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Are you a frustrated script writer? Do you want 500 hundred drama coins for indulging 911roofer's bizarre obsession? Do you think television has too many terrible Family Man ripoffs but not enough terrible rick and morty ripoffs?

Than I have got the contest for you!

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“We need more bland uninspired Rick and Morty ripoffs. Imagine a sane sober responsible grandfather figure talking his grandson on after-school adventures to other worlds. Except every one is an ideology American conservatives hate taken to it's logical extreme. A visit to an Arabian nights style fantasy world is cut short when terrorist-shaped holes in the world with machine guns began destroying everything because “only God can create. Man cannot”. Tim's love interest of the week dies in his arms as his grandfather frantically repairs his magic car.

“What the frick are those grandpa!”

“Watch your goddam language. “

Hits something in the car

“They're an unsubtle and obvious metaphor for the loss and neglect of traditional Islamic and Middle eastern art and literature at the hands of a Shia orthodoxy that has embraces a twisted heroic nihilism concept of martyrdom and Platonic philosopher kings and a Sunni ideology married to 1930's fascism and the same runny pool of ideological French bullshit that gave us Pol Pot.”


“They're demons, Tim! Demons come straight from heck!”

Every episodes closing credits is shot over Tim burying his latest love interest.”

Now tell me what world they visited, who Tim's new love interest was, and how she died so he had to bury while the incredible Hulk tv theme plays. Best answer gets five hundred drama coins. No winner means no one gets anything.

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Tim wants to become more popular on social media and asks his Grandpa for help. His grandpa builds a device that boosts his social media scores on any platform, adds friends, and improves all his posts with AI, but warns Tim to NEVER use it with a Preddit account. In order to impress some ethot (love interest of the week), Tim eventually does make a Preddit account, but draws the attention of the Preddit moderators (you can imagine how the look) who are unable to ban and contain him. They eventually capture Tim and his eThot and Grandpa has to come save them - it turns out grandpa has a history with them as well (banned from all his favorite preddit subpreddits), quippy battle. It is also revealed that Grandpa's social media booster invention is just paying a bunch of Indians $100 to like and repost and friend, and do rewrites and edits (instead of AI) and boost Tim's social media. He eventually uses the Indians to break Preddit to defeat the moderators - this also overruns Preddit and other social media with Indians just posting to each other in some dead internet clickfarm circle. The eThot doesn't explicitly die, but leaves Tim for her new "subscribers" in India and never seen again. It is heavily implied that she was r*ped and murdered in the credit sequence that Tim normally spends burying his love interests.

"Tim, it's just sexy Indian dudes, there's no AI. It would take 3 facilities each the size of Yankee stadium and enough electricity to power St. Louis to do that with AI. I paid a bunch of Indians $100 to just boost your popularity and edit your posts."

"It was great Tim. We'd talk about real science, and we'd make fun of fat black women. All day and all night. Post the coolest new inventions then post a meme of Monique in a welfare line. And they took it from us Tim. The jannies took it from us."

Probably some other good rants out of that.

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You'll have to come up with the ridiculous sci-fi names yourself, but here's the idea:

World: Rhodesia in the 1970s. It's literally just Rhodesia. Not even trying to hide it. :marseyoctopus2:

Love Interest: A Shona girl who desperately wants white people to remain in charge. Mostly because she craves white peepee. :marseypenis:

How She Died: She's killed by a white leftoid working for the Zimbabwe African National Union. He's loyal to them mostly because he craves black peepee. :marseybbc:

How the Episode Ends: Mugabe goes even further than in real life. Not only does he force all the crackers out of Zimbabwe, he uses some kind of sci-fi doodad to kill every cumskin in Africa. The white leftoids who were working for ZANU are shown dying in agony, blood dripping from every orifice. :marseytearsofblood:

!chuds love Rhodesia. They'd eat that shit up. :chudheartwarming:

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Tim dies as well but gets to heaven, where all the girls are waiting for him along with a fruit basket from Jesus with a note saying to “Have fun. You earned this.” As well as his grandmother and every pet he's ever lost. All in a swanky bachelor pad apartment the size of a hangar. He's just getting out of the shower preparing to experience the true pleasures of paradise when he's suddenly ripped back into his body, now bleeding profusely from every orifice, by a jury-rigged machine his grandfather made. “Thank God in Heaven. I thought I lost you there.” Tim immediately attempts to kill himself with a nearby rock to get back to heaven, succeeds, and finds himself in heck for committing suicide , before the machine brings him back to life for a second time.

