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Until November 6th?


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All reddit subs will gradually become /r/politics unless politics are explicitly banned.

See Simpsonsshitposting, all the twitter screenshot subs, /r/science etc

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I think there was an old internet truism about how heavy moderation generally will foster a left wing community eventually whereas passive moderation tends to create a rightoid community.

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I think it somewhat depends on who has cultural control. I don't remember 4 chan in the 2000s being considered particularly political or right wing when they had more pull in social spaces. It's just now racism and saying no no words are only allowed in right wing circles cause it's the ultimate left wing sin and the left have control of most spaces on the Internet

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Heavy moderation favours the establishment, free speech favours gadflies. That said, the modern internet is young enough that your version is basically equivalent.

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It's because rightoids are the wandering tribes of JVDEA and they settle anywhere that doesn't kick them out


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>Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing.




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As I said before

It's /r/socialism but they know where the funko pops come from


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What do you mean? Under a system of true communist socialism everyone would get a free funko pop per month and a free copy of the newest zelda games whenever they come out. Plus, free trans surgery.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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free trans surgery

Mandatory trans surgery



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Where do I sign :marseytrotsky: :commiebrainlet:

Sorry !anticommunists I'm going over to the other side

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Are you really :marseytrain2:

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I got banned on day one there because I said :marseytrain2:s and unemployed reddit people will kill that sub.

Which is weird because you can pretty much say that about any Reddit sub.

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The funny thing is that a lot of, maybe most, of the OG :marseytrain: jannies that started appearing have cycled out now. I think they've been replaced with more :marseytrain2:s, but I stopped keeping track.

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I was going to ping you for this Joe then realised it was you posting lel.

The 2020 wave was terminal, the 2024 wave has fricked a few more holes in the :deadhorse: . /r/neoliberal is where /r/politics was a few years ago now. all subreddits suffer the same fate inevitably, just like rdrama itself will one day become just another WPD clone

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I was going to ping you for this Joe then realised it was you posting lel.

Lmao low hanging drama from /r/neoliberal is my bread and butter, bb. But yeah the 2020 terminal decline has been hard to watch. You used to be able to have fun discussion and dab on succs, chapos, and anyone who was outside the neocons/neolib dynamic. Now the succs are the majority and the chapofugees and their ilk are posting "Um akshullly sweaty, arr neo liberal has always been trans rights uwu. I've been here since 2021 OwO." Go to any thread and the highest comment comes from someone who also posts in Vaush :marseypedo: and Hasan :marseyturkroach: subs.

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I used to be an econoposter there, (prolific on the Aus ping but I lacked the raw patience tilly had to deal with tards) but eventually I gave up.

To seethepost for a moment, I would've thought a movement based around economic freedom would've understood that some things are hard to roll back (fricking up the economy is tough to come back from) and some things are easy (you can always re-legalize gay marriage). Instead it seems like there's a single highest value (trans rights) to which everything else is subordinated. Even if you agree with the jannies on the merits of being able choo-choo-choose to snort horse estrogen at the age of 12, if you consider economic policy and growth more important than this you're a transphobic monster.

The most annoying thing isn't just that it's ruined, it's that the jannies were perfectly complicit in pooping it up in the quest for more subscribers. I can only imagine what they got paid for such a feat.

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The Jannies had a little Purge of the Gerondins in 2018. The head mod said the g*mer word in groomercord and that was enough for the Jacobin faction to take hold. Like Robespierre, they hold virtue and social issues purity to be the standard, as opposed to pragmatism. It's a corrupted version of its former self.

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rDrama is like punk- it will live as long as it is completely unpalatable too the masses

Black Lives Matter in @Grue's trash compactor, :!marseytrain:s should castrate all s*x offenders and conservatives


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:!marseytrain:s should castrate all s*x offenders and conservatives

I'm working with the Harris campaign and we are very interested in this slogan, have you copyrighted it?

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Go for it babe

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Has the guy been on that sub since 2020? There are maybe 10% of the moderate libs left on that sub and a handful of conservatives that haven't been banned yet because they know when to pick their battles but that place has been majority Prog Libs and Soc Dems for years now.

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/r/neoliberal users when neoliberals post on /r/neoliberal


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Thatcher and Reagan are persona non grata on that sub.

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You telling me /r/neoliberal under this https://i.rdrama.net/images/17273756814702663.webp literal paid shill's leadership became unbearably fake and straight? :marseyscreamgenocide: :marseyscreamgenocide: :marseyscreamgenocide:

Just ONCE I wish the physiognomy check was wrong, but alas :marseyitsover:

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who is that?

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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one of the OG mods of the sub and his gay little twink friend made a podcast which was eventually bought out by a DC Demokkkrat think tank, the Progressive Policy Institute.


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In modern American politics at least, I don't really see what the differences between Neoliberals and SocDems are at this point. Support for Isreal I guess. Medicare for all. Otherwise they all believe in the same social and economic policies just on a sliding scale of how much to spend etc. Neoliberals shouldn't be surprised that if you keep giving the left little a more administrative state as a treat they're just going to want even more.

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Neolibs are supposed to support free markets. Though the word has become so misused it's borderline meaningless at this point.

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Kamala could announce that she's gonna establish a Soviet and neolibcels would ENTHUSIASTICALLY defend her as she's is FAAAAAAAR better for trans lives matter and abortion than Grumpf

Love to see it

Ultimately it doesn't matter as I'm much more protectionist and economically leftist than those tards

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