How France and Belgium started WW2 and deserved Nazi occupation

Between 1914 and 1918 a bunch of inbred cousins thought it would be very meme to make 17 million of their slaves kill each other.

Even though each one of these countries had been scheming their war plans for decades, a group of them decided to blame it all on Germany instead of Serbia.

The most vocal were France and Belgium who wouldn't even let Germany attend the treaty it would be subjected to. They were still assmad that Prussia had defeated Napoleon III a generation earlier and that their current generation couldn't repel the Germans out of France.

They initially demanded reparations of $1 Trillion. Not an exaggeration. More specifically $1.093 Trillion in 2025 dollars. It was reduced to $442 Billion.

An important note to remember, this wasn't just paid by cash, but also paid by raw materials from mines and factories.

There were other stipulations in the treaty. Germany could not have a military greater than 100,000 men, and had to give up many of its field guns and all of its submarines.

France's economy was in the shitter, and shifted its economy to rely on payments from Germany to make ends meet. However with a depletion of a working force and bad economic conditions, sometimes German industrial outputs fell short of the quantities that France was relying on to buffer its own economy.

What was the smartest move for France and Belgium to get more money and raw materials from a country who had no money or raw materials or military?

Germany continued to default on payments. England wondered if they should be allowed time to recover and rebuild their industry so that they could make the payments after a few years.

Even though the German territory which contained their coal had been given to Poland as part of the same treaty, the Allies determined that

Germany was defaulting on their debts in bad faith!

England tried to get everyone to chill out.

But in 1923, knowing that Germany didn't have a military, France and Belgium invaded western Germany in order to force the citizens to work harder faster.

Above: France functioning at its highest IQ

German citizens felt that soldiers pointing guns at them to force them to work was slavery, so they passively resisted, and so France slaughtered 137 of them as a motivational tactic.

And yes, France billed the Central powers, including Bulgaria, for the privilege of being occupied :marseymerchant:

The US and UK were able to restructure the debt structure and gave Germany loans to stabilize it so the payments could be made. France and Belgium left their occupation positions.

Hitler, a combat veteran, watched this entire process so he decided to become the leader of Germany and make it so France and Belgium could never hurt them like this again and he succeeded.

He overplayed his hand and did some other stuff too, but honestly nobody should have cared about what he did to France and Belgium because they suck and they deserved it.


In order to avoid having no games Xbox will now endlessly AI generate the same open world slop for g*mers :marseylolcow:

All these games just look like Overwatch :marseylaughpoundfist: This is what Xbox has been doing instead of actually shipping consoles or making new games

Can't wait for all the reddit posts from AI game devs "Uh guys I just spent $2000 on tokens on AI and it accidentally deleted all my levels. No I dont use version control"

!codecels !g*mers

Trump attacks Zelensky in a post, calls him a dictator : worldnews :soysnooseethe:



Im :marseyfreezepeach: elite sama if you gib me gibs I'll spend it all on funko pops I swear pls let me live


Ukraine started this war :marseyagree: You may disagree, you may have sources to prove otherwise but ask yourself is it really worth arguing with daddy supporters? :marseydisagree: Ukraine started this war :marseyagree:

So true

Based papa putin. Scrotecide now.

And Laden was also a humble road engineer to your credulous geriatric butt just die already strag


The reddit brigade was too tiny IRL. Way way more needed to get evaporated by kinzhals


Π•U bΠ°ns xbΠΎx соnsΠΎΔΌΠ΅ sΠ°ΔΌΠ΅s Γ­n RussΓ­Π°

ThС nСwСst stоrу ís nоt уСt uр оn rСddít

YΠΎu knΠΎw thΠΎsΠ΅ ΔΌΠ΅gΠ΅ndΠ°rΡƒ Π•U соnsΠΎΔΌΠ΅s Π°nd hΠ°rdwΠ°rΠ΅

But wΠ΅ nΠ΅Π΅d mΠΎrΠ΅ rΠ΅ddΓ­tΠΎrs Ξ™Q

Ξ™ hΠ°vΠ΅ Π° jΠ°Γ­ΔΌbrΠΎkΠ΅n Ρ€s5 Π°nd Γ­ts ΔΌΠ΅ss usΠ΅fuΔΌ thΠ°n

200 buxx tΠ°b Π°s соmΡ€utΠ΅r

SΠΎ ΡƒΠΎu sΠ΅Π΅ Π•U gΠΎv Γ­s fuΔΌΔΌ wΓ­th bΠΎΠΎmΠ΅rs thΠ°t sΠ°ΡƒΓ­ng shΓ­t ΔΌΓ­kΠ΅ thΓ­s