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Next episode is titled “To the Devil a Daughter or you're the devil's son (in law). “ Turns out the cute devil girl he met in heck took a shine to him, and what daddy's daughter wants daddy's daughter gets. Aloha from Heck!

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Then she gets killed on their honeymoon saving him and goes to heaven. Now the devil is pissed at him and Tim is alone again naturally. That should be the closing theme song for this episode. Every episode ends with a different song whether it be a dead girlfriend song or something weird like Aloha from Heck.

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The go to LGBTQ-land. Tim falls for a hot chick, then learns she's a femboy. The femboy dies after taking a poisoned needle of testosterone intended for Tim, and as she dies reveals she was an AFAB femboy.

They visit Affirmative Action World. Because Tim is a dipshit child who's bad at everything, he's made their king. His love interest is a genius who is forced to work as a concubine. Tim and Grandpa need to escape the planet, and the concubine has a brilliant plan to give them enough boost to lift off by exploding The Institute of Diverse Nuclear Physics while she remains inside (the nuclear material went unused because fission was too similar to white flight).

They go to Canada. Tim falls in love with a Canadian woman, then kills her for being Canadian.

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Tim and Grandpa stay home this week and help set up for the prom. Tim, who's gotten a reputation as “the grim reaper of s*x”, hooks up with the hot emo/goth chick who's suicidal. She figures if she bangs Tim she's guaranteed to die. With the help of a creepy talking dog who claims he's an angel Tim convinces her that life is worth living and that you shouldn't throw it away just because you've faced some difficult times. She and the dog get hit and killed by a drunk driver while having a picnic and Tim ends up in traction in the hospital with the girl's parents suing him and the dog turning out to be an escaped genetic experiment of a rival weird scientist to Grandpa.

“Angels don't lick their genitals in front of you Tim.”

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>Now tell me what world they visited,

>Tim and Grandpa stay home this week


You have violated your own rules and I am forced to withdraw from the competition (unless I won).

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They go to a Victorian steampunk world and Tim falls in love with a spunky wrench wench. Who dies horribly when a box of matches she uses causes her face to rot off. In revenge, Tim and Grandpa reprogram the robots making the matches to rip the factory owner to pieces while they watch.

“Revenge is kind of hollow grandpa”.

Loud screaming in the background as the robots tear the evil capitalist to pieces.

“It sure is, Timmy. It sure is. “

They then spend the next three weeks , and twenty precious seconds of screen time, putting up flyers and campaigning to improve product safety and put in place consumer protections like she actually would have wanted. Tim gets a necklace made out of her hair but Grandpa makes him bury it along with her body because “I don't care if it's the custom; it's creepy”.

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I prefer your other idea. I'd call it MacKenzie McKenzie. It follows Mackenzie and his husband Doug. The live outside Chilliwack, BC on a ranch. The show pokes fun at American misconceptions about Canada as well as Canada's insecure nationalism.

Episode ideas:

MacKenzie and Doug meet a young man at a bar in Chilliwack. He moved to Canada because it's progressive and whatnot. Mac and Doug blow him off but run into him at various points in the episode. At one point the young man is stabbed by a Vancouver transient and is taken to a doctor. He has to wait a long time at the hospital and learns that since he isn't a national, he has to pay up. He learns that both Canada and America have problems but are overall both ok. The doctor is voiced by JJ McCullough.

Mac and Doug go to Vancouver for their 10 year anniversary to go on a deep sea fishing trip. Their boat gets hijacked by homeless people at knifepoint before they leave port. They throw them overboard and go on a trip. When they get back, a video has gone viral of Mac throwing a bun in the water while Doug coldpeepees another into the bay. Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh condemn the act while Polivere wants to invite them on the campaign trail. Antics happen when the everyone finds finds out they're gay! Guest star Tom green as the homeless guy.

