Leaf baits incels on /pol/

So she has been very ok with casual s*x, and has been involved in it a lot.

I kinda made peace with this thing. That Okay, one can do whatever one likes when single.. its her own thing to deal with.

But, she just told me about something and it shook me.

So after our first 2 dates, she met one of her ex-casual partners and slept with him.

...poor dude.

And now the Redditors weigh in:

You love her.

She was honest.

She stopped when you became exclusive.

These are the only facts that matter.

Don't cling to the "not experienced / not evolved." Accepting people sometimes date more than one person at a time until the exclusive conversation is evolution. Do you want to evolve or cling to a notion you can't articulate?

this shit sounds like brainwashing darn

Yeah… two dates? No direct talk about being boyfriend/girlfriend? I understand the discomfort but this is perfectly understandable to me & wouldn’t make me think she’d eventually cheat or anything like that

It’s not a big deal. She barely knew you. You weren’t official, YOU feeling that bond is different than you two being official.

wow they're just pooping all over this dude

This is fairly standard behavior in 2022. She liked you but didn't feel at that point the same way about you as she does now. This should not be seen as an indication that she will be unfaithful to you or that she has done anything wrong.

the entire thread is like this, these are just the most upmarseyd ones



This is Porno

Minneaopolis think trans lives matter.

Billy Idol - White Wedding
Bajaga - Bam, Bam, Bam
this is a golden retriever eating a carrot

This is T.V. Agent

Why bother with blue haired cartoon little girls when you could have TV Agent :marseycool2:

TV Agent is an agent with… with a TV for a head. He also seems to drink, and he might be KGB or something since the creator is Russian. :marseyputin:




I know there isn’t enough of this guy for him to have been a mascot, but I still think he’s neat. :platyblush:


:marsoy: <-- Average rDrama user without an e-mail address tied to his account.

Southerner confronts the whistling menace :marseysoutherner:
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Uvalde and Guns: A Biblical Perspective

Ok I originally linked this because hahah funny Jews lol. But the site’s got some great material on the ATF and genocide occurring after the right to defend oneself is unilaterally usurped by the government.

カピバラのジャンボスイカタイム Capybara VS Huge watermelon - YouTube

Singer: "Hold up Jackson! Time to cut a watermelon. You water hogs quit throwin' them bones and come down and get your ice cream!”

Capybara: “Ice Cream?"

Singer: "Yes. Ice cream! Capibara's ice cream. Watermelon!"

(Singing begins)

Well I went down to the swamp the other afternoon

There I saw a capybara her name was Susie Loon

She was sitting on a rail with the fields to her back

Eating watermelon to make the cappy fat

She says I'm Susie dear would you give your heart to me

I can keep a hundred bulls busy don't you see

The juice from the watermelon trickled down her chin

I said if ya give me a hundred I will tell ya like this

Cappy love a watermelon ha, ha, ha, ha!

Cappy love a watermelon ha, ha, ha, ha!

For here, they're made with a half a pound of co

There's nothing like a watermelon for a hungry voon

Cappy love a watermelon ha, ha, ha, ha!

Cappy love a watermelon ha, ha, ha, ha!

For here, they're made with a half a pound of teeth

There's nothing like a watermelon for a hungry hèro

Well the watermelon grows on a big green vine

And when the capy sees them he takes them by the five

He knows which ones are ripe with a great big whack

They go BUM BUM when you bite them on the back

The best way to get them is to steal them if you can

If you don't want to steal them you get a capybara

Take him to your house and you give him to your wife

Then you mark him on the back with the nick of a knife

And then you got no wife

Capy love a watermelon ha, ha, ha, ha!

Capy love a watermelon ha, ha, ha, ha!

For here, they're made with a half a pound of fur

There's nothing like a watermelon for a hungry var

Capy love a watermelon ha, ha, ha, ha!

Capy love a watermelon ha, ha, ha, ha!

For here, they're made with a half a ton of rat

There's nothing like a watermelon for a hungry síka

Well the capybara loves dog and the hoggy loves pumpkin

The capy loves a orange cat the capy loves sin

The capy loves to sit when it hears the banjo ring

But it goes for the watermelon very first thing

The Svín was made for the melon that grows

The watermelon was made for the Capybara too

Put them on on the alter and you all will agree

The bara was made for the watermelon and melon for he

Water hog love a watermelon ha, ha, ha, ha! Water hig love a watermelon ha, ha, ha, ha!

Hit the banjo and we will have another tune

There's nothing like a watermelon for a hungry voon



Why there is no uniting a divided reality.

TracingWoodgrains linked me to this twitter thread.

I comprehend the peril of our reality much better having read it.

But first I want to ask: whose fault is it that we are in a divided reality?

The people who indulged Trump in 'alternative facts.' That's the root of it all. That's why it's ultimately the rightoid's fault we're in this problem, and pointing fingers doesn't help matters but there's also nothing we can do.


Because some or much of what's in that twitter thread is true, but what's more important is what people believe to be true.

What people on the left believe to be true, is:

The Trump campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. Trump asked for help on national television from Russia in what will be remembered as a betrayal of the national integrity that fully justifies the investigation into his campaign. That may not be something people on the right believe, but this isn't about what people on the right believe. This is about what you can ask people on the left to believe.

The Mueller Report didn't exonerate Trump, it was incredibly darning. You can't ask people on the left to believe otherwise.

The 2020 election was more or less above board because Trump was unpopular. You can't ask people on the left to believe otherwise.

Trump was unpopular because he was dangerous to our collective sense of reality. He has successfully fragmented it. No amount of asking the left to understand the right can work because, and this part is key: the story they tell you isn't relevant. This twitter guy? He's understanding and compassionate.

January 6th was an insurrection by a mob riled up by a boomer who lost an election. You can't ask people on the left to believe otherwise.

But it doesn't matter when you read the story of the crowd because in the end it's just a story some people believe.

And when it comes to identifying fascism, which is to say, identifying the living breathing collective organism that tells lies to achieve power... it doesn't matter what they say they believe. They want Trump in power and just feel vaguely that it isn't right he isn't and they're acting on it to further divide the nation.

It's understandable that people don't trust Democrats, the security establishment. Because they shouldn't be trusted.

But nor can you ask anyone to trust this reality TV star who, I repeat, asked Russia for help on live television which was then granted.

How did we get here?

There were a bunch of people who thought it made sense to watch 'two screens.' One of those screens was informed by the blatant lies, the 'alternative facts', of a boomer who expressed open admiration for dictatorship. Who then followed up on that admiration with a dictatorial move on January 6th.

I read William Barr's memoir, you know. I came away from it with admiration for William Barr.

He closes by darning Trump.

I also read Mark Esper's memoir.

He closes by darning Trump.


There is no sympathy for those who bound their fates with a loser. There can be none, for then you are stuck in the loser's reality, fighting a losing war against someone who will not believe the truth.

The only lesson that can be gained is: if someone openly encourages 'alternative facts' in public discourse, take them to the village square and stone them.

You're welcome you filthy neurodivergents
Fix the inbox and show the replies in context

@Aevann when you get replies in pizza threads or goombling threads all you see is

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | | | |

Just show the reply and maybe the parent that they replied to. Totally jacked.



I love how no one asks these simple questions. Couldn't he have killed like 500 kids? Even assuming some jumped out the windows or found open doors the amount of deaths always seem too low. Even columbine was so low. I mean, two people, tons of ammo? It's why I never believe any of this is actually happening. Two adults only killed 15 people? One of the magazines had 52 rounds in it. What kind of shitty ratio is this?


You thinking 225 isn't a big deal


But then you realize I'm European


Stallman socialists and reddit sneed at TEXAS LAW for proliferating fascism through youtube

Local reddit legal expert weighs in, yes, it's shocking its not Bardfinn.

Everybody's downvoting the people defending the ruling because of the fact that, given the context, it's obviously blatantly partisan and designed to facilitate the spread of fascist propaganda.

Old school "Everyone I don't like is a fascist propagandist. "

That said, hamstringing Youtube etc. from removing fascist misinformation and hate speech and whatnot is is absolutely not what ought to be happening

This is a good point, remeber key facts guys:

  • Not wanting to be jabbed through coercion.

  • Not supporting your local transdriver and democrat

  • Not wanting babies to be murdered.

Are the cornerstones to fascism.

By the way, lest anyone think I'm some kind of right-wing nutjob trying to act as an apologist for the frickwads behind Texas HB 20, I'd like to point out that I've been making similar arguments for years :

Gotta make sure to disavow in case you're caught in the crucible of purity tests when long posting.

"Modern public square" in a Circuit Court ruling should make anyone sit up and take notice. Those are the magic words that gave signature collectors and leafletters blanket permission to be on private property just outside nearly any heavily trafficked area's doorways in the landmark Pruneyard Supreme Court case.

What else would you call a platform that is interconnected with other platforms and has no meaningful competition that isn't backed up by the techopoly that allows a user to upload content for free?

Social networks also aren’t allowed to ban users based on their location in Texas, a provision clearly meant to stop sites from simply pulling out of the state

LOLWTF. On top of everything else, Texas is trying to assert extraterritorial jurisdiction!

I want to point out, the local redditor legal expert can't read good.


Really? What are these Barney Fife motherlovers going to do with their handguns? Stephen Paddock brought enough guns and ammo into that room to arm a militia. Do you see a tactical team in this video? A hotel security officer had already been shot through the door at this time. All the officers in the video would be dead today if they had tried to breach that door and the body count would only be higher.

Also, bear in mind, the entire mass shooting incident took place in the span of ~10 minutes and then Paddock blew his brains out. Even locating the shooter within that timeframe is a feat.

Also the shooting was in 2017, dumbasses.

I thought good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns.

Exactly. No good guys here, just cops.


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