

!grillers you don't want to miss this one. We discuss the mechanics of his greatest troll acts, his time in prison, his plans for the future and more!


On a more serious note, imagine coming out with a song speaking of your body dysmorphia and some has-been posts 10 times in a row basically calling u ugly. Luckily miss lorde doesnt have a phone probably.

This is just straight up hateful and evil to the point that ai can't even laugh.

This is bad and not even funny.

Thank God I'm not famous. These type of comments would send me over the edge


AB is so pathetic and becoming such a miserable nobody. It's okay to just admit that you're obsessed with them, Azealia! 🤭

“Becoming” She's been one for like a decade

Whenever I see the circlejerk subs these days

LEGO Hill Climb Adventure vehicle tier list

I am a sucker for LEGO games, and once I heard that Hill Climb Adventure was getting a LEGO spin-off I was intrigued. I only played the first one and while it was fun, it didn't have a ton of depth. So I was pleased to find that this game actually has depth and a lot of content. One of the main midgame roadblocks is building new cars, so I thought I'd make a tier list talking about which ones players should prioritze. I have all but 2 cars, and so I feel comfortable breaking the ones I own down:

S Tier

Ace is far and away the best car in the game, in a game where the main hurdles are steep inclines and maining balance, a car that's great at both is a must build. Ace has amazing downforce that makes it easier to control than many other cars, and the speed helps it complete maps better than many other cars. It's only real weakness is that it's bad at getting air time, but that's solved with the other S tier.

Old School is really good for how early you can get it if you're smart. It was the 3rd car I unlocked, and it helped me unlock a bunch more cars that weren't as good. It is super lightweight, making it ideal for reaching high parts of a map. Once it picks up speed, it also goes extremely quick. This car also has the ability to go through roadblocks, but tbh that isn't a big deal and only makes the other car with this ability worthless. It does have one major weakness involving the fact it has poor grip and is thus bad at inclines if the car isn't already moving fast, but the Ace can do that.

A Tier

Hill Climber MK 2 is a fine car, and for being the starter one is pretty solid. As with any starter vehicle in a game like this, it does a bit of everything, and is a solid fallback if you don't have a lot of the specialist cars.

Race Car is a perfectly fine car, but it's actually harder to unlock than the Ace and is not quite as good in nearly every way. It is faster, but I find that isn't very useful.

B Tier

Bus is better than you might initially think, as it has good speed, control, and fuel. However the wheels being far from the sides of the car makes it a bit hard to control and I often find myself running over the passengers at the worst times.

C Tier

Cave Crawler is not a good car, it's slow and hard to control. However it has an exclusive gear item that is required for unlocking everything, so it can't be lower than C tier.

D Tier

Buggy has only one redeeming feature, it is unlocked early. Thus it has some use in the early game and is used in a decent number of side quests. However the car is really bad, with terrible controls and cannot stay grounded. The car is pretty much a new player trap, and should be dropped as soon as a better car is built.

F Tier

Hill Climber MK 1 is a funny concept, but it's worse than the Old School in every way, it's harder to control and has trouble staying grounded. I wish this car at least had some redeeming qualities, but it really doesn't. Even the ability to go through roadblocks is also given to Old School.

Monster is far and away the worst car in the game. It's slow, big, weak, and hard to control. It has literally no redeeming qualities. It is also one of the last cars you unlock, making it even worse. I can't think of a single good reason it's even in the game.