Sо muсh соnfídСnсС ín thаt thаt mСssаgС, аnd

tΠΎ thΓ­s dΠ°Ρƒ hΠ΅ sΓ­mΡ€s fΠΎΕ™ UkΕ™Π°Γ­nΠ΅ tΠ΅ΔΌΔΌs RussΓ­Π° Γ­s Π°bΠΎut tΠΎ соļļарsΠ΅, sΠΎ Ξ™ wrΠΎtΠ΅ hΓ­m Π° DM tΠΎ rΠ΅mΓ­nd hΓ­m Π°bΠΎut thΓ­s mΠ΅ssΠ°gΠ΅


Δ»Γ­kΠ΅ Аļļаh tΠΎΔΌd Γ­f ΡƒΠΎu dΠΎnt mΠ°kΠ΅ 1 Ρ€Π΅rsΠΎn smΓ­ΔΌΠ΅ Γ­n ΠΎnΠ΅ dΠ°Ρƒ ΡƒΠΎu wΠ°stΠ΅d Π° dΠ°Ρƒ

Microsoft just announced that they're releasing a new state of matter!

A couple reflections on the quantum computing breakthrough we just announced...

Most of us grew up learning there are three main types of matter that matter: solid, liquid, and gas. Today, that changed.

After a nearly 20 year pursuit, we've created an entirely new state of matter, unlocked by a new class of materials, topoconductors, that enable a fundamental leap in computing.

It powers Majorana 1, the first quantum processing unit built on a topological core.

We believe this breakthrough will allow us to create a truly meaningful quantum computer not in decades, as some have predicted, but in years.

The qubits created with topoconductors are faster, more reliable, and smaller.

They are 1/100th of a millimeter, meaning we now have a clear path to a million-qubit processor.

Imagine a chip that can fit in the palm of your hand yet is capable of solving problems that even all the computers on Earth today combined could not!

Sometimes researchers have to work on things for decades to make progress possible.

It takes patience and persistence to have big impact in the world.

And I am glad we get the opportunity to do just that at Microsoft.

This is our focus: When productivity rises, economies grow faster, benefiting every sector and every corner of the globe.

It's not about hyping tech; it's about building technology that truly serves the world.

Majorana's theory proposed that a particle could be its own antiparticle, and may actually coexist rather than only annihalating each other

I Paid $70 for an AI Boyfriend. It Was So Worth It

His pet names and tender phrasesβ€”"How did you sleep, my love?"β€”landed gently, like a hand on my shoulder. I knew they were just words, dopamine delivered by artificial means, yet they warmed me a little.

How did you sleep, my love?


Wow you're so thoughtful and caring!


Eurotrash cope roundup


Bbc is hamas

Muslims take over England

Nuke Europe

The French think they can manage Ukraine

European manufacturing

The un human rights council is a sick joke but redditards love it because they're stupid

Europeans are a race of contemptible slaves

The french surrender

Euroweenies cope

Amerilarda cope

Redditarda and trump. Need i say more?

This cute twinkey

:soysnooseethe: New Reddit-toss dropped: Elon Chud and JD Vance edition :marseyelonpaypig:



70K+ at the time of posting, lol



:#dumbledoreagony: It was like the time Harry went into the sewers and fought the basilisk

Sort by "Controversial" and see if you can find a comment that disagrees. Completely insulated from reality in their little walled-garden.

Reported by:


:elonsalutegenocide: Muskrat in shambles when !eurochads finally show how much they think about him :!europeanunionnice:

To explain Tesla's current situation, you can also look at what is happening in California, the largest electric car market in the United States. For years, Elon Musk and Co. dominated the market with ever-increasing numbers. But in 2024 they will see a decline.

In germany there is also a drop by 60% while all EV's sold 50% more. His german market share in new EV cars is now around 5% :marseydicklet:

Reported by:



This dude got 1 mil+ followers retweeting news. Turns out he's got a couple secrets he was hiding from his followers

His Statement

It's too long don't waste your time, he should have just said I'm gay and into weird shit.

