Bernie Sanders went conservative! Shame!

If you're at all familiar with Bernie Sanders, you'd know that despite being a self-declared socialist, he has some takes that are outright right wing (he generally opposes gun control) and other takes that are so far left it defies typical American left/right balance; he's always opposed things like NAFTA or increased immigration and especially H1-B due it's benefits for Indians because the man has consistent beliefs - power to the worker's no matter what. BECAUSE HE'S THE FRICKING GOAT :marseyletsfuckinggo2: :marseyletsfuckinggo2: :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

With Musk shilling for Indians and Trump bending the knee to Musk, Bernie has reminded people that he hates Sexy Indian dudes and called Elon Musk a cute twink (more or less, don't bother reading the letter that's what he says)

Libbers are NOT happy (chuds are either going "wha? Based bernie? wha?" because they're drooling r-slurs or seething that Daddy Elon is being argued with)

(Bernie's Jewish)

I hope "Kevin Levy" dies painfully, and soon.

:marseyraging: That's not what the Horseshoe is about!!!

Now you have to love him Chuds :marseychud: :handshake: :marseysanders:

i dont think he really said that

This post was sponsored by Bernie Sanders Pac, please contribute to a 4th house

Kanye is still up
women: "I choose the bear" the bear:

seething soy bear vs the chad penguin

Cels won. 'ormies lost


Should I shit my bed?

I'm too cozy but have to poop.


Community Note by @Impassionata

The Constitution does not specify a time limit for states to ratify the ERA and 38 states have ratified it. The dramatic call is to assert that it is in fact the law of the land. Women will now be drafted.

Helpful [45] Not Helpful [11]
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Client confessed love for me and then ended their life : therapists [EDIT: SHE WAS ALSO IN LOVE WITH HIM???]


Client confessed love for me and then ended their life

Tragic, tragic, heartbreaking loss. Won't go into any details to protect client privacy, but it's hard to swallow. Would be so grateful for any resources, groups, or advice as I grieve.

I've canceled most of my sessions for the week, but have kept a few. My backlogged notes for other clients are creating some anxiety. What a rollercoaster.

The most captivating client I've worked with to date, and they continue to be so even in their death. Grateful to have known them.

Update: Unbelievably thankful for the outpouring of support. It's been incredibly helpful to read and utilize ❀️ Very unfortunately I just got news of a second client passing. Two in the same week. This one was not by suicide.


Erotic Countertransference

Looking for personal experiences navigating romantic/erotic countertransference (especially that in response to erotic transference)... I'm seeking supervision and being mindful about how I'm showing up with this client, but I'd love if anyone would be open to sharing more about their own experiences with this, and what the ultimate outcome was for you. Interestingly, this client has expressed their own attraction to me, and we're working through it/making use of it in our work together. They are not aware of my feelings beyond the genuine care I have for them. My framework leans relational psychodynamic for reference.

Weekly "What are you watching?" Thread

Severance is mid

Landman is slopaganda

Anora is an gopnik incel fantasy

KNEECAP is the best film of the decade


liamdev: I need graphical user interace (GUI) instructions for installing Wireguard on Silverblue - Fedora 34. I'm visiting family at the moment and evidently they have Avast - which I do not want to use and I don't want the VPN that they have set up with the router to interfere with mine.

I've read the 1981 internet protocol that was published by DoD. I'm so immeasurably frustrated that something like an encrypted tunnel from end point to end point is such a complicated issue.

The articles on Fedora Magazine are not sufficient for a beginner and only show command line instructions and the only video on YouTube that's worth watching is chaotic with a guy typing a millions commands plus he's using Ubuntu anyways. GUI instrucitons please.

computersavvy: If they are already using a vpn why add another layer. Since you are just visiting you can temporarily disable your own vpn, use the one they already have configured at router level and go with it.

liamdev: With all due respect, I was looking for GUI instructions on how to set up the Wireguard VPN on Fedora Silverblue, not advice on what I should be doing with a presumption that I had one set up before.

liamdev: I haven't come across anyone that has sucessfully set up a VPN on a YouTube tutorial or anything else via GUI. VPN's should be simple, point and click free solutions to protect your identity and information from being transmitted widely over the internet. There's literally no point in moving forward with any future releases of any distribution if a GUI VPN hasn't been developed.

