Decades of fake pop media historians implying that the Nazis came about because germans were just wierd and different, and now the Trumpoids are running to Hitler. 1 million views on an open Nazis version of a Hitler speech.

Seen in my link is an AI "translated" Hitler speech posted by a nick Fuentes bussy boy.

The commenters on the video remark that they feel as the true content of Hitlers rhetoric was kept from them. This is true. Americans have been misled into thinking the issue with Hitler is merely that he committed genocide (specifically with camps), and assume that his rise to power was a simple advocation for that. The reality is that Americans have been kept from the deeper content of Hitlers speeches because there is nothing politically foreign about Hitler within the Overton window of our rotten American system.

The policy, rhetoric, and stances of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are closer to Adolf than most other historical fighres. The capitulation to the petit bourgeois (small business owners) and agriculture are shared between the three. The only meaningful difference between the two are abortion, immigration, and small tax and import tariff adjustments. And of course, Donald Trump cutting to the chase and aping the rhetorical style of Hitler directly and openly.

All 3 support their ideological brothers in Isreal. Nationalism, by which I mean the mere conception of Nations as unified forces of people the constitutes a worthwhile distinction between people, is more modern a concept than most of you believe. Capitulating to the idea is a given due only to the rigid enforcement of the status quo.

The truth of the matter is that there's always been little difference between the American and Nazi regime, and that farce when revealed to your generic reactionary does lead for deeper introspection as to why our institutions fail in much the same way, rather, they merely rub their 2 brain cells together and conclude that Hitler clearly must have been right.

Now, we see this playing out in grander and grander scales over time.

Isreal is happy to see antisemitism rise in America, as they see it only as a rallying cry for American liberals, and a recruiting force for their own pet war machine.

Rightoids openly hallucinate any

Unfamiliar statement by Donald Trump as a new sweeping issue, and actively use eachother's fentanyl addled testimony as evidence towards the new crises, as seen in Springfield Ohio. DNC heiress Kamala Harris openly capitulates to the small business owner class. We are so politically illiterate that she is still called a communist.

Woke Derangement Syndrome has progressed to the point where rightoids see woke more often, and in more things, despite less nihilistic liberal race politics appearing and the rapid closure of DEI departments across America. It's gotten to the point where many rightoids interpret the mere presence of BIPOCs/non-cumskins, female protagonists, non-church-related charitable acts and even feelings themselves as offensively woke.

Fentenoids now routinely start arguments online and reply that anyone replying to them is triggered and truly believe it.

Petersonian post-modernist psychobabble runs amok. Atheist conservatives now run laps for Christianity with his rhetoric, defining all beliefs aside from total nihilism as indistinguishable from Christianity, but also somehow uniquely distinct from Islam, the evil religion.

The homogenuity of thought in American politics has led the reactonaries to seek more and more difference between their presented candidates where none exists and naturally arive at Hitler.

Trump now engages in cry bullying where the crying is that people don't like him and the bullying is that as a politician he naturally is a target for morons who don't see the bigger framework that creates people like him.

Voters of either candidate are so well trained in American ideology that they actually believe that their two options are meaningfully different, and only see difference on the "permitted grounds." They watch their candidates squabble between 4,5 and 6K child tax credits and either hallucinate that to be clear indication of difference between candidates, or assume that their candidate is simply to be trustworthy on the issues they like and lying on the issues they don't.

Try to convince me nothing ever happens if you'd like, but know that if your political views resemble those of @pizzashill in the slightest you indeed would have been a Nazi

Chud's Twitter:

Of course it's a christian

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German teachers and comrades!

German Volksgenossen and Volksgenossinnen!

The German people has been summoned by the FΓΌhrer to vote; the FΓΌhrer, however, is asking nothing from the people. Rather, he is giving the people the possibility of making, directly, the highest free decision of all: whether the entire people wants its own existence [Dasein] or whether it does not want it.