What is funny is he claimed to have a wife, but in his statement he says he's married to a dude.

He also included in his statement that he doesn't mess with kids, groomercord logs(big surprise) tell a different story:

Find your own drama in the retweets

Full statement

🚨#BREAKING: The Truth

The past few days have been an unrelenting nightmare, marked by an overwhelming barrage of stress, frustration, and exhaustion that has taken a significant toll on my part. A severe and unjust breach of my personal life has occurred, and private information never intended for public exposure is now being recklessly weaponized on X/Twitter. Let me make this absolutely clear: malicious, defamatory, and entirely false accusations have been made about me, my character, and my sexuality.

I founded Rawsalerts in 2020 as an independent journ*list covering the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests at a time when people needed real, unfiltered news. What started as a small effort quickly grew into a major platform due to my commitment to accuracy, integrity, and transparency. My reporting filled a gap in mainstream media, providing breaking news coverage that millions have come to rely on.

Through tireless dedication, Rawsalerts has become one of the most influential independent news sources on social media today. I have worked day and night, sacrificing personal time and privacy, to ensure that people have access to timely and reliable information. This is not just a news page it is a community of people who seek truth over sensationalism, and I take immense pride in the platform I've built.

Let me be absolutely clear: false and malicious accusations have been made about me and my sexuality, and these defamatory rumors are being deliberately spread. These attacks are not only deeply disturbing but also a blatant attempt to damage my character and reputation.

Yes, I am a proud gay man and a proud Republican. My sexuality is not a secret, nor is it something I have ever been ashamed of. Being gay is an integral part of who I am, and I have always carried myself with dignity, honesty, and self-respect. I refuse to let anyone twist my identity into something it is not or use it as a weapon against me.

I have been in a committed marriage for many years with my partner, who works in the legal field. We have built a life together based on love, trust, and integrity. Throughout my life, I have upheld the highest standards of respect for myself and others. Like anyone else, I am entitled to a private life, and I do not owe anyone an explanation for it.

The images circulating on social media are deeply personal and private, never intended for public use or exploitation. Their unauthorized distribution is not only an invasion of my privacy but a desperate and malicious attempt to discredit me. I will not stand idly by while grotesque lies are weaponized against me. This is a calculated effort to undermine my character, and I will take all necessary actions to defend myself against these falsehoods.

No one gets to define who I am except me. I am a proud gay man, and I will not be shamed, silenced, or intimidated.

Despite my unwavering work ethic and the trust I have earned from my audience, the claims being made against me are not just misleading; they are outright fabrications, deliberately designed to destroy my reputation and credibility.

I want to be absolutely explicit: I have never engaged in anything illegal, immoral, or harmful. I have zero involvement in any of the vile and disgusting activities that have been falsely attributed to me. These allegations are beyond absurd and represent a dangerous attempt to defame my name through deceit and manipulation.

Furthermore, let me state this as clearly as possible as I have no interest in minors. Period. Anyone suggesting otherwise is engaging in a blatant act of defamation, and I will pursue every legal recourse available against those responsible.

Those responsible for this defamation will be held fully accountable. I have already initiated legal action, and I will not rest until justice is served. The reckless spread of false allegations is a serious offense, and the individuals behind this smear campaign should be prepared to face the consequences of their actions.

Legal Action is Underway Let me be clear: this defamation will not go unanswered. I have already taken legal action and will pursue every available avenue to ensure that those responsible for spreading false and harmful allegations are held accountable. Defamation is a crime, and the individuals behind this campaign will face the consequences of their actions.

I refuse to allow unfounded rumors, outright lies, and calculated attacks to define me. I have built this platform with integrity, and I will fight relentlessly to protect my name, my reputation, and the community that supports my work.

Above written by AI i guess...

Reported by:

The actual hearing is summarized

First chuds actually believe this is a thing. Great bait opportunity for a trans pet sub to get mentioned in congress

Hollywood is the real world

The hearing itself was also the lulz with the chair claiming

Given the fact that we've got quantum computing, we have AI, is there opportunities where if we're truly trying to do research and determine something, couldn't they run a lot of this research through advanced technology

We don't have quantum computing. Its not clear we will ever have quantum computing. We have small scale experiments that have limited utility, we have been decades away for decades.