Regarding a server - i don't have a personal VPN server - that's what WireGuard is supposed to be ? WireGuard is supposed to be both the VPN Server and the VPN Client for someone that has neither right now.

computersavvy: I think you are misinterpreting what a vpn is & does.

It securely connects you via a tunnel from one point to another, the remote being a vpn server and may be free, paid, or company owned.

liamdev: Thanks for the info. My use case is this - I want to be able to install a VPN so that anything I search for on the internet is encrypted. I want an encrypted tunnel between my computer and the internet browser.

The reality is, there are (from what I see) 1.5 million man pages that have 10,000 functions. In other words, there's 150 ways to do the same thing. The system is so broken that I'm shocked the DoD has even let it carry on the way that it has.

From what I understand, Gnome Box VM's don't even hide your physical IP address or MAC address or anything really? So if someone wanted to use the hacking cowtools that are in Linux - well there wouldn't be much stopping them from getting literally all of my passwords and information…

So if someone wanted to use the hacking cowtools that are in Linux - well there wouldn't be much stopping them from getting literally all of my passwords and information…

augenauf: interesting, I would be curious to learn how to do that, just for research purposes. could you share any insights?

liamdev: Gothca - thanks, Sure thing, I'll map them out. Here's how you:

Get Kali Linux -

Fingerprint Web Apps & Servers for Better Recon [Tutorial]

Clear the Logs & History on Linux Systems to Delete All Traces You Were There [Tutorial]

Haunt a Computer Using SSH [Tutorial]

How Hackers Can Find Hidden Wi-Fi Networks & Their Names

Generate Crackable Handshakes with the ESP8266 [Tutorial]

Watch Hackers Craft Malicious Office Macros (ft. Kilian from SecurityFWD)

I mean just follow that channel in general. Then look at:

How to HACK a password // password cracking with Kali Linux and HashCat - how to HACK a password // password cracking with Kali Linux and HashCat

You get the point.

So, regarding the VPN and just general freedom to have privacy haha… I'll check out the blog post again. I don't understand how it's so easy to find out how to track and airplane from a video tutorial but something as basic as a VPN seems to have so many different components to the workload that could break at any moment.

liamdev: With all due respect, it's none of your business why I don't just turn it off at the Router level. I genuinely mean that as well - I don't mean to disrespect you, but posting in a public forum why I don't do that shouldn't even be a consideration as a response.

I'm gathering that no one has developed a GUI to use this Wireguard VPN. I clicked through the link that you sent, and the link that was in there and the link in that one too. Thanks for the effort but it didn't provide an actual GUI answer.

I'm gathering that no one has developed a GUI to use this Wireguard VPN.

augenauf: It's integrated in Network Manager in Gnome, consider searching the internet.

liamdev: okay so there's no way to easily install the WireGuard VPN via a GUI. The strategy here is to loop people in w/ Lenovo, offer them "free" everything that's not really free, offer tons of documentation to the point where people either give up or - the optimal outcome - they hire a company like Red Hat - that's using non-profits as a tax write off - or someone else that's anonymous but the risk in the anonymous folks is that they could be hackers ha.

If there was a "CEO" of Fedora, who would that be? Who is in charge of operations? Who is in charge with the Lenovo relationship? Who is in charge with the financial side is probably the most important in this question. I don't want to reach out to an anonymous profile and this VPN is arguably one of the most critical elements of the research I'm doing. If this is seriously the end result - the messages on these threads and recommendations - then there is a massive problem that needs to be addressed.

augenauf: So, you tried to set up the wireguard between your Fedora Workstation and your EC2 instance?

Where are you stuck? What are the error messages? Any logs?

liamdev: No, I'm hopeful you can help me find some way to connect directly with the Fedora leadership team. What is the best route? I believe whoever would be equivalent to the CFO would be the most appropriate.

augenauf: So, I am going to close the topic if you are not interested in technical support solving your problem. You're wasting your time and our time by discussing useless stuff. Had you ever posted a link to the guide you are trying to follow, the commands you had executed, the conf files you used, and error messages or log files that were generated, we could have long solved your problem. Instead …

As for the contact to Fedora Council and its Chair, I am sure you find that in Fedora Docs or by means of a search engine.

