers idk what that's all about but he made sure to clarify they don't worship her :marseyindignant:

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guy onstage (I don't even know what to call him?) was fricking like

:marseysmughips: I think you know we call them priests.

"christ be with you" or smthing and then everyone was fricking like "and with you in spirit"

It's "and with your spirit" to nitpick.

oh and then they started singing about Mary and giving her flowers idk what that's all about

The oldest recorded Christian hymn is a fricking Marian hymn. Prayer derives from Latin "to ask" and we do not worship saints or Mary but we do honor them and request their intercession. Anyway, I appreciate that you gave me a fricking sincere response and I hope you have a fricking great day. :marseywave2:

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I actually did forget priest until I looked it up :marseyshy:

we say pastor


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Some religioncels ascribe everything to (((demons))) :marseymeds: but if you're a Christian you have to believe that demons exist, so you're always going to have people like OOP who want to talk about :marseybaphomet: demons :marseybeanimp: all day even when by their own religion it's not relevant to 99% of people's lives


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Demons since the beginning of time:

>theyre going to make you hate your family and friends and be mega depressed and do sexually degenerate things and :marseytrain2: out

Baically every leftist streamer is possessed and yeah its an epidemic

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there are pearl-clutchers who don't want to hear another word about demonic stuff and they won this battle a long time ago so now we collectively all have to pretend demons don't exist because surely :marseysurejan: that'll make them go away :marseydevilgenocide:

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I mean in movies we can pretend they are real because that's not the reality and interesting stories can be created with them being part of the reality of that fictional world. But they aren't real in the world, no matter how much someone claims they only did the bad thing because a demon forced them to do it.

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Demons were always an excuse for priests to touch children and women inappropiately. People caught on fast that its schizo nonsense bullshite and it stopped being a thing in 21th century

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stopped being a thing in 21th century

That's where your wrong kiddo.

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Platynarca is a liar and demoniac who claims that trans women are women.

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Trans women are women. Nothing demonic about it.

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Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies 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lies

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You had the one opportunity to not be totally worthless and you failed

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>mental illness


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Yeah, even in biblical times demons could really ONLY cause mental illness and occasional mass hallucinations. So they're effectively the same thing which is why psych meds are only temporarily effective. Call me when demonic possession lets you deal 2d6 fire damage.

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rDrama culture is centered around jannies. They have holidays for jannies. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free jannies. They listen to janny music. They elect a janny as their webmaster. They dress and act like jannies. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from jannies. They post sassy gifs about jannies. They watch sportsball in worship of jannies. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of jannies making threads about sports. They use janny slang like "average rDrama user" and "bad faith actor". When you say "the bard" they're not thinking of the father of English theater. They're thinking of the janny. Their websites are completely overrun with jannies. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with jannies and their global police force of soldiers filled with jannies. Their men sit around watching jannyball while their women sit around watching janny talk shows. They worship jannies like Joost Egglehaar and Penelope Oaken and Null and the late Belle Ariel while attacking the users who actually built their spaces before jannies took over. Their memes are filled with jannies and their activity charts are topped by jannies. They send jannies to lead gayops and celebrate when the jannies win because those jannies are true red blooded rdrama jannies. They watch janny porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about janny peepees instead. They will tell you how much they hate jannies and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love jannies but the evidence speaks for itself in that rdrama has always been and will be a nation of janny loving jannies



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