The Good Guys do Goodguy things to stop the Bad Guys
Proton-chan, Neutron-chan and Electron-chan

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It is one of Japan's oldest snacks.

Filled with a delicious combination of vegetables and meat, the rice ball is usually shaped by hand and wrapped in a layer of seaweed.

Onigiri rice balls, Japan's on-the-go fuel, were around even before the samurai took them onto the battlefield.

Today, this centuries-old snack has taken on a bizarre new form.

The snack is now being prepared by young women who use their armpits to shape the balls, a strange culinary twist that has gone viral on social media.

Customers are assured that all the ingredients, and body parts, used to make the dish are disinfected prior to preparation.

Before making the onigiri, all the ingredients and the body parts they come into contact with are disinfected.

The girls then exercise to produce sweat, and use their armpits instead of their palms to knead and shape the rice balls.

The finished product is then sold at high prices in some restaurants – as much as 10 times that of regular rice balls.

A diner who tried the armpit delicacy said they tasted no different.

Some restaurants openly demonstrate the process, proudly promoting their star chefs and the unique technique by allowing customers to visit the kitchen.

Intriguingly, scholars have studied the sexual significance of armpits.

A study from 2013 found that sweat from that area of the body contains a specific pheromone that can improve human emotions when smelled or licked.

A Japanese man was reportedly reluctant to eat some armpit rice balls he had in his home, so 14 of them rotted, and neighbours called the police to complain about the unbearable odour.

The strange culinary concoction has sparked a heated discussion on social media.

“These rice balls can satisfy the taboo desires of a few people, as long as they are hygienic, there is no harm,” one person said.

“It's unacceptable. What if the chef has a hidden illness? I'd rather eat regular rice balls,” an online observer wrote on Weibo.

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  • BWC : League snowbunnies are built for the most vantablack darkest coal sub-saharan African BIPOC BBC
Reddit is very mad league of legends is releasing a 500$ skin :marseyfox:

Of course you don't need to pay 500$, only if you want the special version with a signature on or something, but boy are they angry.

no the skin has no in game advantage

no you don't need to buy it

The normal one is also pretty cute and it's a "normal" price


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

There always have been pictures of him where he didn't look appealing. He is not so photogenic. But there are some angles that capture him in a nice way. I always find him appealing in motion, though.Here is a picture from the Wonka promo and I think he looks very good: still intact 😉 And yes, he worked out quite a bit in the last months and his face just matured a bit. In my eyes, he doesn't look old at all. (-4)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

I do not want people to say it's because he's getting older no one ages this fast in 1 year it looks like he is doing drugs now  (45)

Yeah he's also almost 30 now but either way his looks went to shit (1)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘 people saying he had a good chin before, he didn't. He always had a weak chin. Now he has a double chin. (1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Now he looks like he stinks and doesn't take showers (25)

You're a pathetic c*nt judging Timothy I bet you're ugly shit (3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

My son wasn't born this way he just got with the wrong crowd and being around evil people (Kylie Jenner) will do this to your face spare my r-slurred son  (24)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

It‘s drugs and cigarettes. (17)

I'd be willing to bet that and also just pure exhaustion. He seems to be at the height of his career at the moment so he's busy as heck. Couple that with the pure stress of hiding the person you're supposedly dating, must all be taking a toll. (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/AddictedToConez

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 2

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Me, when a dramautist bait gets picked up by CNN...
Thief fricks around and finds out

Many of the laughing commenters are also black because safrican peeps here are all sick of crime


!r-slurs !comicshitters @911roofer GTFIH AND POST YOUR OWN EXAMPLES!





Sexy Indian dudes getting downvoted

I think it's just one or two guys who post Indian things to the sub.

/u/GregsBoatShoes come to rDrama

Potty Dogs deemed SAFE :marseydoge1:

!goyslopenjoyers !tradies

Time for a home improvement project

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  • johnnypoop : I'm going to buy 2.5 kilogram tank of nitrous tonight for under 100$ usd cya
@johnnypoop fricking dies after doing too many whippets RIP :marseylibations:

Comment F to pay respects

Most Punk Redditor
!metashit is under new management

I don't know why, but that's how it is now

Speculate my friends on what's happening

@WrongHoler has already tried to usurp me for some reason, I kicked him but he can come back I was just being funny

Nothing will change, but johnnyboos disappearence could be dramatic if we make it so

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