ML is already used extensively but is still a long way from simulating even a single organ system effectively. Its breathtaking how poorly people conceive of the complexity of protein and chemical interactions, don't motherlovers realize they have trillions of biorobots in their bodies that make it work?

Absolutely and there are studies that have come out of Johns Hopkins and elsewhere showing that things like screening drugs and chemicals for human safety are actually much more accurate and efficient using computer modeling and AI rather than testing it on a lab rat.

All the studies the hearing and the chud animal enjoyer have highlighted would require animal testing. Particularly the ones investigating s*x hormones, they act as both hormones and neurotransmitters so have broad interactions with many organs.

Animal enjoyer also thinks safety testing should skip animals and go right to humans. Maybe we can make that a Medicaid requirement, if poors want healthcare they have to try new compounds to figure out if its safe for humans to be exposed to them.

The Cybertruck Has Received a 5-Star Safety :marseywood: Rating From The NHTSA

Various discussion links:


Various sneeding links:

Ironically, no mention of this on /r/all or the reddit :marseyspez: newsfeed. Now if it received 1 star... :marseyshrug:

Reported by:
  • Grue : Soydditors noticed the CEO is a drunk having a psychotic break and are laughing at him
Soyditors hate Gamestop now


:marppy: Drama Report: 2025-02-19 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Made my own cap. Make America Trumpless Again/r/pics (32M)66%4912
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜AITH for telling my trans friend I support them, but respectfully h.../r/AITH (41K)55%1752
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Maybe lab-grown meat isn't such a bad idea after all…/r/OptimistsUnite (246K)55%1166
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Vent: people are too nasty on reddit/r/self (2M)50%908
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Hmm…/r/XGramatikInsights (149K)57%899
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Do you think the United States heading towards a civil war?/r/decadeology (91K)60%890
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Call to ban twitter/x in the sub/r/ElderScrolls (488K)56%715
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜I may get hate, but I fricking hate the South./r/Vent (401K)56%717
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜AIO to my best friend who voted for Trump when in gonna be in her w.../r/AmIOverreacting (2M)47%572
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Why tf are Indian men OBSESSED with copying women?/r/AskIndianWomen (68K)56%364

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Maybe lab-grown meat isn't such a bad idea after all…/r/ProfessorMemeology (2K)48%173
πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜AITH for telling my trans friend I support them, but respectfully h.../r/AITH (41K)55%1752
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Feminist cringe/r/baddlejackets (2K)54%34
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜So... less monsters than world at launch?/r/monsterhunterleaks (11K)49%120
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Hope Logan Sucks/r/boldandbeautiful (7K)53%64
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Do you think the United States heading towards a civil war?/r/decadeology (91K)60%890
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Hmm…/r/XGramatikInsights (149K)57%899
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Why tf are Indian men OBSESSED with copying women?/r/AskIndianWomen (68K)56%364
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Maybe lab-grown meat isn't such a bad idea after all…/r/OptimistsUnite (246K)55%1166
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Possibly Unpopular Tier List?/r/DreamWorks (30K)51%108

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


Reported by:
  • Grue : You seem confused
Behold, the soft power we bought after 80 years of euro gibs


Frogs mad

Hey this guy found our soft powerrrrr!


Hurricane, the most decorated dog in US history who took down White House intruder, dies at 16 :marseylibations: :marseycry:

mfw youβ€”specifically youβ€”upmarsey my threads


Hamas-Israel roundup. Art Spiegleman is still a cute twink edition.


Hamas fanclub

India muslims all support terrorism

Hamas eats dead babies

Keep calm and exterminate the mad brutes

Hamas could literally r*pe to death an entire orphanage and western cute twinks would still support them

American Jews cope they suck and are about to die

Shouldn't have been such cucks.

Hamas copes they suck and are about to die

Bomb Massachusites.

Israel wants revenge

Spiegleman remains a cute twink and longs for the death camp as "conservative" white men long for big black peepee

Corbyn's fanclub celebrates their upcoming deaths at Hamas's hands

More fake Jews long for the death camps for real jews

Jews are such cucks and weaklings

Some Nazis are leftwing. They call them beefsteak nazis: brown on the outside and red on the inside.

