Reported by:
  • forgor : Overpaid wfhcel that was crying about getting jeeted a month ago below
DC housing crash

835k for a two bedroom. Marvel at your tax dollars at work.

Eat the rich!

From Twitter instead

FYI - The Great MAGA Depression is Coming Soon : centrist


A remaining chud posting a final gem on a board while it's being heavily raided (circa 2024)
Reported by:
  • p : links to TWITTER (NOT X YOU CHUD) are banned on rDrama dot net
It appears that two X accounts of Reddit's CEO have been suspended.

Dramatard goes to the club
President Musk but unironically :marseyxd:


Weekly "what are you reading" Thread #85 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.


@Kongvann can you :marseypin2: pls

Six million people could die from HIV and AIDS if US funding stops, UN agency warns :marseynoooticer:


!nooticers 6 million :mjlol:

GENEVA, Feb 7 (Reuters) - More than six million people could die from HIV and AIDS in the next four years if U.S. President Donald Trump's administration pulls its global funding for programmes, the United Nations AIDS agency said on Friday.

Although a waiver was placed on HIV/AIDS programmes in last month's U.S. foreign aid funding freeze, many concerns remained about the future of treatment programmes, the deputy executive director of UNAIDS told reporters in Geneva.

"There is a lot of confusion especially on the community level, how the waiver will be implemented. We're seeing a lot of disruption of delivery of treatment services", Christine Stegling said.

Trump put hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of foreign aid donations on hold for 90 days upon taking office on January 20. In the following days, the U.S. State Department issued a waiver on the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) - the world's leading HIV initiative - for life-saving humanitarian assistance.

While welcoming the waiver, Stegling stressed the situation remains chaotic.

Amid a broader decline of funding, Stegling warned there would be a 400% increase in AIDS deaths if PEPFAR financial support is not re-authorized between 2025 and 2029.

"That's 6.3 million people, 6.3 million AIDS-related deaths that will occur in future...Any penny, any cut, any pause, will matter for all of us" she said, urging U.N. member states to step in.

"In Ethiopia, we have 5,000 public health worker contracts that are funded by U.S. assistance. And all of these have been terminated," Stegling said.

She highlighted that community clinics were facing the biggest interruption as they are "entirely dependent" on U.S. government funding.

She expressed concern that some people may not come forward for treatment, which could in turn increase new HIV infections.

U.S. donations account for the majority of global funding for the U.N. programme that operates in 70 countries, leading global efforts to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.

Trump's administration says it is reviewing all foreign-aid programmes to see if they align with his "America First" policy.

I paid for s*x on grindr, and the guilt is killing me.


Long story short, I met a guy from grindr 10 years older than me. He was the daddy type.

He said he needed the money because he was short on rent. Which wasn't a lot. I was hesitant because I hadn't done it before, but I thought he was also kinda into the fun, but with extra money.

When I came to his place, he looked like he was really struggling. I asked him if he was okay, and he said yes. I gave him a bj and paid him. He really looked like he regretted doing it, being paid for s*x because he had no other choice.

I told him it was just a friendly gift instead, and he didn't have to treat it like a transaction.

I am so guilty. How am I different from a grapist or a mol*ster? I had s*x with someone not from their own will. I didn't enjoy it. I didn't enjoy it at all. I feel disgusted.

I texted him if he wanted to just pay me back in the future and treat it separate from our s*x transaction. But he blocked me already.

EDIT: when i said struggling, i meant struggling financially

USAID sponsored this

Like for real nafo presence died by a lot after USAID stoped Jfl

Secretary of awesome you mean :marseysteer:
Is that a jar with the RIGHT OPINION (TM) on it? OMG I'm gonna tiiip :soyjakwow: :shutupandtakemymoney:



Crying in the bathroom right now. :soycry:


So I make breastmilk and memorial jewelry and there's a big company in China that manufactures the jewelry. There's actually even a really big well known brand that's I've seen that uses their jewelry and lots of smaller businesses do too. I've looked and looked and LOOKED to find something else but there's nothing like them.

My husband is a Trump guy even though he says he doesn't like him. We've had discussions about the tariffs and he's saying that it's corrective to bring jobs back to the US.

Well I was just talking to the owner that manufactures the jewelry and he told me that they might have to shut down because they basically sell at wholesale and barely make a profit and DHL and UPS are charging more for the headache of the tariffs. He's not sure if they will have to pay or the buyers will have to. I'm hoping a praying that it's us as the buyer.

So I told my husband this and he was like, "well, it's just the market correcting itself." I was like, "you're not even a little mad that my business might be affected?!" Idk what he said but he was laughing and I blew up in his face.

I told him that he doesn't care enough about anyone but himself. He doesn't care about women's rights, lgbtq+ rights, immigrants, not my business, nothing.

Now I locked myself in my bathroom and I'm crying. He keeps trying to talk to me but I won't talk to him. Talk me down man.

Why are moids so desperate to pay for porn?

You can tell this account is either a moid larping or an uggo chinkess but that wont stop them.


Seattle Isn't Failing—But This Subreddit Might Be : SeattleWA


The r/fednews redditors don't want to accept the buyout


Trump sent every fed a Fork in the Road email offering 9 months severance if they quit in the next 2 weeks

I attribute this solely to this community and the solidarity found in it. I'm the only person on my team of 8 that's on Reddit and not only have I been better informed, I've been faring better than the others. Two people went on stress leave and frankly I'd be one of them too if I didn't have this community. I'll continue to do my job and fight for the position I've earned. It took me 10 years of applying and 20 years experience in my field to get here. I will not be pushed out by two billionaire trust funds babies. I'M NOT LEAVING!'

I was chill and laid back prior. Now I'm digging my heels in out of spite. I'm a big time hater and being petty is my favorite thing to do.

I can hold a grudge like it's my job

I knew my grudge-holding skills would come in handy someday.

I've never been more motivated to stay. Before the "buyout" memo, I was ready to go job hunting, but then a revelation hit. I took an oath under this position to the American people and leaving my job under the current state would be failing to maintain my oath as civil servant.

I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

dudes rock




Compare the posts in the thread to my example:

Well, that explains alot.

Is that why he wants to be King of the Spergs?



66 more :donkeykongk: :donkeykongo: :donkeykongn: :donkeykongg: badges sent out in 12 minutes

Tips please


Europoor politicians are being applauded for Bawling on stage


Оbjесtívе rаnkíng оf rасísm ļvļ bу rасе

Ļоw rасíst tíеr: Bļасk аnd mауо

Míd rасísm tíеr: Sļаvs, Mеxíсаn аnd smаļļ еуеd аsíаns

Hígh rасísm tíеr: Аrаbs

Uļtrа hígh rасísm tíеr: Ιndíаn

Canucks won chudessay lost


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