Ancient Athens and the Roman Empire are the ancient civilizations viewed most favorably by Americans

Why is the Roman Republic behind the Empire?

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Having an opinion on any ancient civilization in this way feels really lame and gay

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I get through it by assuming these people didn't make it a point to have these opinions and just came upon them while being questioned

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That's probably true for the vast majority of people asked. Imagine just getting a mail/email asking you "Ancient Sparta: like, dislike, or don't know?"

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I came to these exact opinions having just seen this post

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Which ancient aboriginal society is your favorite?

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Not a civilization unless you frick with words that stay, like the spirits do

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How do you feel about the Phonecian government around 1000BC? Do you agree with King Ahirom's foriegn policy? How about their colonizing Cyprus, Sardinia, the Balearic Islands, Sicily, and Malta, as well as the fertile coasts of North Africa and the mineral rich Iberian Peninsula?

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Do you agree with King Ahirom's foriegn policy

Fricking idiot, Ahirom was never titled a king, that title was first used by his son King Pilsibaal the First. How embarassing that you're proud to show off your lack of understanding of Phoenician history. I imagine you're so ignorant you still think King Pilsibaal is called Ithobaal!

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This is unironically kind of how a lot of people talk on history and especially military history forums, although generally on such forums there's not so much use of profanity. Hardcore history and wargaming buffs really live up to their title of grognards, grumblers, although apparently that term originated in the RPG community. I fricking love random forums where the same 20 or so people contribute 90% of the content, and they've all been arguing witrh each other for 10 years, and you can basically tell who wrote any given post just by reading the first couple of sentences, without even having to look at the poster's name.

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grognards, grumblers, although apparently that term originated in the RPG community

Wargaming nerds were calling themselves grognards in the early 1990s. Did you even read Computer Gaming World, bro? :marseyboomer:

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On further reading, it seems that you are right. The term grognard was being used by warg*mers even before D&D was invented, and the RPG community took the term from warg*mers. Indeed, RPG tabletop gaming emerged from wargaming.

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I can't say for sure who invented it, but it was popularized by Alan Emrich. The same guy who invented the term 4X.

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Gilgamesh and enkidu

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What's your opinion about the Ancient !dramatards Empire?


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Made up by coping drama-hoteps


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We wuz dramatards and shit

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we wuz aryans n shieeeeettt !whites

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⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡

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Low test take

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Anything other than "haha that's cool" to any of these is incredibly gay. Nothing lower T than somebody trying to be a History PhD candidate

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Ancient Egypt was pretty cool (I love sucking peepee)

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My narcissism lead me down the right path in this case


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That's probably why they all picked Greece

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Bliteus belua es

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Sparta is the funniest one. Unless you were a gigachad or married to a gigachad that died early, Sparta sucked. Also homosex and societal mandated cuckoldry.

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>thousands of chads having aggressive gay s*x every hour of every day

i think you're just homophobic :marseyshrug:

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>Rome's conversion to Christianity

I see Gibbon's legacy is still strong

>Cleopatra viewed favorably

!historychads !kino

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Rome's first season is so good. Could have been one of the best TV shows ever if HBO didn't pull the rug out so early

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The entire set burnt down and it would have cost too much to replace

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Just like real life :marseysoylentgrin:


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Director Nero doomscrolled while HBO burned

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Can you make a capy gaucho?

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You mean this?

Funny I was about to make a capy Roman equestrian :marseymarmotroman:

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With the hat, a mate and the red cravat around the neck. He doesn't need to hold the mate 🧉 but it would be funny with the mate next to this :capy: as a template

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Stupid sexy capyvan.

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she wuz black bro, of course

!BIPOCs edjugade the !historychads

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Bvilt for BRC regardless.

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BRC?? :marseyconfused2:

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Big Roman :marseylegion: Peepee I presume

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I thought those were reserved for pre pube boys

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It took until the end for me to realize this wasn't a month python skit

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Chud Octavian PR team dunking hard on the simp Anthony and his whore greekoid queen.

!historychads /h/sandshit 1 century BC, which side would you take



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I side with the Great Qin. That incestuous foid can get bent.

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Antony was unquestionably a peepee when he was politicking around Rome, before his attempt at restructuring the Roman east (and nearby territories they didn't control yet).

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Mark Antony heated up the shells of nuts and held them up to his leg hairs to make them softer. :marseygiggle:

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This video looks AI-generated :bruh: :marseyschizowave: !schizos

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Cleopatra in HBO's Rome please sit on my face

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I knew neoshill would be in this thread lol

why does every roman movie have fat guys in powerful roles like senators who are wise or crafty.

Were there lots of fats in ancient rome or is that a Hollywood meme

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The guy on the clip is not a senator and he's not a powerful man either, he's just a newsreader, a literal government mouthpiece.

But on whether there were many fats in ancient Rome or not, the answer is no because most people were poor and barely had anything to eat. However the few fats would be over represented among the wealthy which includes the senatorial class, so many of the senators were indeed :marseychonker2:

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!chuds Aren't they forgetting something? :marseyhmmhips:

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Nz shooting music lol

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Hyperborean dreams… .·°՞(つ ≧□≦)つ՞°·. ☃️🌨️❄️

How I wish we could RETVRN 🥺

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Most !burgers don't know the difference between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, the causes of the Republic's decline due to it's partisan politics, the willingness of up-and-comers to abuse and stress-test the system, and "overthrow the government in order to save it."

!historychads Rome fell 400 years before the Fall of Rome. Frick the Grachi, Frick Marius, Frick Sulla, Frick Caesar, Frick Pompi, Frick Crassus, Frick Mark Antony, Frick Octavius, Frick that other guy... Lepidus?