Law Rider and Hill Climber MK 3 are not included, as I haven't built those yet, my best guess is they are middle of the pack in terms of quality. !g*mers



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Where are you? Is the fence yours? Is it on the property line?Most likely, all you can do is trim what is encroaching onto your property. As for blocking the sun, that is not a viable reason to demand their removal (307)

I'm taking the picture from my house. The fence is mine. They will just grow back and damage the fence again, they grow like weeds. My property line is being eaten into by the trees. I can't access what needs to be trimmed because it's on the other side of the fence. (-207)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Nothing wrong with their yard, rosemary (72)

It's a mess. If this is how it always looks, I understand the trees too block the view. If this is just the middle of a project, it's no big deal. (-90)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

You are daft. The fence, the trees, they exist and have a right to exist. Stop thinking like and entitled person. You have exactly the rights you have. To plant where you want, to prune if they lean over your property. Otherwise, deal with it like everyone else. (49)

What kind of advice is this. Why do people post unhelpful things. Does this help you manage your stress or something (-53)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Might be a peepee move, but you could power wash and “stain”your fence and possibly kill the trees. Again, not a great move, and could probably lead to some legal battles in the future. Maybe just suggest that you're looking to install a new fence or fix the existing fence. See if they'll allow you to cut them back by a foot or so just along the fence.Probably better to try the second idea first and see how it goes. If it blows up in your face then I'd say it's full on war! /s (-45)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

I have two neighbors going at it over some trees in Michigan. The 1st neighbor has a pool, fence and pavers he feels are being damaged by roots coming on to his property. He decided to use a chemical to kill the roots on his side and in turn has damaged the other neighbors tree. Once seeing the damage to The whole tree, he approached the 2nd neighbor and took responsibility. The 2nd neighbor said he was aware of the poisoning and plans to cut not only that tree, but the other two that were next to it. The 1st neighbor offered to pay to remove the one damaged tree and replant one as large as possible to make it right within reason. The 2nd neighbor is asking the 1st neighbor to pay for the full removal of all three trees at a cost of $4k. Does neighbor one have rights to anything he has done? I suggested the split the cost, but neither one is budging. Now they are thinking of going to court. Thoughts on laws or rights? (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

What a beautiful line of trees!!! ♥️That fence is old as balls if you're telling the truth about it being 40yrs old, and way past its lifespan. Just put a new fence in - if it's on the property line the neighbors may have to cover 50% of the cost. Move your garden to a sunnier patch and stop wasting energy/frustration on trees that are very much there to stay lol. Or, y'know, have them taken down illegally when the neighbors are away and then proceed to eat your own foot when you get the supermassive bill from the lawsuit they file. 👍🏻 (5)

Not advising this, but have an ""accidental"" spill of anything that kills plants near their roots. My butthole neighbour did this to kill off my lemon tree when I told him he could not steal my lemons, I sued but had no case and it was dismissed as an unfortunate accident :D (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Drascio1773

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 6

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡🔘🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


North is the operative word here

51d latitude here, plenty of heat domes, floods, harsh freezes, massive forest fires. Canada and particularly further North is one of the areas hardest hit by climate change ... so far, lots of fresh water though. Yay.

That was true when the poles were frozen, I would venture to say that altitude is more important than longitude or latitude at this point.

:#marseycanada: :#marseyeh:

Florida because climate change is illegal there.

Ahh nice refreshing waves coming through the neighbors old house, and to think of the property value now cause last year It wasn't beachfront property. I wonder what home insurance companies call the new increased fee's - wave liquification of property? annual sea level raise fee?

Florida dumb amerite? :#marseysting:

Can we make a distinction between "habitable" and "desirable?" Sure, it's possible to survive just about anywhere. That doesn't mean that, given the opportunity, people who live in places that are miserably cold, hot, humid, flood-prone, dry, etc. would not GTFO. My fear is that my property in a hot, dry place will be so undesirable in 20 years that I won't be able to afford to pack up and move someplace less depressing. Definitely a first-world problem! 6+ months of lethal heat outdoors, a failing electrical grid, and dwindling drinking water is grim.

Well, at least this one is more realistic

10 years, easily most, if not all of the northern US and Canada. Wouldn't put any bets on 2040 and beyond though...

