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Professor of fat studies feminism dies at 42


Getting country specific ban is really something new

So with new Dutch and Belgian laws, to release an online game you need to fill a lot of paperwork so smaller games even without loot boxes wouldn't put effort to release their games in that region.

So here giga r-slurred example: Lollipop Chainsaw remaster. Came out on 12 September and pre orders were available. In Dutch store nothing no preorders no release then on 25 September it drops out. On Belgium store it dropped out on 3rd October. Like why would we need EU standards and etc if countries can reject them and create their own standards. So what online did Lollipop Chainsaw have leaderboard. So Dutch localisation needed 2 weeks (game had preorder early access) to determine if the game was safe and Belgian minister even longer

Like I understand if Germany would do it devs would care or if France or for frick sake Canada but Belgium and Netherlands

With Lollipop Chainsaw it wasn't big deal since game was mostly offline so I just get germ version.

But some games require always online connections. In the past it wasn't an problem but new rule made that before a game comes out officially devs need to ban accounts from those countries from connecting to the services of the game and for PlayStation there is stricter rules that to release on Apple Store. Because omagat save the kids. Local kids are momo, fatima, erkan, adja and ivan (he is refugee from Ukraine)

You can create an account from other country but why would I create a new account ?

So Sony wouldn't update their services and infrastructure and use infrastructure from 2001 despite the massive hacks it had and waste 300 millions on game it throw away in one week.

But games without even loot boxes being banned just because they didn't wanted to deal with paperwork is hilarious


Wow they starting to hint and block vpn to save ze children

Close enough. Welcome 51st state, Gaza
Reported by:
  • SerGay : Marking this NSFW would be a violation of Trans Rights
  • Awoo : Actually caught me on the work wifi with this one. Thanks 👍
  • Lv999_Lich_King : posting gay s*x outside of chudrama where it belongs
  • eletric_maniac : :marseytruthnuke:
  • AIDS_IS_A_CHOICE : old + fat cis gay porn
  • AvoidTheFoid : This is still less disgusting than that diss track about a toddler getting molested
  • JustAStupidFuckingGayKONG : ^ grillcast should unironically be permanent for libertarian nonsense
  • Kaczinsky : I was promised :marseytrain:copter but instead I found OP spending afternoon with his uncle
  • Grue : Unmarked 18+ content
  • OofYikes : Gay












!brics we gonna kick some american military industrial class :marseypunching: :punch: :squareup: yanks ain't got shit on us

Сhесhеnízаtíоn оf Khоhоļs ín Gеrmаnу ís unrеаļ


Sо whеn Ι tеļļ khоhоļs guуs ín thе wеst mоstļу hаngíng оut wíth sоvíеt guуs еsресíаļļу саuсаsíаn (nоt mаnу nоn саuсаsíаn řussíаn řеfugееs ín

thе wеst) thаt whаt Ι mеаn, guу wíļļ sооn sсrеаm Аkhmаt Síļа

Thеn ļосаļ hоmоs tеļļ mе but khоhоļs аnd Russíаn аřе nоt thе sаmе :marseyjanny2:

Thеу wоuļd rаthеr hаngоut wíth mоuntаín bеаst thаt аttасkíng thеír hоmе tоwn thаn bоríng Svеn Vоn Рíеmеļ thаt саn hоļd а соnvеrsаtíоn оnļу whеn hе ís drunk аs fuсk

Ι аm аn еxреrt ín сuļturаļ аnd sосíоļоgíсаļ íntеrасtíоns

@duck Ι аm wrоng ?

@duck but íts ļеgít аmаzíng hоw thеу turnеd а 17 уеаr оļd íntо а Саuсаsíаn ín 2 уеаrs, hís fасе mímíсs аrе сhесhеns, hís bоdу ļаnguаge ís сhесhеn, hís ассеnt ís сhесhеn

Cromwell did nothing wrong


Sony ended the state of play with a game starring a jeet that is literally unironically called Saros


:marseycop: Redditors mald over cops eating hot dogs. :!marseyweenie:


Food looks amazing. I don't think I would be so enthusiastic about serving the oppressors though.


