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How the frick do people gain weight???

So I started working out about a month ago. Mainly bc my fiancé wanted me to drink less and that wasn't fun so I stopped drinking. Well then I had a calorie deficit of like 6-800 calories a day from not drinking. I have been struggling to maintain 180 lbs.

I basically replaced drinking with working out so I've had some serious gains but that means I have to eat even more. And the more I work out, the more my metabolism is speeding up. I am eating 2900 calories a day, maintaining weight, but I'm burning through all my fat so I'm probably at a calorie deficit. Taking creatine and too so I've almost certainly lost some weight since I'm holding more water weight now.

Eating 200+ grams of protein a day, like 40% of diet is coming from fat and I've been trying to keep carbs low since it seems to be working for me. I feel like I'm always either stuffed or starving 24/7. I hate food so much right now.

Anyways, I went and got my testosterone levels checked just because my buddy on Sarms was getting his levels checked mid cycle. Testosterone is 1120ng/dl, free test 26ng/dl, shbg is 21 nmol/ L and albumin was 40g/l. My skin is all greasy like a teenager, I've been anxious and I've been fantasizing about fighting lately so that makes a lot of sense. My doctor says I have to do some other test to make sure I don't have cancer or some shit but frick that nerd, I'm the king of rdrama now. I'm going to have to buy new shirts in a week or two. All the sleeves are getting tight. Probably gonna buy those new shirts next week when I'm proving I'm Superman and don't have cancer.

Anyways !fitness, what do I eat? I need to maximize these gains but I need more food. I'm bouncing back and forth between "I hate food so much" to "I will murder whoever moved my protein shaker my body is eating itself and I'm angry about it" like 6 times a day at this point. I'm down to 12-14% body fat so I need to figure this shit out pretty fast.

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You have bad form

If you had good form then you would gain


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Im getting gains. Biceps and chest have gained about an inch a week. But I'm worried what's going to happen when I get under 12% body fat

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My wife still calls me her ice bear btw. :marseyblush:


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I'm trying to enjoy less :marseycry: its the only food I can eat enough of consistently

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>180 lbs


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I don't see a !thin badge in your profile, fatty. My waist will be smaller than it is now when I get to 195

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I'm 148 and camera-shy.:marseyindignant:

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2'1, shaped like a hockey puck

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That's normal for a man, especially if this guy is 6' or taller.

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Unironically start eating organ meats. Liver has near all your needed vitamins in an easily bio-available source. Liver is so high in vitamins you could overdose and poison yourself on vitamins if you eat too much. Normalise having liver paté with everything. !chuds :marseyhannibal:

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>you can die if you eat too much

>also eat it with everything

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I'm not normally an neurodivergent about texture but liver texture grosses me out.

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Mince it and make liver casserole, neighbor

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Post roid rage.

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So I could tell my testosterone had probably gone up but I got the test last week and just saw the results this morning. Today compared to last week, it feel like my skin is buzzing. I've already done my normal workout twice this morning and I'm probably going to do it all a third time before lunch because I should be sore from doing all this but I'm not. Last week I felt way more ragey though.

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I literally did the workout three times. Finally got sore the last time

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you arent going to failure on your sets. focus on form and full range of motion

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I switched from pushups to doing pushups with boards under my hands and feet to get a deeper stretch. Think I was having problems positioning my hands right but I still did more deeper pushups in all my first 6 sets than I did on my best of my three sets last Monday morning. Still did 60 more in my last three sets. Last week I took two days off to recover and I did farmer walks and front dumbbell raises all weekend this weekend

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I respect the home gym hustle. but if you are having all this excess energy i suggest getting a gym membership the gains will come you got the working ethic

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Yeah I need someone who wants to go more than twice a week or quit being neurodivergent and go myself. Also not lifting as heavy as i could. Giving my ligaments some time to catch up to my gains first.

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quit making r-slurred excuses. also your badge collection is weak and full of filler

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Dude should have done something about the gyno but at least he got traps like Michelle Obama :marseyteehee:

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Milk contains estrogens :marseyitsover: , eat monkey biscuits https://i.rdrama.net/images/17265058853418136.webp

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I'm not even joking, I've already thought about buying monkey chow

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Just eat more, more bites, more meals, more calories.

Take PEDs (marijuana) if it's still too hard.

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It would be so easy if I just ate bacon ultimate cheeseburgers from jack in the box. 930 calories, 55g of protein but I feel like that's unsustainable. Even if I ate three a day, I'd still have to have a double protein shake. And if I eat chicken, I have to eat twice as much to get the calories.

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So eat whatever you are eating now and one of those burgers right before bed, IDK.

3 burgers and a protein shake doesn't seem that difficult across an entire day and I weigh less than you

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It would be easy to eat three burgers but healthier food not packed with sodium and cholesterol is like half the calorie density. I feel like I'm defeating the purpose of not drinking if I'm going to eat fast food every day lol.

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Why not carbs then?

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I probably need to add some more. I've just never been good at gaining muscle before so I'm wondering if cutting carbs helped but it's probably just eating more in general

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Cutting carbs probably didn't help you gain muscle and it's probably contributing to how you feel like shit.

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Imma eat a box of macaroni for lunch and get back with you. I've been craving it

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I mean 1300 calories of macaroni went down pretty easy. I guess I just need to double my carbs and it wont be too hard hitting 3000 calories. I can eat French fries again!

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Nice, enjoy.

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Eat more fat, dumbass.

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So just eat ground chuck smash burgers every meal?

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You did the right thing, not drinking is so much easier than drinking less.

As for bulking I think there was a recent study where they found that you only need 125 excess cals daily to bulk. Any more is unnecessary. No I won't provide links or evidence. I will say that I found working out much more satisfying when I accepted that I was basically cheating myself when bulking.

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Switch from protein powder to mass gainer

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I'd rather just eat more. That shit is expensive compared to normal protein. I make a mass gain shake with protein, milk, yogurt and peanut butter when I need a few hundred extra calories.

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Do a one week cycle of Prednisone, you'll gain like 40 lbs over the next 90 days.

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I would only gain weight if I could eat more. I could just go take lgd like my buddy, but then my basal calories would just go up

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I was not prepared for how much that shit would frick with me. It makes you constantly ravenous.

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Unless you're like 6'6", you're overestimating how many calories you're eating by probably 300-400.

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Im 6'1". I'm logging them in my fitness pal. Scanning the barcodes and everything. I'm guessing it's pretty close tbh

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God darn how much were you drinking every day?

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That's only 6-8 white claws.

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>Well then I had a calorie deficit of like 6-800 calories a day from not drinking.

lmao most fatties are not alcoholics, no wonder you're having an easy time with it. Fatties gain their weight by guzzling 60% sugar content FizzySlurps from 7/11

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