Tomorrow the people will choose nothing less than its future. This election remains absolutely incomparable with all previous elections. What is unique about this election is the simple greatness of the decision that is to be executed. The inexorability of what is simple and ultimate [des Einfrachen und Letzten] tolerates no vacillation and no hesitation. This ultimate decision reaches to the outermost limit of our people's existence. And what is this limit? It consists in the most basic demand of all Being [Sein], that it keep and save its own essence. A barrier is thereby erected between what can be reasonably expected of a people and what cannot. It is by virtue of this basic law of honor that the German people retains the dignity and resoluteness of its life. However, the will to self-responsibility is not only the basic law of the people's existence; it is also the fundamental event in the bringing about of the people's National Socialist State. From this will to self-responsibility, everyeffort, be it humble or grand, of each social and occupational group [Stand] assumes its necessary and predestined place in the social order [in den Standort and Rang ihrer gleich notwendigen Bestimmung]. The labor of the various groups [StΓ€nde] supports and strengthens the living framework of the State labor reconquers for the people its rootedness; labor places the State, as the reality of the people, into the field of action of all essential forces of human Being.

  • Martin Heidegger !bookworms lets rewrite this to be about trump and pass it to Magas
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Volksgenossen und Volksgenossinnen

@UraniumDonGER was denkst du? :marseythonk:

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Male plural and female form of a word. Likely comrade. Volk = people, genosse = partner. Checking wikipedia its also directly related to the nazi idea of Volksgemeinschaft "people's community";

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I know the gender thing. It's the same in Portuguese, it's just funny he says the male and female form when Volksgenossen is already inclusive, it makes Hitler sound woke. At least in Portuguese only wokies will say "companheiros e companheiras" instead of the generic companheiros which already encompasses foids (though any !macacos who says companheiro on an unironic way is a certified commie).

Volksgenossen is not comrade, is more like saying "my fellow aryans", at least in the Nazi context the word had a strong racial connotation

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though any !macacos who says companheiro on an unironic way is a certified commie

Really now? Portuguese commies favor "camarada".

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Camarada no Brasil Γ© um termo usado pelos militares e pela policia (camarada de quartel por exemplo), entΓ£o os sindicalistas, PTistas e outros canhotos sempre usaram "companheiro".

O Fidel Castro e os comunas Cubanos tambΓ©m usavam "compaΓ±ero", nΓ£o me surpreenderia se isso teve influΓͺncia de algum tipo na linguagem dos esquerdopatas BR.

Assiste qualquer discurso do Lula que vocΓͺ vai ouvir ele dizendo "Eles deram goupi na companheira Dilma! Uma muiΓ© trabalhadora! Batalhadora! Guerreira!"


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It's the same in English. He/him/his is gender neutral and all inclusive.

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Volk but as a gender neutral pronoun

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You literally just wrote a bunch of random Pro-Trump Kamala-hating babble while supporting a guy who did all of that just to kill some really cool people in thousands of camps all over dedicated to just killing only them because he was so triggered.

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Do you have brainworms or are you tryna frick with me?

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nice homophobia there

kinda cringe tho

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As a jew who likes history :marseynapoleon: i did read a lot of hitler's original speeches and i never :marseyitsover: found :marseymimic: it difficult at any point :marseyhesright: to find english :marseyheinzbeans: translations online

the fact of the matter :marseyslm: is that most of them are extremely uninteresting :marseybrokenrecord: and just a lot of the classic :marseyscumbagsteve: "THEY want us to fail thats why THEY are doing these awful :marseysmugface: things to us and we are innocent :marseybeanadorable: and have never :marseyitsover: done anything :marseycoleporter: wrong" only in this case their "they" wasnt :marseyavril3: some vague enemy :marseyzeldabokoblin: but very literally :marseyme: just jews

all the free thinking :marseywrongthonk: people who "see through the propaganda" seem to be very willing :marseywould: to absolutely uncritically accept :marseyokay: hitler's political :marseymemeball: speeches as absolute truth, which is funny :marseylaughpoundfist:

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>skip to random part of the speech

>its just sperging about the jews

idk think the history channel was right on this one boys

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Direct your attention to the comments. My point is that it (the speech and americans right now) starts with cryingg about small business owners and farmers, and ends with sperging about the jews.