ACAB tho


so cops just roll up and get free food then then go down the street and give someone a ticket for handing out free tho the homeless..

The boot lickers here don't wanna talk about what cops actually do.

everyone is like he's so fast! he's crapping himself.....


How is this not a bribe?

I sell heavy equipment to municipalities, and I can't even take them out to lunch because of conflicts of interest. Cops are above the law.

It literally is. And they are taught that accepting free food is an ethical violation. These losers are willfully corrupt.


Did those cops get a free meal?

I hope so! If I had a place like this law enforcement would eat free if I could afford it. 👍

Would you serve boots to your customers or do you just save those for yourself?

holy frick redditors are insane


I've learned this is a tough situation. First, you for sure want the police protection in your area, and you want them to like you. Second, we pay taxes and favoritism is inappropriate, and one business should not incurr a cost in excess of another business for the same level of protection.

I wanna see the pink women's lace underwear shoppe also offer free pink lace underwear at the same dollar rate as the meal subsidy.


going out for brunch rate my fit

"Chat, am I cooked? fr? fr?" The zoomer :marseyzoomerimplosion: asks r/Kroger after breaking :marseyrobber: into Boss Man Pizzashill's :arousedpizzashill: office


Oil lamp-chan

Hamas -israel roundup


Gazans cope that they suck and are about to dieğu_suggests_that/

Ex-muslims cope they suck and are about to die

Bongs cope they suck and are about to die

Eurotrash cope they are America's b-word


[🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘] Any trump supporting businesses to avoid?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

Man, someone woke up and chose drama today (-36)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Definitivamente making la gran uruguaya my go to now. Thanks bud (-13)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

It's not drama. I want to avoid places that don't align with my values. If the president gets to do that why can't I? (38)

Your choice to do so isn't drama.Your choice to engage in a discussion about it with Internet strangers on an anonymized site? Drama.But I could be wrong! Let's see if I'm wrong. (-20)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Are you people for real? Jackson Heights suffers a lot from illegal immigration. 🙄 (-17)

Are immigrants the one raising our tax code, allowing racism to run rampant, spreading lies, releasing violent criminals, firing hardworking people because they're uplifting minority voices, defunding federal organizations which directly led to a plane crash and deaths of civilians, increasing tariffs that will only harm the average person, etc? (13)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

It's not drama. I want to avoid places that don't align with my values. If the president gets to do that why can't I? (38)

There are many things this President has done or gets to do that you will never be able to.I expect this to be a controversial statement in true Reddit fashion.EDIT: never change Reddit, I was talking about the fact that he got away with felonies, being a male feminist, a libertarian, an open racist, and somehow becoming President while simultaneously being the dumbest person I have ever had the displeasure of listening to more than any human deserves. Knew you guys would take it the wrong way and come with the pitchforks. (-11)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

As recently as last year Dan Cathy has publicly opposed marriage equality. (7)

So what? Why don't you go ask the local mosque if they approve of you? I don't care who approves of me or not. And doesn't matter if they oppose gay people being married, who cares? When I was a hateful leftist I used to say oh don't eat Chick-fil-A. I don't do that anymore. I eat Chick-fil-A. It's a great company. You know they just shot and killed an ex-muslim in Sweden? Sweden a progressive, western country. We need to take control of our borders and stop our country being overrun by people who hate us. (-4)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/weirdscienxe

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

It's underreported but Trump just nuked Temu, Shein, and the entire droppooping industry :marseyemojirofl:

Maybe American Apparel can come back

MFW I see carp
r/theadamfriedlandshow has been banned

The downward spiral keeps going, yet another CT sub has fallen. 😭 Cumboys and cumgirls are the most persecuted people on reddit. Nick leaves, and now reddit kicks us off again. Dark times.

Many NSFW subs recently got banned for being "unmoderated" actually like /r/drugs. reddit sucks butt.

/r/redscarepod is next in line for the rope, betting on it.

Edit: NVM it's back up :marseyembrace:

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