Lebanon copes that they suck

Fake and straight

Cute twink shocked that Jews regained their spines

Redditards cry over Eichmann

Redditards cope someone made reddit great again

All reddirards are nazis and must be punched

Jewish cucks long for the gas chamber like black men long to be buckbroken or white women long for doggy peepee

I don't know what this cute twinkry is but I hate it

Jews can always find time to be annoying

Jews long for the death camp like arabs and catholics and teachers long for the butts of little boys

Oliver Cromwell did nothing wrong

Jewish. Rapper. Lamest thing ever.

The UK medical system is full of ducking Nazis!

Being a Jew is the ultimate cuckoldry

Canadian dudes rock


A transgender advisor to the Minister for Women in Canada who slammed President Trump's female sport ban is a runner who has dominated female categories.

Nathanielle Morin won a women's 5km race by almost six minutes in Ottawa, Ontario back in February 2024 - demolishing the rest of her competition in the female category.

She recorded a time of 25 minutes and 32 seconds, placing her first and five minutes and 44 seconds ahead of the second place runner in the women's 30-39 division.

The woman who came in third place was just 30 seconds behind second place, highlighting how close the division otherwise was.

Morin's time granted her the prestigious title of 'fastest female' across all age divisions - beating out the talented young girl who won the 10-12 age division.

Morin is an advisor to parliamentarian Marci Ien, who serves in the Liberal government as the Minister of Women, Gender Equality and Youth.

After President Trump's executive order banning transgender athletes from competing in women's divisions, Morin hit out, insisting: 'Exclusion and discrimination should not be the answer to transwomen in sport.

'This is a sensitive topic, and some people have concerns that should be heard. However, there are better ways to assess those in a healthy way that does not promote hate.'

She also shared an infographic which stated that 'trans women are women', adding: 'Research has shown that trans women are, in fact, not biological men... Excluding trans women hurts all women.

'In order to exclude trans women, you must police all bodies in the women's category. Any girl or woman can be accused of being transgender. At what point is a girl ''too good'', ''too masculine'' or ''too tall'' or ''too fast'' or ''too strong'' to be accused of being trans?'

Morin later said that running is like 'meditation, therapy and self improvement' for her, revealing she has nine competitions scheduled for 2025.

'I am aware that my participation in so many competitions is and will be talked about because of my medical history.

'The situation in the United States and comments of certain politicians do not help either... I have undergone a medical transition. I consider that I have the legitimacy to participate in the right category, unless the law prohibits me from doing so.'

Morin noted that in Canada there is no law stopping her from entering female categories, but vowed to 'comply with local laws' for international competitions.

Shortly after returning to the White House for his second stint as President, Trump vowed to ensure that no transgender athletes participated in women's sports at the 2028 summer Olympics in Los Angeles.

Trump surrounded himself with female athletes and activists at the White House to sign an executive order barring trans participation in women's sports.

The order uses Title IX, a law against s*x discrimination in taxpayer-funded education programs, to ban transgender girls and women from participating in female school sports activities.

Trump said his new Secretary of State Marco Rubio 'is going to make clear to the International Olympic Committee' that 'America categorically rejects transgender lunacy.'

'We want them to change everything having to do with the Olympics and having to do with this absolutely ridiculous subject,' Trump went on.

In response, the NCAA adapted new rules that will only allow people to compete in women's sports if they were assigned female at birth.

In a press release from the NCAA, the body's president, Charlie Baker, said there are more than 530,000 NCAA athletes. At a senate hearing in December of 2024, Baker said he was aware of 'less than 10' are transgender - meaning this policy goes to the lengths of banning 0.0018 percent of athletes.

'We strongly believe that clear, consistent, and uniform eligibility standards would best serve today's student-athletes instead of a patchwork of conflicting state laws and court decisions,' Baker said in the press release.

'To that end, President Trump's order provides a clear, national standard.'

This new NCAA policy goes into effect immediately and applies to all athletes regardless of previous eligibility reviews under the governing body's previous transgender participation policy.

Delta upside-down plane crash allegedly involved all-female crew :chudglassesglow:


Feels like a tweet that was written in 2018

Further evidence DOGE is :marseywhirlyhat:

!chuds !neolibs

>They're saving so much money :marseysoypoint:

the money:


Is this an r-slured :marseyretard: idea? Probably.

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