Frick Populari, Frick Optimates.

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Caesar :marseybackstab: was the only person :marseywall: that could save The Republic

!commies 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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I must end the Republic to save the Republic

:marseydarkxd: 🔪 :#gigachadautisttalking: 🗡️ :!marseydarkxd:


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The people destroying The Republic were the senators, given they didn't have any problem :marseytrolley: letting Octavian become emperor :marseyedelgard3: as long has he let them keep leeching all the wealth out of the society :marseymisssize: 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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>"This Caesar guy is extremely dangerous for Our Democracy!"


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The Empire was cool and all, but the Republic should be an inspiration to us all.

My fellow Americans, always remember why we have a place called Cincinnati.

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Cincinnatus, the George Washington of the Republic.

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Sulla was based, he even voluntarily resigned his permanent dictatorship after a year.

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He instituted his Prescriptions and executed without trial all of his political opponents.

He opposed Marius' military reforms while also using them. Marius tried to make the military loyal only to Rome but Sulla instead made them even more loyal to generals, which enabled Carsar to end the Republic.

Sulla was a double BIPOC.

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That's the Grachi's fault, populoids ran wild for decades until True Patriots™ were back in control. Naturally it went to shit because OptimateBIPOCs had no idea to counteract PopulareBIPOCs.

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The best meme was when Caesar used his Pontificus powers to magically turn that one dude who was fricking his own sister into a commoner so he could become a C*m Tribune

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Cato was a dog and he died a dogs death :marseysplat: 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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Burgers would view Athens as a horrific alien society if they traveled back in time

There were usually no established age limits for marriage, although, with the exception of political marriages, waiting until childbearing age was considered proper decorum. Many girls were married by the age of 14 or 16, while men commonly married around the age of 30

A husband might have a wife and a concubine. If the wife gave consent, children bred from the concubine would be acknowledged as heirs to the husband. This practice was mainly confined to high status wealthy men, allowing them multiple concubines and mistresses but only one wife. Marriages were also arranged through the meeting of the fathers of the young couple, basing the marriage on their interests in expanding a business or forging an alliance between the families, with little concern about what the groom thought of the situation, and no regard for what the wife wished.

The ancient Greek legislators considered marriage to be a matter of public interest. Marriages were intended to be monogamous. In keeping with this idea, the heroes of Homer never have more than one wife by law, though they may be depicted with living with concubines, or having sexual relationships with one or more women. In Plato's Laws, the would-be lawgiver suggests that any man who was not married by age 35 should be punished with a loss of civil rights and with financial consequences. He proposes that when choosing a wife, men should always consider the interests of the state over their own desires.

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This is just less degen Utah.

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Literally :marseyme: America :marseybacktousa: 100 years ago besides concubines

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I've been seeing so much persian apologia on instagram. Things like "who could even hate the persians? They were the liberators and bringers of a free and accepting society"

And I'm like idk probably all their slaves

But then people are unironically like "nah persians didn't have slaves they were first to outlaw slavery"

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They were better than the Spartans (literal homofascist society whose citizens would routinely kill their subhuman slaves purge style), it doesn't make them ideal though and the Spartans are still cooler.

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It was practically matriarchal actually. Almost comically in a sci-fi fashion. Women were in charge of their husband's estates when they were at war or died (almost always early). Even if the husband survived, the wife was free to accuse he was not fit enough to pass down any more heirs and pick a young buck to impregnate her.

One of the best societies for a woman to be born into throughout time.

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Big contrast with uber-misogynistic Athens.

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literal homofascist society :marseyunabomber2: whose citizens would :marseymid: routinely kill their subhuman slaves :marseycracka: purge style

Truly the fricking !dramatards dream :marseypillpopper: society :marseyunabomber2:

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The Spartans were good because they drilled during peacetime. Once everyone else figured this out, they took turns with Thebes and Athens for first place.

Never forget when Thebans trounced Muh Sons of Herakles.

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I will never accept that Italy and Rome are somehow supposed to be the same.

I mean, look at the Italian language compared to classical Latin. It'd be like if America fell and the successor to American English was Marky Mark's hawvawd yawd accent but a hundred times worse and spoken by everyone.

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!historychads why did no one choose the actual best ancient civiliztion.

:#marseyquadmagyar: :mongoljak:

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>spent 615 currency on pings

Get dunked on

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why arent the Sumerians, Inca, Mayans and Aztecs on there. This list is wildly incomplete

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Sumer was neolithic more than ancient.

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Idonno. It would be a long list. Plus you are giving the average American too much credit. Most can't point to Iraq on a map. What are they going to know about Sumer.

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giving the American too much credit. Most can't point to Iraq on a map.

they were great with maps until the cracker colonialists came through and took their maps :marseyindignant:


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Reminder that not a single society in the Americas developed even bronze working. Those idiots literally thought metal was only good for ornamentation.

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false, and some of them were flying/talking to aliens and shit


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doe666 is viewed very favorably by my peepee :marseythumbsup#:

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What's the difference? :marseybowler:

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Why would 13% of people dislike Marcus Aurelius?

oh wait one of his big messages was not wasting time caring about what lesser men think because everything they do is r-slurred

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Probably because he wasnt a huge fan of Christoids and Americans don't know anything else about him

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More people dislike the Byzantines than do Carthage, somehow, so you win something

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Carly, there are pictures of your butthole on the internet. Why?

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Holy shit Cicero does not deserve to get bodied like that


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I doubt most Americans have any clue what the Holy Roman Empire was. They just like the words "holy" and "Roman".

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WTF why do dramatards know so much about gay ancient history shit

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lol Visigoth literal who

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