Lmao, some people unironically believe the “world will end in 10 years”. Let's check his profile :marseyreading:

>r/collapse, /r/australian, /r/canadiansoccer, /r/alberta, /r/canadianhousing, /r/nicaragua, /r/australia

!ifrickinglovescience !physics

[!BAITERZ] """"BATE IDEa""" Register My BUSTED POrnHOLE As 501(C)3 Charatable ORgarnizaton


STEP 2. 24/7 Access TO My DISEASED LOGSHOOT FOr: NAtive American, ""POORS"", Leper, DEMENTED DRUG ADDICTS, Career Felons, The Club Footed And, And All Most IMpotently,, The BLACKS

STEP 3. BUy $BBB $GME $AMC :#marseyastronaut2: #MOASS :#marseywallst: #SHORTSNEVERCLOASED :#hump: #DeepTHroatShortiez :#laughing: BUy AMC Popp Corm To Suppour Our COMPAnY Tjanx.


I've always been optimistic about him finishing asoiaf, but the recent stuff like the Dunk and egg tv show seems to have motivated him more (ie pushing for money).

The other day he posted a second solitary cryptic quote on his notablog, this time from best president TR:

Previously he had this quote: (this one has a blue rose image which is significantly tied to Lyana Stark)

Idk I think it's coming soon


This is frickin hilarious, someone high up at albanese is a big military nerd because the only non-standard gummies they sell are these and gummy toy soldiers

Reported by:
  • MayflyAlt-98 : >posting Holly again. He's relapsed :marseygiveup:
  • J : Theres nothing wrong with hollieposting leave him alone
EFFORTPOST Hunter S. Thompson


Hunter Stockton Thompson was born in 1937 in Louisville, Kentucky. It is not known whether he is cricimcised or not. According to biographer Peter Whitmer, there was “a sort of indescribable charisma that Hunter exuded from an early age”, and his peers recognised the “unique sense of humour” that would come to characterise his writing. As a youth, Thompson was very interested in sports, and he played baseball while he attended I.N. Bloom Elementary School. During 1948 and 1949, he wrote and distributed a sports journ*lism newspaper for his neighbourhood, and it served as an outlet for both his love of writing and his love of sports. At the time, Thompson was only eleven, and his writing was “linear and to the point, but that would change as he gained more experience. When he was fourteen, his father, Jack Thompson, died from a rare neurological disorder known as myasthenia gravis. Jack's death had a profound impact on Thompson, and some believe that it is the reason why he “left behind the dream of becoming an athlete”.

Thompson's foray into experimenting with intoxicating substances began in high school when he started drinking alcohol. During this time, he also turned into a delinquent, and his stunts initially involved setting fire “to a small eatery where students went for lunch”, but they soon grew more violent and came to include:

>pouring sulphur across the top lockers at the Collegiate Girls School, and lighting it;

>appearing at the Athenaeum Christmas dance with an entire department of stolen festive lighting; flooding the first floor of the high school with three inches of water during an assembly;

>dumping a truckload of pumpkins at the entrance to the Brown Hotel,

>or chasing the history teacher, Mr. Gearhart, around the classroom, threatening to hang him out the window by his ankles.

Thompson's alcohol-fuelled antics eventually caught up to him, however, and he frequently found himself in trouble with the law during his senior years of high school, culminating in him spending sixty days in jail after being charged as an accessory to robbery. After spending some time in the Air Force, he settled in New York where his passion for literature grew. As Whitmer notes, Thompson would spend hours “reading and outlining The Great Gatsby”, just so he could understand its inner workings. The text was highly influential on Thompson, who would go on to write his own drug-fuelled version of the pursuit of the American Dream.

Thompson the Writer

Thompson's professional writing career started in 1959 when he began working as a journ*list for Daily Record, a newspaper in Middletown, New York. His time there was brief, however, and he soon relocated to South America, where he failed to find a scoop and advance his journ*lism because, as he discovered, “in Brazil, it is more than who you know: it is who you are related to, and how much money you can give to the cause”. In typical Thompson fashion, he entangled himself in legal issues after he was found with a .357 Magnum, and “it then took real diplomatic intervention to extract him from jail”. He returned to the USA in 1963, where he settled in San Francisco.

