It's fricking crazy how neoliberal Democrats are just 15 years behind other Western countries in not understanding how their policies will collapse the country and lead to massive chud support

Germany tried this with Turks and Syrians, Canada tried it with jeets, UK tried it with Pakis, etc...

But they think it will work with Haitians lmfao

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"Sure my policies are actively destroying everything but you don't know how to solve the existing problem so we'll just keep going with my thing"

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I dont think theyre really destroying anything lol.

My solution, however, is to just let them wither and die.

stop trying to help rurals, let them suffer, let them be poor, do not even attempt to help them. over time they'll die off and the country will just be an outright better place.

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BIPOC you are an aldi manager

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department manager, not even the whole store

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You work at a grocery store

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does this not apply to shitty immigrants?

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i've never met any shitty immigrants is the thing. I'm sure they exist, but basically every one I've met has been gainfully employed, friendly, and minds their own business.

they're 10x better to work with or be around than rurals.

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i've never met any shitty rurals is the thing. I'm sure they exist, but basically every one I've met has been gainfully employed, friendly, and minds their own business.

they're 10x better to work with or be around than immigrants.

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Pizzashill and urbans sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, First comes love, Then comes marriage, Then comes baby in a baby carriage.

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How do you tards still not get it. They are bringing in Latinx. Nothing is getting destroyed.

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Drive around Los Banos some time

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Sorry I don't play GTA anymore.

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Neighbor what are you talking about? The prevailing argument Democrats made in the Bush era was that beancels do jobs that Americans don't want and they act as a slave labor layer that props up "the economy."

Thats why they had to pivot so hard to racism once that lie blew up in their face.

The original immigration act in the 60s that opened the gates to the flood of beancels contained a CBO approved rider that the racial composition of the nation wouldn't change as a result of it because the migrant workers would return to Mexico and travel seasonally. :marseyxd:

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beancels are a lot better :marseysaulgoodman: than voodoocels and mudslimes.

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What about the gonks?

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The mayos had their chance.

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For once the leafs are ahead of the curve compared to burgers

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Yeah, makes sense that it was an accident.

Normally we're a real "go for the bronze" kind of place.


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Clinton was supposed to win 2016 which would have put the burgers on a similar path to us, but instead they got orange man so the establishment had to drop C19 on us so we could learn our place, get in line, stop being afraid and learn to love the (population) bomb.

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Clinton would have signed TPP which would have reduced our need for cheap labor.

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Trudeau would have done it anyway in service of his personal reputation.

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Haitians literally killed and butchered mayos to have an all black ethnostate, whites were barred from entry to their country by the first constitution. Why should we live around these people?

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Thought that bit about no whities allowed was funny so i looked it up

:marseysad: only applies to white slave owners apparently

:marseyfortykeks: the very next article of their constitution makes an exception for white women tho

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The bit about Poles is because the French force sent to end the slave rebellion and put the Haitians back in chains had Polish exile units in it. The Poles were seeking military training and French favor to retake Poland after the :marseykaiser: :marseyflagaustria: :marseyflagrussia: had invaded and occupied their homeland, and the French lied that they were being sent to fight criminals in a big prison uprising.

When the Poles realized it was actually a slave rebellion fighting their former masters for freedom and an independent country, many Poles switched sides and joined the Haitians.

There are many Haitian proclamations and letters where they call Poles "white negroes" and "the negroes of Europe" as a compliment.

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>encourage civic choice by providing subsidies for homeownership in low density towns ala charter schools

>block grants for remote jobs

>middle class remote workers spend money locally, revitalize small towns, sans haitians

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Ez fix

Kick out your parasites from your country. Send them back to their origin or don't. Who cares.

Build a wall around their shit hole.

Gun anyone down not authorized to cross.

Force them to get an education and improve their own home country


They're not a shithole country anymore

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>send them back to their origin

Canada isn't letting in natives so I don't think returning is an option

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Kill them. Donate bodies to science

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I think Science has enough as it is

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Put them on the free market, I'm sure coomers will find a use for them

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Please someone with the coins! I need someone to get up and do their job.

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Far right version of we need mo money fo dem programz :taylaugh:

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Except these ones have a success rate

They either do better or they die. Win win

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Build a wall around their shit hole.

Gun anyone down not authorized to cross.

Force them to get an education and improve their own home country

Sounds like it would be cheaper to encourage them to become communist. Most commie countries will do all of this gratis :taysmart:

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We've tried nothing and we're all out ideas!

And who says they need saving? What so they can make slop like all the cities do? Neolibs will do everything to "help" poors beside actually giving poors decent wages

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Whites in lower socioeconomic classes are a threat and give me the ick. They should just so away forever. :marseywomanmoment:

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:redlight::chudjakpoint:CHUD ALERT!:!chudjakpoint::redlight:


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Critiquing open borders isn't a chud thing, Bernie himself called open borders a Koch Brothers conspiracy, Republicans love cheap illegal Mexican labor to build houses in Florida, it's just Democrats want the slave labor to vote for them lol.

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remember during that DNC presidential debate when the moderator asked the candidates to raise their hand if they supported open borders and 9/10 of them immediately raised their hand?

i remember lmao it was only a few years ago

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I didn't find the open border question, but I found all of them raising their hands for free healthcare for illegals.

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I think the specific phrasing was whether or not illegally crossing the border or overstaying your visa should be downgraded from a felony to a simple misdemeanor. It may have been to "downgrade" it out of the criminal system entirely by considering it a civil case but that doesn't even make sense to me.

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Bernie himself called open borders a Koch Brothers conspiracy

Bernie Sanders or How I Learned to Love the BIPOC

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"Saving" Detroit by turning it into Mumbai is some sort of monkey paw shit.

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>Detroit: Become Human


>Detroit: Become Poo


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What do you mean? Bradford, Leicester and Small Heath are all thriving high wage, low crime towns now they've been blessed with Mirpuris

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Small Heath


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No young, educated, productive people want to live in small towns though. Small towns are dying bc they suck and all the skilled people understand that life is better for them in cities.

If boomers and welfare-Americans (white) want to keep living in Fentsville they'll need hard working immigrants to run the grocery stores and nursing homes.

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