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Kiwiggers :sneedchad: because it turns out that the :autism: speedrunner Adam "Chibi" Mayo, a caricature of the neurodivergent permavirgin shut-in weeaboo neckbeard NEET :marseyautismchonker:, turns out to be a BWC BVLL slaying both Jap AND White kitty AT THE SAME TIME while NEETMaxxing/Mormonmaxxing in Japan! :!asiangirl: :heartbeat: :gigachadautist: :heartbeat: :!10inbongland:


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1727039260686091.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17270392611330237.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/172703942180333.webp

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17270392617452087.webp :#marseystroke: volcel if you wouldnt, aint neighbors saying no to tard kitty :marseyserioushatfact: !moidmoment !ranchers !asians

Also, this absolute trainwreck of a no-life autismo NEET fatty ascended with MULTIPLE foids Mormon-style just by simply existing in Japan, if Chibi can do it, then anyone can do it. :marseyserioushatfact: @lain

Meanwhile Kiwispics be like:


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I don't see any comments about racemixing which is the bulk of your text :marseyconfused:

Just people saying he smells bad and the mayoid is fat (true)


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>I don't see any comments about racemixing which is the bulk of your text :rdramajanny:

:#marseymisinformation: !metashit

>Just people saying he smells bad and the mayoid is fat (true)


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You got played, neighbor!!!


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>Just people saying he smells bad

That's why the grandma in the second photo is covering her nose

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Kill Kiwis. Behead Kiwis. Roundhouse kick a Kiwi into the concrete. Slam dunk a Kiwi NEET into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Kiwiggers. Defecate in a Kiwi's food. Launch Kiwis into the sun. Stir fry Kiwis in a wok. Toss Kiwis into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Kiwi's gas tank. Judo throw Kiwis into a wood chipper. Twist Kiwis' heads off. Report Kiwis too the IRS. Karate chop Kiwis in half. Curb stomp fat r-slurred Kiwis. Trap Kiwis in quicksand. Crush Kiwis in the trash compactor. Liquefy Kiwis in a vat of acid. @Grue stand with Israeli kiwi removal. Eat Kiwis. Dissect Kiwis. Exterminate Kiwis in the gas chamber. Stomp Kiwi skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Kiwis in the oven. Lobotomize Kiwis. Mandatory castrations for Kiwis. Grind Kiwi corpses in the garbage disposal. Drown Kiwis in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Kiwis with a ray gun. Kick fat Kiwis down the stairs. Feed Kiwis too alligators. Slice Kiwis with a katana.

Total Kiwi death. :marseykiwigenocide::marseynullgenocide:

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!downmarseyrs Kiwimisia shall not be tolerated on this website :#marseynullautismpat:

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Hard ask @Grue know but have they tried being more likeable than Reddit users

@Grue stand with Israel

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I agree with you ob this point. Trans lives matter more than kiwi lives matter.

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Still upset :marseyseethe: about your alleged Kiwi ban?

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daily reminder that the kiwitards are the exact same losers they claim to hate


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Something something dramatists redditors

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!dramatards, we're being insulted! Do not let this stand!! :marseybeanangry: :marseybeanangry: :marseybeanangry:

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The Dramatard is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, cuck, soyboy, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Redditor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

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:marseykys2:, Kiwi cute twink. Even Redditards are better than Kiwicels, and that's REALLY saying something.

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Absolutely SEETHING :laugh:

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MFW "Absolutely SEETHING": :#wifejak::#derpinapokerface::#!glassesfemjak:

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dramatists are slightly better than the average redditor but not by much


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No, we're worse. Stochastic terrorism + bad faith :marseyindignant:

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Is she trying to look like trans Peach?

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@Grue stand with Israel, but not nearly as much as @Grue stan Rainbogres

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I thought it was the guy crossdressing for good 2 seconds

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Nah, this is what Chibussy looks like in drag:


And this is zxim at some cosplay beach party (a "cosplay swimsuit party" in the US is the de-facto meeting of the World Obesity Federation, look at the hog on zxis right :marseysoutherner::marseylolcow:)


Given zxis terminal autism, Chibi wears this cosplay costume for hours without taking it off even when inside his house (:marseysniff:) and constantly remaining in character as an escapist coping mechanism, here zxe is roleplaying as the Ace Attorney neighbor on stream, see if you can get past 10 seconds:


https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fe/d2/96/fed296bb4d4f8993adb1d0b2c2b40dec.gif !ranchers !g*mers

Also, zxe is probably intentionally Gaymaxxing by pretending to be a gay UwU Yaoi anime boi as a way to get easy access to Fujo kitty orbiting him :marseybigbrain: !anime !fellas would you pretend to be a cute twink as a 400 IQ Einstein brain reverse psychology intellectual move to get some proto-pooner kitty (PPP)?

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sigma male

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It isnt???