His return to the USA coincided with the crescendo of the hippie movement, and Thompson had a first-row seat to see it all unfold. He shared some of the ideals of the hippies, as he was anti-establishment, and was a “gourmand of psychedelics”, but he did not always have a high opinion of hippies, especially those of Haight-Ashbury whom he accused of being “lazy, apolitical, unmotivated by money, and totally lacking aggressiveness”, descriptions which they would have likely not contested. He crossed paths with Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters but “his rancid attitude towards the unmotivated hippies, didn't allow him to fit naturally with the peace-loving pranksters for more than a few long drug-sodden weekend blasts”. Thompson voices his criticisms of Kesey and his Merry Pranksters in Fear and Loathing, casting derision on their carefree philosophy. After a bad experience, the protagonist thinks of the hippie mantra “tune in, freak out, get beaten. It's all in Kesey's Bible”, and concludes that it is all “bad gibberish; not even Kesey can help me now”.

Thompson began building his reputation as an eccentric journ*list, and he developed a unique method that involved him using an audio recorder as the basis of the writing and using drugs when witnessing the events that he was reporting. He grew comfortable with what Whitmer terms “confabulation”, meaning he would “glean a few facts from his friends, splice it with his inimitable style, and phone in an article, all the while recovering from a terminal hangover”.

Thompson the Character

To some degree, it could be argued that the public persona of Hunter S. Thompson is a fictitious creation. Even if one accepts this argument, it should not be forgotten that the same could be argued of any public figure who is conscious that they are being watched and judged. Merely knowing one is being observed adds a performative element to one's actions. Throughout Thompson's antics, there is a sense that he is keenly aware of his public persona, as seen in his 2003 interview with Conan O'Brien which he does while drinking liquor, smoking, and shooting with rifles at his own books.

Thompson's self-awareness should not fool one into thinking there are no genuine aspects to the writer's legend. Although his criminal history before Fear and Loathing has been discussed, it should be noted that even with his newfound fame, he continued to get into trouble with the law, including in 1987 when he fired a shotgun at a golf ball on the Aspen Municipal Golf Course. His disdain for those in power is also displayed through the scathing articles he continued to write about politicians, including Clarence Thomas. This lifelong record of criminality suggests that his oppositional stance toward authority and his devil-may-care attitude are integral parts of Thompson that would have existed regardless of whether he became a bestseller and public figure or not.

The one aspect of Thompson that is certainly not made up is his copious drug use which eventually caught up to him. In his later years, his health deteriorated so badly that his physician told him: “You are dead. And you have been for two years!”. He died in 2005, at age 67, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. It has been speculated that his copious drug use likely contributed to the depression that led to his suicide. The paradoxical legacy he leaves behind, as Whitmer summarises, is that of a “hillbilly high-school dropout with a half-dozen bestselling books to his name”.


There is not much more to be said. The man is a legend. I'm not going to cut myself today because I distracted myself with writing, although I can't stop thinking about sliding that razor on my skin. Tune in next time when I discuss Sodom and Gomorrah.

French people hate thread.

Tell us your negative experiences with the French and your general mean comments about them as a people.

Reminder that all French people are smelly, rude, and stupid.

I LOOOOOOOVE PHO (🌸´▽`)🍜 :marseycoinride:

They also had this super strong but super sweet coffee ☕ that made me crave mooooooore (🌸☆ω ☆)

And nice salad rolls


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!historychads Do you think l'empereur was a good guy or a tyrant? Would you rather side the Bongs, Austria and Russia? Or make use of the Bongs like Portugal while doublecrossing Napoleon?

Let's presume you're in 1805 and have no benefit of hindsight

(There's no Napoleonic era british soldier so the red coat should suffice).

!neolibs do you think the British Empire represented was the closest to our vision for that era?

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