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The difference is, the modern US isn't Weimar Germany. The economy isn't complete shit. The US isn't full of angry, right-leaning war veterans who are upset that they lost a war in which millions of people died. The military, generally speaking, has no desire to try to launch an authoritarian coup against the civil government. A feeling of dislike towards Jews is limited to a small subset of the population rather than just being taken for granted by the majority of people. And pretty much the entire population, including rightoids, all grew up on the same pro-diversity movies about nice psychologically liberal people fighting heroically against evil authoritarians.

There is no basis in the US, as far as I can tell, for a successful fascist or Nazi movement.

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There is no basis in the US, as far as I can tell, for a successful fascist or Nazi movement.

That's not true. Italy won WWI and still chose fascism. Granted Italian fascism was very different in character to nazism, but imo America is more like to follow the Italian model than the German one. All that was required for Italians was a feeling that other nations were screwing them over, and that a strongman could solve their problems.

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Italy technically won WWI, but it lost over half a million dead just to get a few relatively minor strips of territory. There is no equivalent to that in modern American experience. It has been 50 years since the last time the US lost more than 10000 dead in a war.

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The comments: :!chudtoilet: wow so enlightening now I know why (((they))) kept this hidden :marseybrainlet:

The speech: DA JOOOS invented capitalism and socialism and also democracy and also banking. they're different than us which is bad but also exactly like us which is also bad :#chudtantrumfaster:

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  • JohnDevereaux : neighbor got more updooterinos than you ever did

Ctrl-f Israel


Death to groypers

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The critique remains valid. The small business owners constantly exists as a bug to be squashed by future large business, while also generally hating all the people who work for them.

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The US has the strongest military and glowing negro divisions on the planet and a federal government so large you cannot conceive of its scale, power and inertia.

Interwar Germany had no army and a comically weak government, plus international obligations that were hobbling it and no mechanisms to make it be sensible and stick to them.

The new Hitler will have a heck of a job whipping up a national frenzy over the price of a Sloppa McGoy burgersteak being $16 instead of $12 or any of the other nonissues that plague the pampered, comfortable mongrels of Muttestan

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I'd say that housing is the biggest economic issue in the modern US, particularly combined with where good jobs tend to be found. But Republicans rarely talk about it, I guess maybe because they benefit from the high housing prices too much somehow to want to use it as a talking point in populist rhetoric.

I don't think that a US Hitler has any reasonable chance of being elected, but maybe a much softer version, just a populist strongman, could get elected by hammering on things like housing.

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I've read many of Hitler's words, including about the Jews, and it is interesting that from what I recall he never actually attempts to explain how the Jews took over banking in Europe, how they became so dominant in business and the media in Europe, how it is that they managed to simultaneously have so much political power in both the liberal democracies and in Bolshevik Russia. He generally just states those as facts that have come to pass. He probably addresses it somewhere but if he does I have not seen it. Because after all it is a bit awkward. There is no reasonable explanation for how a small number of Jews could rise to such heights of power among 250 or so million non-Jew Europeans other than that they had unique intellectual gifts. Granted, unlike what people who do not read much history think, Hitler did not spend all his time ranting about Germans being the master race or whatever. In his words, he rarely makes any claims that the Germans are superior to other races. His typical argument is not that the Germans deserve more land because they are a superior race or whatever, but that the Germans need more land because their numbers have exceeded the available land, and life is a Darwinian struggle in which some win and some lose, and (implied) since he himself is Germanic, what other race would he fight for other than the Germans? But nonetheless, it would still have been awkward for him to bring up that little bit of statistical implausibility.

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but know that if your political views resemble those of @pizzashill in the slightest you indeed would have been a Nazi


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Didn't read. Heil Harris. Frick you.

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