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The Intelligence Age
Diddy was fricking Carl Winslow? :marseyhmm:

This lying mfer sweeter than a sugar plum. Diddy is wrong for this.




Heres a small list of flavored potty paper i wish would exist

● nitrous oxide

● strawberry/ kiwi

● menthol

● ghost pepper

Reported by:

>"Any cellphone has access to this brutality, this language of the devil,

While modern technology has many positive resources to appreciate, he noted, it also gives the devil an opportunity to tempt us, "and many people fall for it."

Elon capitulates to Brazil's Supreme Court

Orange Site thread

In semi-related news, Cards Against Humanity is suing Elon for $15m:

r/insanepeoplefacebook - "consent just isn't hot"

idk if this has already been posted - too :marseyantiwork2: to check

Big male feminist energy there.

The guy's account was easy to find. Turns out he is also a Neonazi. I mean an actual fan of The Axis powers.

I wish we didn't live in a time where it was ok to openly admit you're a male feminist. Or a Nazi. Maybe the internet was a mistake.

technology was a mistake not necessarily electronics, but planes, trains, laws, cowtools :marseyunabomber:

But... Telling someone to kill themselves is awful regardless of who it is, could also be a crime in some jurisdictions But this guy is totally fricked and his parents failed him

They didn't tell them to kill themselves, they made a polite request.

Why are incels so stupid? :marseyhmmhips:

Huh? - r/facepalm

So fricking obvious a man wrote this.

If you're in a healthy relationship you should not always have to ask to give your partner a kiss. And if you're both strongly attracted or "in the moment" something as simple as lightly stroking the rim of an ear could be considered a sexual act. The human body is covered in nerve endings. The adult thing to do is try and discuss ahead of time what you both like, don't like and may or may not be interested in trying.

Communicating beforehand is giving consent.

Not for consent extremists. :marseylaugh: They want specific permissions given before during and after. For every single action. As far as I have heard it's all one sided too. The woman is not required to ask.

So... you're a virgin, then?

Not in the literal sense of the word. Available guys in my area and age range all seem to be drunks/smokers/drug addicts all 3 are major turn offs for me. With my work schedule it's been a few years since I've had time to consider any sort of relationship. I can recommend some authors that definitely do a lot of research into kink/S&M play. Consent and talking about needs and care etc. are very well covered. Also 1 YouTube channel hosted by a couple of gay men that are into kink. I never looked for gay kink but it was recommended a lot so it must be popular. I'm curious by nature and learned a few unexpected things.

To me, consent means being wanted. How is being an undesirable creep hot?

I mean I think he's talking about the question itself, it's like putting terms and conditions before banging. It's kinda boner killer to pause and ask if you have consent.

"It's kinda boner killer to pause and ask if you have consent."

Only if you're a moron virgin that cant figure out how to make it not a boner killer.


Chill dude. It takes practice to figure It out. Wtf

Im sure for someone with 88 in their name it takes practice like most basic social interactions. For most people its common sense.

Bard spotting on Bluesky 27 September 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

We Were All Busy That Week - Please Release Concord Again |

!g*mers please sign :marseybegging:

trail cam manul



I'm looking for some spookier music to add to my rotation. This one is a little too upbeat sometimes :marseyghostkiss:


Marcellus Williams

explained well here

You can read the final court decision here.

Williams was a violent, habitual criminal who had broken into other homes and businesses in the area where the murder/robbery occurred, he pawned the victim's laptop a day after the savage murder, and the victim's belongings were found in the trunk of his car.

An initial witness (H.C.) eventually came forward to police about Williams.

H.C. knew things that only the killer could know. H.C. knew the knife was jammed into F.G.'s neck, that the knife was twisted, and that the knife was left in F.G.'s neck when the murderer left the scene, details which were not public knowledge.

His report led them to interview the second witness (L.A.), Williams' girlfriend at the time who also provided details not publicly known.

She led police to where Williams pawned the computer taken from the residence of the murder scene, and that the person there identified Williams as the person who pawned it. L.A. also led police to items stolen in the burglary in the car Williams was driving at the time of the murder.

The man who purchased the laptop confirmed Williams sold it to him; and Williams, himself, admitted to pawning the laptop a day after the murder.

