
!incels since we voted :marseyridin: yes on banning foids :marseybirdlielol: (and I decided by extension other annoying :marseymar: r-slurs) I know need you my trusty KGB officers to write :marseychudnotes: up a list. Simply list a name and the crime :marseyscaredpolice: i.e.

@Marsneedler1488 [reason]

I will review :marseynostalgiacritic: each case and decide by your individual effort :marseymoreyouknow: into explaining why this or that cute twink :marseypizzashillblacked: should :marseynorm: be killed. For foids, pointing :marseysamuelljackson: out the foidery itself suffices.

Take care!


!incels bros pls feel welcome to shitpost to your hearts :marseyloveyou: extent.

I will never have s*x because men are so dangerous and hateful

Why do scrotes hate us? We aren't the ones committing all the crime and creating all of the world's problems


bros don't let bros get thirst trapped

!titsorgtfo !thotpatrol !thotpatrollers

Good morning :marseycoffee: Chudcels

Today's topic Halloween: What are your plans, what are you gonna :marseyvenn6: go as? Rotting in your room ain't healthy :marseyexercise: Chuddy! !incels

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