Do you actually call Jeff Bezos if your EC2 instance doesn't install an update?

I can only second @ilikelinux comment; get a professional IT consultant. He or she will setup wordpress and a store within a couple of days, including a wireguard connection for you to mess up the installation.

!schizomaxxxers press :f: to pay respects to our fallen king

35 finally exceeds 1,000 active users! :marseyhappening:

It's Nigcon Nigvember but this totally isn't a chud site :#marseyaware:

Thanks Carp! :marseythumbsup:


Musty video:

Exposed as a Non-FBA

Reporting to ICE and Local Police :marseyfrozen: :marseycop:

Sick Non-FBAs are truly a detriment to our great nation. :marseykente:

Should have twerked better and not worn them foreign shoes, sis :marseytwerking:

Jeff raises a GOOD POINT :marseyhmm:

She's part of a Demoncrat Psy-Op to import Tethers to make true and honest FBAs look bad! :marseynoooticer:

The only person trying to put a wrench in this FBA-Trump alliance is some dusty butt groyper account that's getting ignored :talk2hand#:


Chuds why do you hate America? Why do you hate the constitution? What did James Madison ever do to you that you hate his work so much?

The 10th Amendment establishes the Anti-Commandeering Doctrine, this is that the federal government cannot force or order states to expend resources for federal functions. SCOTUS first established it in Prigg v. Pennsylvania when they found the federal government could not force states to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act. The '97 landmark case of Printz v. United States was the most recent case they affirmed the doctrine and solidified its current form.

The federal government cannot force states to spend on enforcing federal laws. Immigration laws suffer a double blow because its also exclusive federal jurisdiction, states are not permitted to regulate immigration.

This is settled law. The bimbo is being r-slurred, and she hates America.

heads up

I'm working on my magnum opus of foid hating. I'm going to be a little light on the rightoid patrolling until the work is finished. my days consist of getting wasted and finishing my work.

The local paper has a feature on sg redditors today :marseyjourno:

lol sgraw has lots more salty threads:

Israel-pAlestine grab bag starting with the micks



Conservatives somehow find their butt

Redditards love their fanfiction

Gays go splat when they hit the ground

Looks like Berlin needs more bombing

Clever comebacks?

A reminder that all redditards are low functioning psychopaths and should be sterilized so they won't molest their children

Reported by:
we are ALL going to make it
Scott :marseydilbert: Mckenzie - San Francisco :marseybridge: (Official HD Video) - YouTube :marseymetokur:

Taylor's about to be single again!


This is ongoing, with no end in sight so far.

1. :chudsmug: "That statue should be in JAIL"

2. :chudjakcry: "they built a frickin statue" :marseytroll: "as they should"

3. :chudsmug: "let's make a petition to get it removed" :chudglassesglow: "why can't we simply destroy it"

4. :marseylaptopangry2: "some real racist comments in here..." :marseyrapscallion: "you sound vaccinated"

5. :marseyhatium: "If I lived near that monstrosity it would be a boat anchor"

6. :marseysaluteusa: "I love that bird" :marseysmug2: "I use that flag in your profile photo as potty paper"

7. :marseyhmmhips: "is that real bronze... scrap prices are up right now wink, wink"

8. :wavyhairblackjack: "darn racists... I wish many generations of Amurimutts for your bloodline :marseysatisfied:" :chudglassesglow: "So then you agree that mixed grandkids would be a curse?"

9. :marseychonker2: :petertoilet: "where is it, I wanna take a dump on it too"

These comments just go on and on lol...



Previous thread containing more cope desuarchive

another dramatic thread desuarchive

It's never been more over for techlet /aicg/ zoomer subtards and they deserve it, considering your average /aicg/tards are low IQ r-slurred libertarians lmao.

STOP FIGHTING :marseycry:
Brazilian :marseytrain2: public school teacher does a project with kids while dressed as a whore

You can use google translate if you want, I'm not here to translate shit for you sweaty. Learn a language, useless american pig

!transphobes the :marseytrain:'s inexplicable need to get kids involved in xhir's fetish transcends nacionality. Really makes one think now doesnt it

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