I oppose the death penalty, but there's no evidence supporting his actual innocence is this case.

despite all of this, people are claiming "no DNA evidence" exists.

go ahead an search is name, he's a perfect example of how the innocence project is now trying to let out guilty people for some reason.

EFFORTPOST Darklands LP Ep IV: Introduction to Equipment & Combat

Darklands has sometimes been derided by its detractors :marseyautism: as "the first RTWP game". Which is technically true, but its mechanics are (intentionally) quite different from Bioware just adapting D&D crap. Today we're going to start scratching the surface of the combat system.

I've been spending some time grinding, just going through the cycle of getting into fights with muggers, selling their stuff, healing, and going out for more. Every few times we win we can afford to buy a new item to equip our characters. Even more importantly, everyone is improving their weapon skills. They're increasing pretty rapidly since we're still at low levels. (Later on as they get closer to 100 they improve much more slowly.) Let's take a look at the current state of our party:

Sasha now has some javelins. These are useful for doing a little damage to the enemy as they advance toward you. Ideally I would equip everyone with some kind of ranged weapon but we can't afford that yet. Looking at her skills, her Edged Weapons ("WEdg") is up to 27, decent enough for dealing with street thugs. Her Thrown Weapons ("WThr") is only at 14 so she's going to need a lot more practice before she can reliably hit with those javelins.

Redactor's simple club has been replaced with a mace, which does slightly more damage and will penetrate the armor of anyone we're likely to encounter soon. His Impact Weapons skill is getting pretty formidable at 35. I am such a chad.

Yuna likewise has a mace now but is much less proficient with it.

Nathan has swapped out his short spear for a long spear which does slightly more damage. His Polearm Weapons skill is up to 30 so he should be fairly deadly with it now.

Notice that I've equipped everyone with a shield. These give a moderate advantage in avoiding being hit, about as good as having 15-20 more points in our weapon skill. They'll be more important later in the game for blocking arrows when we run into enemy archers.

Everyone still has a "light load". That means they can attack a little bit faster and they'll be better in certain situations like dodging traps. Later on we'll have to make some tough decisions about how to equip our people as only the strongest can effectively use the heaviest armor. But for now we can't afford much armor anyway so it's not an issue yet.

Let's go out and look for a fight now. You'll (hopefully) see how much better our party does with better skills and equipment.

Music for that same grove of trees at night.

So far these are very simple fights without much going on in the way of tactics yet. Things will get much more interesting later in the game as there's more interesting maps, more sophisticated weapons and armor, alchemy, and more dangerous enemies.

I have Sasha toss a javelin at one of the enemies but she misses.

Sasha and Yuna manage to take down one of them quickly.

Now that it's 4 vs. 3 we should make short work of them. A guy who is fighting two opponents at once is at a big disadvantage. Here Yuna whacks at a guy from behind him, distracting him so that Nathan can land a powerful blow. With the strength he puts behind his long spear he does tremendous damage and kills him. The fight is over shortly.

We pick up the two javelins that Sasha threw and the cheap armor and weapons from our dead opponents. Nathan and Sasha have been hurt slightly but are still quite ready to fight. This is way better than when we first started the game, when a single fight with these riffraff would make us run away to heal.

Sasha's Thrown Weapons skill increases. Those javelins might not be too useful yet but she's getting good practice with them.

After that I got in another fight and my people got some modest wounds. Nothing too serious, but as their strength gets worn down they don't fight as well, so I figure it's time to call it a night. We can't go back to the nuns to treat our wounds again because they won't just do charity work for you constantly. You've got to at least wait a couple months. So we'll go to the inn and settle down there for a while.

Thanks to Yuna, the best healer in our party, we are each able to regain 2 points of lost strength per day. Sasha isn't hurt so we'll have her just get a job to help pay our rent. Due to her Edged Weapons and Artifice skills she qualifies to be a swordsmith, earning 6pf/day. She could make more money if she was more skilled or we were in a bigger city, but in a bigger city we also would have to pay more in rent.

After a few days everyone is completely healed except for Nathan. Redactor can make 8pf/day as a craftsman because of my high int. Yuna's healing skills earn her 5pf/day.

Now that our party has at least the basic skills and equipment needed to survive low level fights, maybe next episode I'll leave the city and venture forth into the dangerous countryside.






