Antiworker asks if he was unreasonably let go; posts explicit list of reasons from his employer


Just received an email from the CEO of the company (not sure if I was supposed to receive this message) that they want to proceed with my termination.

For some context, this is an account management role and I have 4+ years of experience with me being a top seller and performer at the companies I've worked for. The reason I took this role is because I started my own company and wanted something stable in the meantime, and my previous employer lowballed my commission so I left.

I started this new job at the beginning of January and ever since I made a minor mistake in my email, my manager has been micromanaging me about what to say in my emails, how to talk, what time I need to be logged on, and so on. To be honest I've never been micromanaged in this way and it only started happening last week. But I want to know if you guys think this is a valid reason to be let go?

Call center slave self-suck or actually an average Sales r-slur?

Gaybros x Love4FatPeople crossover :kongsuprise:

!gaystapo !besties who else would do this :#donkeykongpony: :#donkeykongcurious:

Watching spiderman ban everyone like:


I've hit 2 million views in the past 30 days.

Sure, I've neglected everything else I'm supposed to be doing but look at that view count.



@Sandkwinn believes the Holocaust was a joint effort by Zionists and Nazis to kill all non-zionist Jews.

Nothing says 'I'm not an antisemite' like spouting Holocaust revisionism completely unprompted.

I think she thougth me saying 'Ashkenazi' was a reference to Nazis because she doesn't know that that's how it's actually spelled.

She also believes that Trump is Jewish because only jews are allowed to wear a kippah


Just received this in my rDrama inbox -- WTF
Reported by:
[VOTE NOW!] SUDDEN DEATH: The Final Battle for Dramatard of the Year (@BWC vs @J)

Hello once again my lovelies. Because nothing says drama like chaos and a broken voting process, we're back with a surprise twist for the Dramatard of the Year award! In true site fashion, the original vote has been thrown into disarray thanks to:

1. Nominee withdrawals (they said they were "too good" for this, smh).

2. Incorrect nominee names (classic).

3. Janitor interference (the plot thickens :capymerchant:).

4. Indian cyberattacks (you know who you are).

It's giving Miss Universe 2015, but with less Steve Harvey and more Reddit-tier clownery.

After sorting through the mess, two nominees have emerged as the undeniable favorites, being effectively tied in votes after the dust has settled. To make this a truly fair contest, let's settle this once and for all with a sudden death vote! The finalists are:

:brazilparrot: @BWC :!brazilparrot:

A Brazilian sigma wrapped in a mystery and sprinkled with a touch of spice. I'll be honestβ€”I have no idea what this guy's deal is because I haven't been around much, but apparently, you all love him. Or at least tolerate him enough to make him a finalist. Is it the mystery? The charisma? The raw chaotic energy? Who knows, but they're here, and they want the crown.

:marseymao: @J :!marseymao:

The brilliant mind behind @CrossTalkPM, restoring the lost art of pinging to the masses after the Reddit admins cruelly took away that beloved feature back in the olde subreddit days. A true hero of petty grievances, J restored order to our chaotic kingdom when we needed it most.

This is it, folks: two enter, one leaves. Will the crown go to the Brazilian sensation, or the bot-building champion of our ping-deprived hearts? You decide.

And yes, as always, I've asked ChatGPT to write this because I'm lazy. But hey, if you wanted a better announcement, you should've voted for me as janitor of the year.

Happy voting, and may the most dramatic win! 🌈

:marseyking: Dramatard of the Year :!marseyking:

$50,000 mbux + Profile Badge



FYI /r/livestream jannies are tiny peepee riders so the fact that this is on lsf is a buck breaking moment.

I tried to upload the clip but the only kick downloader I could find pooped out a 200mb mp4 :marseyraging:


Q: Did you steal some info from :marseykiwi:

A: Yes

Reported by:
  • Citro : >"I even ended up spending time in the psych ward in part because of the heartbreak" actually keep yourself safe
  • Beto : We're all gonna make it. