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  • Haberdasher : Reddit user has entered thread, wants you to say it to her face.
/r/malelivingspace not a fan of transgenders invading their space




Trump frees another neighbor from the tyrannical Dems

The letter notes "independent reasons" as to why Adams' case was being tossed — including that the case was retribution for him speaking out against the Biden administration for its handling of the migrant crisis.

"It cannot be ignored that Mayor Adams criticized the prior Administration's immigration policies before the charges were filed, and the former US Attorney's public actions created appearances of impropriety…"



:marseysoyhype: Lift, run, fight, shoot. Become strong in all.

:chudsmug: So basically, you're all fricked

:chudglassesglow: Yep lol

They post shit like this while their side unironically believes the below

:shadowrage: And don't forget to look up delicious, healthy recipes in the @N@rchist cookbook!

:marseychuddance: Yall are screwed ngl

:marseychud: You won't do shit

:soysnooseethe: Sounds like projection on your part.

:marseysoylentgrin: I'm never going to be strong enough to repel a Nazi, but generalizing here, keep up your health. It is beneficial in so many ways I won't bother to list them. Everyone on reddit hates me because I always bring up cooking your own food, not smoking, not drinking, getting exercise every day, giving up fast food and ultraprocessed stuff. It's all key to keeping your body and teeth healthy over the years.

The effects are cumulative - one day you wake up and you have some godawful chronic disease, or your ticker isn't what it could be, or you need yet another root canal, and you are slowed down and inconvenienced by having to use the medical system all the time, take pills, etc.

Also, get an annual check up if only so you have a record of your own stats. It's actually interesting to compare your numbers year to year.

:marseyauthright: As a nazi myself, this is all really good advice. Regardless of what ideology you have, everyone should abandon unhealthy lifestyles and unhealthy food. Most fast food/door dash and other stuff you get in groceries are deliberately kept unhealthy in order to have a population that can't resist and constantly kept broke and in debt. (not to mention how immoral some of the sources of this food are.) You don't need to be shredded but eating well and working out daily with basic calisthenics goes a long way.

:marseytroll: As someone who's immunocompromised from a COVID vaccine injury, I've learned that sometimes the best choice isn't to fight head-on, but to hide and protect myself. It's a hard reality, but sometimes survival means stepping back, staying safe, and waiting for a time when I'm stronger.

In Harry Potter, Harry and his friends often had to choose between direct confrontation and retreat. Hiding, like when Harry and his allies went into hiding in The Deathly Hallows, was often the wisest choice. It wasn't about surrender, but about preserving their strength for when it was truly needed.

Similarly, Anne Frank showed us the power of survival. She and her family lived in hiding, and though it was painful and isolating, it was their only chance to stay alive. Sometimes, hiding isn't a sign of weakness; it's a strategy to make sure we can continue the fight later.

For me, hiding isn't giving up. It's about protecting my health and holding onto hope for a better, safer future.

:soyjakwow: (OP) this is real and valid, but PLEASE try to avoid citing transphobic authors. Stay safe!

:chudspin: This thread is the most chronically online shit I've ever seen in my life 😭

:marseydarkxd: Lol

:marseyrapscallion: YES! me and my wife's boyfriend hit the gym everyday so we can own the chuds!

:soyjakanimeglasses: /r/Swoletariat

It fricking exists btw :marseyemojilaugh:

:marseytroublemaker: I am trans so I don't want to lift too much, maybe some toning

:marseyderp: That's a little ableist but I'll support the idea of being healthy! I'm on track at the moment having gone from 260 -> 250 lbs, nearly there =)

thats literally just water weight lmao you can drop that much in less than a week on any strict diet. So you haven't really accomplished anything. Don't pat yourself on the back too hard there bud

No negativity in my revolution :marseydownvotemad:

:marseygigachad: Now we're getting somewhere!

Go with testosterone, as well. Makes you more conservative.

Or just stop taking estrogen lmfao

We've officially found the saddest subreddit out there 🤣🤣

At this point it's >50% trolling by volume lmao

:marseyhesright: I saved this post yesterday before going to bed only to discover it crawling with MAGAts. How many are from here? :capywalking:

Ye claims he had to leave Bianca because she was a Mossad hoe.

When we interact with life, we should do so with genuine hearts.

And in my heart there is COOM.


If cooming has billions of fans (it does), then I am one of them. If there are only ten coomers, then I am one of them. If there is but one coomer, then that is me. If there are no coomers, then that means I am no longer on Earth. If the world is against cooming, then I am against the world.

If think about it, cumming is literally the PERFECT hobby. You don't need anybody else to do it. You don't need any "thing" else. You don't even need your clothes. It's just you and your body and coom. It's like a connection with god. Maximalism through minimalism, or vice versa.

I coom to genocides and abuse neighbor I desecrate the sacred. I blaspheme and spit when I coom then I coom some more. I'm an untrollable maniac if we're talking about the C*M scale hard peepee BBC porn human trafficking nigguh I corrupt the next generation by spreading drugs and STDs all around them.

You don't know what's made me coom so don't try me. This new generation of coomers annoy me. My generation is the one of true SOULFUL gooning. Everything else is just an imitation. Real shit, you think it would be a good business to open up a longue where I don't sell any drugs or alcohol, just provide calm music, chilled water, and a table where distinguished folks can talk about the finer aspects of gooning. What stroke you use, what new kink you've developed, if you're sick of one kink just keep GOONING until a new fetish lights your fire. TRUST THE PROCESS.

And you'll have some of the most amazing cooms imaginable

And to the admins of this shithole site: Yes this is an effortpost because you best believe I was gooning HARD when I wrote this. Headset on, "open video in smaller tab" shit nigguh I took my fricking shirt and pants off for this shit, we don't take half measures when it comes to gooning. I'm trying to start a C*M gang, you interested in signing up?

I GOON when reading the Bible

I GOON when I'm eating

I GOON when I'm on the phone

I GOON whenever I have even a vague sexual thought or my hand happens to brush upon my peepee. That's enough to derail my entire day with just coom. As you can imagine, it gets hard to deal with all the laundry when you COOM so much but I've learned to just keep a lot of towels lying around the house. Goon and wipe yourself as you see fit.

By the end of my reign, you'll be calling me Satan's Nightmare.

Trench Crusade will make Christianity cool again : TrenchCrusade


Trench crusade is doomed


>Biden :marseybiden: offers increased child tax credit to encourage people to have kids


>Drumpf :marseytrump: offers more money to cities that encourage people to have kids


rip gaybros :marseybeantears:

!gay !bottoms !tops

shamelessly stolen from here

LMAO Kaney has completely LOST it!


We need about 3% of Americans (about 11 million) go to on general strike. This has always been an effective strategy against fascism.


Our broad list of demands includes, but is not limited to: Climate action. Universal healthcare. Racial justice. Reproductive rights. LGBTQIA+ rights. Living wage / raise the minimum wage. Immigration reform. Education reform. Gun safety. Tax the rich. Affordable housing. Disability rights. Welfare and child support reform. Voters rights. Constitutional convention. Paid family and medical leave. Criminal justice system reform. Workers' rights. Permanent ceasefire in Gaza.


IMO we should be demanding that Trump rescind his EOs and resign by 2/22, or we take the economy down with us through sickouts, slowdowns, boycotts . . . whatever people can do to throw a wrench in the system.

this will happen!

Do NOT USE THAT URL! It may be a honeytrap. There is no need to sign a stike card or share your info. It is very dangerous to do so! A real strike will not require sign ups!!!



Stressed so I've been taking photos like crazy :marseyschizotwitch:

!animalposters !cats

[🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘] beyoncé had the worst country album


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

It's almost like her and her husband pay for every accolade they've been given (2)

LOL if you actually think that, you've never listened to her music.There's a reason she was able to get amazing country artists on her album. (0)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Can't say I'm surprised as the Grammys aren't what they used to be, but I think Lainey should have won that category. Really anyone except Beyoncé. (7)

Lainey should have so won. Flipping ridiculous ! (1)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

CC is a dissertation on the black roots of country/Americana music. You should be happy it won then… (1)

I said studying something and releasing what you think that genre is, doesn't make it an effective representation of that genre. So you claiming it's a "dissertation" doesn't mean anything. I'm not even sure what makes you say that. What elements of black country do you hear? When I listen, it sounds like a pop artists rendition of what they think country is…. Because that's what it literally is. It has more modern pop elements than it does country. (0)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

My bad, I didn't realize you would take that to mean those two elements alone are pop. That isn't what I meant.Well no duh. I didn't say take Beyoncé out. I mentioned Miley because Miley's vocals sound country. She has a drawl and grit. Not saying you have to have those particular elements but there are clearly vocal differences from a pop singer and a country singer. If Chris Stapleton, Morgan Wallen, or Lainey Wilson sang a song without a twangy guitar or overly hokey lyrics you will still recognize it as country. That was my point. If I took Beyoncé song with just Beyoncé and no twangy guitar or Miley Cyrus… it would just sound like one of her pop songs. I really don't want to harp you anymore but I can't just ignore this lol. Just as a twangy guitar doesn't make a song country I don't think corny country sounding lyrics make a song country. I don't think Lil Nas X singing about a a horse makes him a country singer lol. It's a great song and is fun. But, to me, it lacks any depth... (1)

beyoncé has more of a drawl than miley though, like her accent has always been very strong. and mentioning lil nas x in the same sentence as this is crazy lol. his was obviously putting on a costume whereas hers could literally be a dissertation about the roots of country music. obviously i'm not saying every single song on the record is country nor is she suddenly intentionally singing with a southern accent, but i think if you're gonna critique any song on the album for having "corny country" lyrics it shouldn't be this one. texas hold em is right there😭as far as the "costume" i just think that's disingenuous. nowhere has she said "hey everyone now i'm a country singer or country artist" but if she did, so what? genres shouldn't be gatekept. it limits innovation. modern country is borrowing SO many other elements of so many other genres but nobody gets mad about that. post malone is a rapper and people are saying he should've won over her, so why can't she win? she made a country ... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

I feel so bad for the artists. It's an insult to their craft. (2)

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

I mean there is definitely a vibe of her using country like a costume. Studying country aspects and incorporating it into an album doesn't make the album any better. No more than a country artist studying R&B and releasing some corny album with corny lyrics. Like "this ain't Texas, ain't no hold em"? Come on… and that was the most popular song on the album. Like what metric are we using to call this good? (1)

Chris Stapleton's biggest song is an interpolation of an R&B song you know shit about music. Don't you listen to different genres of music wtf is the big deal if anyone wants to make different genres of music (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/HistoricalDatabase94

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

:marseyduck: smoked duck breast :marseymommymilkers:

@Aisha tried out smoking five spice and brown sugar duck breasts for dinner


turned out dericious. Am trying to figure out a plan for the leftovers for tomorrow.


Well well well :marseybongcop: watching Netflix without a license are we?
Reported by:
there are new gorilla hats in the shop btw

and several existing dk ones

just search donkey and diddy (harambe for the 2 new ones)

why are you not kongmaxxing !friendsofkong

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Professor of fat studies feminism dies at 42


Cromwell did nothing wrong


Сhесhеnízаtíоn оf Khоhоļs ín Gеrmаnу ís unrеаļ


Sо whеn Ι tеļļ khоhоļs guуs ín thе wеst mоstļу hаngíng оut wíth sоvíеt guуs еsресíаļļу саuсаsíаn (nоt mаnу nоn саuсаsíаn řussíаn řеfugееs ín

thе wеst) thаt whаt Ι mеаn, guу wíļļ sооn sсrеаm Аkhmаt Síļа

Thеn ļосаļ hоmоs tеļļ mе but khоhоļs аnd Russíаn аřе nоt thе sаmе :marseyjanny2:

Thеу wоuļd rаthеr hаngоut wíth mоuntаín bеаst thаt аttасkíng thеír hоmе tоwn thаn bоríng Svеn Vоn Рíеmеļ thаt саn hоļd а соnvеrsаtíоn оnļу whеn hе ís drunk аs fuсk

Ι аm аn еxреrt ín сuļturаļ аnd sосíоļоgíсаļ íntеrасtíоns

@duck Ι аm wrоng ?

@duck but íts ļеgít аmаzíng hоw thеу turnеd а 17 уеаr оļd íntо а Саuсаsíаn ín 2 уеаrs, hís fасе mímíсs аrе сhесhеns, hís bоdу ļаnguаge ís сhесhеn, hís ассеnt ís сhесhеn



Getting country specific ban is really something new

So with new Dutch and Belgian laws, to release an online game you need to fill a lot of paperwork so smaller games even without loot boxes wouldn't put effort to release their games in that region.

So here giga r-slurred example: Lollipop Chainsaw remaster. Came out on 12 September and pre orders were available. In Dutch store nothing no preorders no release then on 25 September it drops out. On Belgium store it dropped out on 3rd October. Like why would we need EU standards and etc if countries can reject them and create their own standards. So what online did Lollipop Chainsaw have leaderboard. So Dutch localisation needed 2 weeks (game had preorder early access) to determine if the game was safe and Belgian minister even longer

Like I understand if Germany would do it devs would care or if France or for frick sake Canada but Belgium and Netherlands

With Lollipop Chainsaw it wasn't big deal since game was mostly offline so I just get germ version.

But some games require always online connections. In the past it wasn't an problem but new rule made that before a game comes out officially devs need to ban accounts from those countries from connecting to the services of the game and for PlayStation there is stricter rules that to release on Apple Store. Because omagat save the kids. Local kids are momo, fatima, erkan, adja and ivan (he is refugee from Ukraine)

You can create an account from other country but why would I create a new account ?

So Sony wouldn't update their services and infrastructure and use infrastructure from 2001 despite the massive hacks it had and waste 300 millions on game it throw away in one week.

But games without even loot boxes being banned just because they didn't wanted to deal with paperwork is hilarious


Wow they starting to hint and block vpn to save ze children



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