Caroline Ellison, former chief executive officer of Alameda Research LLC, was sentenced Tuesday for helping Sam Bankman-Fried cover up FTX's fraudulent misuse of customer funds.

US District Judge Lewis Kaplan noted that he is allowed to show Ellison leniency for providing "substantial assistance to the government." He then confirmed that he always considered the maximum sentence she faced of 110 years to be "absurd," considering that Ellison had no inconsistencies in her testimony and fully cooperated with the government throughout their FTX probe.

"I've seen a lot of cooperators in 30 years," Kaplan said. "I've never seen one quite like Ms. Ellison."

No honor among thieves.

[Kaplan] called Bankman-Fried her "Kryptonite" because the FTX co-founder so easily exploited such a "very strong person."

[US attorney Damian] Williams praised Ellison as exceptionally forthcoming, even alerting the government to criminal activity that they didn't even know about yet. He also credited her for persevering as a truth-teller "despite harsh media and public scrutiny and Bankman-Fried's efforts to publicly weaponize her personal writings to discredit and intimidate her."

"The Government cannot think of another cooperating witness in recent history who has received a greater level of attention and harassment," Williams wrote.

Geez, the government is really trying to get in her pants. :marseyflirt:

:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-09-25 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘Chappell Roan clarifies her stance on not endorsing a Presidential .../r/Fauxmoi (4M)59%3819
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘She looks unwell ://r/travisandtaylor (125K)61%1075
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘The main actress behind Ghost of Yotei is a Queer Genderless activi.../r/Asmongold (389K)56%795
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘melting cheese on a burger is wrong/r/unpopularopinion (5M)63%880
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘The Houston Astros are your 2024 AL West Champions! Their seventh t.../r/baseball (3M)65%849
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘The government should be able to execute deserters during wartime/r/The10thDentist (289K)47%400
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘People who believe that men shouldn't have a say in abortion don't .../r/TrueUnpopularOpinion (147K)56%421
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘ULPT: Why You Shouldn't Get Involved If You See Shoplifting/r/UnethicalLifeProTips (2M)64%492
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘You actually need to scrub your body and exfoliate the dead skin ce.../r/hygiene (106K)51%336
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Is Huntsville pushing Alabama to the left?/r/HuntsvilleAlabama (86K)56%372

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Defense of Clarence Thomas in Roe v Wade /r/PoliticalDebate (10K)48%185
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Daly City (aka Chemtrail City) California is known for having the h.../r/chemtrails (8K)50%118
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Just read Interview with the Vampire /r/VampireChronicles (7K)50%84
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Who would be considered more attractive in East/Southeast Asia?/r/trueratediscussions (16K)48%133
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘If you're broke don't order out/r/DoorDashDrivers (35K)53%289
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Epic slow mo footage of an antifa member getting thunderc*nted./r/satisfyingbeatdown (7K)56%50
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘She looks unwell ://r/travisandtaylor (125K)61%1075
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Give a nice kid a chance?/r/denverjobs (19K)51%125
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Starmer's Brexit revenge /r/BrexitMemes (24K)50%125
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Truck stuff. (These guys think this can off-road)/r/Offroad (45K)50%175

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : Gas this thread and ban all these disgusting blaspheming prots
  • TotalWiccaDeath : I miss @HailVictory1776 so much bros. @Aevann free him you overgrown mouse :marseyraging:

The post

So, what did all those martyrs throughout the centuries die for?

I still think that the Holy Father is wrong here and is causing confusion. Especially considering that the deposit of faith says that Catholicism is the one true Faith (as says our Creed).

The actual quote is so much more boring. Let's ignore it and hate on Pope Francis!

Can we all agree that SOME of the pagan gods are demons like Baal?

Can you be catholic and acknowledge that the pope is a heretic?

Why can't people not immediately react negatively to the Pope, and instead consider reading his statements with an open mind and a willingness to wait until all information comes out

:marseybrainlet: :marseybrainlet: :marseybrainlet:
Reported by:

how is it that both sides come across as incredibly pathetic and nauseating :marseysick: !volcels can't keep winning like this its just not fair :marseysigh:

gross p0rnsick foids are pathetic

I'm not like other scrotes haha plz let me fucc losers are pathetic

incels crying that whores would rather frick silicone over them are pathetic

all i can say is :#incel:


!metashit im looking at you @MoonMetropolis

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