Mac and Doug are at the ranch when they get word that a caravan of homeless people and junkies is coming. What started in Portland, has already consumed Seattle, and Vancouver has fallen. Chilliwack is under attack and only two gay men can stop it. Guest star Red Green as Doug's dad who helps stop the caravan through his wacky inventions.

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This is a really long way of saying you don't frick.

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Write a short scifi script about tim solestro, a cynical, alcoholic teenager, going on an adventure with his naive, teetotaling grandfather Reginald Evelyn Darkstar IV. They are visiting an alien planet and trying to pick up the attractive, buxom alien women there. At the end of the story, tim's love interest tragically dies, through unclear circumstances that might be tied to one or both of their actions.

Title: Starbound Misadventures


TIM SOLESTRO, a disheveled, cynical teenager with a perpetually half-empty flask, slouches in the pilot's seat of a sleek starship. Next to him, REGINALD EVELYN DARKSTAR IV, an elderly man in impeccable attire, adjusts his monocle nervously.

TIM: (takes a swig) Are we there yet, Gramps? These interstellar jumps take forever.

REGINALD: Patience, Timothy. Exploring the cosmos requires time and caution.

The ship descends toward a vibrant alien planet, lush with exotic flora and shimmering lakes.


Tim and Reginald step onto the alien soil, greeted by curious ALIEN WOMEN with luminescent skin and delicate features.

TIM: (whispering to Reginald) Check out the curves on those aliens, Gramps. Maybe I can show them a few human tricks.

REGINALD: Timothy, remember our purpose here. We're ambassadors, not Casanovas.

Tim chuckles and wanders off, leaving Reginald to converse with the locals about interstellar diplomacy.


Tim confidently approaches an alluring ALIEN WOMAN, ZORIL, who beams with intrigue.

TIM: (smirking) Hey there, beautiful. What's a guy gotta do to impress you around here?

Zoril giggles and gestures for Tim to follow her into a secluded corner of the bustling market.


Tim and Zoril share a private moment beneath the iridescent trees. Reginald stumbles upon them, aghast.

REGINALD: Timothy! This behavior is... utterly inappropriate!

TIM: (defensively) Relax, Gramps. We're just having fun.

Reginald sighs and retreats, troubled by Tim's reckless behavior.


Tim and Zoril explore a mysterious cave, their laughter echoing off the walls. Suddenly, a distant rumble shakes the ground.

TIM: (concerned) What was that?

Zoril clutches Tim's arm, fear in her eyes.

ZORIL: (whispering) We must leave, now!

They rush outside to find chaos unfolding: the alien village under attack by massive creatures.


Tim and Zoril join the defense effort, fighting alongside the villagers. Reginald coordinates with the locals, trying to fend off the relentless beasts.

In the midst of battle, a tragic accident occurs. Zoril is fatally injured, her luminescent skin dimming as she collapses into Tim's arms.

TIM: (frantic) No, Zoril! Please, don't leave me.

Reginald watches in horror, realizing their pursuit of pleasure led to unforeseen consequences.

REGINALD: (to himself) What have we done?


Tim sits alone in the pilot's seat, staring blankly out into the cosmos. Reginald approaches slowly, a somber expression on his face.

REGINALD: Timothy, I'm sorry for what happened.

TIM: (quietly) It's all my fault, isn't it? I let her down.

Reginald places a reassuring hand on Tim's shoulder.

REGINALD: We all make mistakes, Timothy. It's what we learn from them that matters. TND.

They share a moment of silent reflection as the starship prepares for departure, leaving behind a planet forever changed by their brief encounter.



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look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the potty not in my replys 😷😷😷

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"but not enough terrible rick and morty ripoffs?"

I had youtube force me to view a advert for the rick and morty anime

Every year i spend on this god forsaken earth, the more and more I find myself ruminating exactly how the west hasn't fallen yet. :boomerportrait:

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