Palestinian lives matter

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I thought that was chibi at first.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Getting laid in japan is unbelievably easy. You basically just have to say hi and you're a continent ahead of like 95% of the locals who will not approach due to neurodivergent social norms.

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the seething in the KF thread is hilarious, jealousy seeping out the comments :marseyxd:

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If you unironically can't get laid in Japan, then you can't get laid in SEAsia and honestly, you might as well castrate yourself and become a monk at that point.

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I'd really prefer if you'd be quiet

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Do you like Cirno?


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This is Cirno.


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Man Japanese women really do love white guys. Considering the only westoid he could get was that goblina and yet the Jap chick is actually decent looking. what the frick.

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>Japanese women really do love white guys.

:#marseyserioushatfact: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17006778577167697.webp !soyteens !asians !whites

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Japanese women love literally anyone who aren't pedophiliac Japanese men.

Unironically, one of the biggest turn-offs for Jap foids I've seen is mentioning any Jap Idol group in any positive light. Shits like alarm bells and red flags for your crypto-pedophilia honestly.

Kpop is fine to them. They like Kpop. Jpop is fricking creepy to Jap foids.

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I know and like one j-pop group and they're both in their forties.

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Well they better be behaving like they are in their 40s and not still dressing up in schoolgirl clothing.

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I don't know what shonen knife dresses like.

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That's still 19 in human years :stabler:

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Why is the Japanese woman depicted as Soylita? :soylita::hansen2:

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The Japanese woman is very clearly :#soylita: rather than :#femjak:. Just look at the chin, for example.

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>Just look at the chin, for example.


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actually decent looking



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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17270527599978507.webp neighbor nose (proof that the original Samurais were BLACK) !chuds !asians

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@Shreddedmanlet this u?

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Have you ever met a Jap girl who doesn't have an Elizabeth Warren-style claim that they had a "Dutch" ancestor at some point?

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Part of why Nip girls love mid white boys is because the latter can't tell the difference between women Japan considers hot vs ugly

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Even her pained smile can't hide the pain

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Volcel if you wouldn't

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Decent is like 6/10. I didn't start wolf-whistling and drooling.

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Kill Kiwis. Behead Kiwis. Roundhouse kick a Kiwi into the concrete. Slam dunk a Kiwi NEET into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Kiwiggers. Defecate in a Kiwi's food. Launch Kiwis into the sun. Stir fry Kiwis in a wok. Toss Kiwis into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Kiwi's gas tank. Judo throw Kiwis into a wood chipper. Twist Kiwis' heads off. Report Kiwis to the IRS. Karate chop Kiwis in half. Curb stomp fat r-slurred Kiwis. Trap Kiwis in quicksand. Crush Kiwis in the trash compactor. Liquefy Kiwis in a vat of acid. Eat Kiwis. Dissect Kiwis. Exterminate Kiwis in the gas chamber. Stomp Kiwi skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Kiwis in the oven. Lobotomize Kiwis. Mandatory castrations for Kiwis. Grind Kiwi corpses in the garbage disposal. Drown Kiwis in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Kiwis with a ray gun. Kick fat Kiwis down the stairs. Feed Kiwis to alligators. Slice Kiwis with a katana.

Total Kiwi death. :marseykiwigenocide::marseynullgenocide:

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>being jealous of a 2/10 crosseyed b-word

Sometimes I forget what actual fricking subhumans I'm talking to on the internet

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:#hesrightyouknow: !ranchers @MoonMetropolis

This is what a Kiwigger with an account from 2017 looks like:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17270472101044035.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17270472105208762.webp

And he used to date this creature (this is an actual natal woman btw :marseydarkxd:)

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17212535473951938.webp https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/615/080/bbb.png !soyteens


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If this guy is 2/10 it never even began for me

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Stop being so down on yourself. You will find happiness. :@istillmissistillmissedlove::@istillmissistillmissedlove::@istillmissistillmissedlove:

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There can't be that many speedrunners who haven't :marseytrain2:ed out by now, so congrats to him on that.

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Honestly not a bad looking chinese lady and i hate asians

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disturbing imagery

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Did youtube remove the video of frank hassle calling chibi's mom?

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incels are incel by choice :marseyshrug:

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:marseyblackfeminismdenied: *ytcels

For deathnics who don't have arranged marriage, the situation is dire

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Please, phony gODs, let this cause an epidemic of Kiwicel suicides. :#fingerscrossed:

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He mogs me, this is no proof I'd be successful in Japan.

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inshallah I will find a turbo evangelical asian foid to marry :marseypraying:

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I'm the grandma plugging her nose in the second photo

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i made it halfway through the title before i just could not continue reading that garbage :hmph:

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Laugh all you want


Any woman with this type of face is 110% prime wife and mother material

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Too many chromosomes to be a mother :marseywomanmoment2:

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Despite being Ogre-ish, pig nosed and chunky there's something oddly kind of cute about her. :marseyshrug: I won't hold a lazy eye against someone.

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She do be keeping one eye looking out for opps

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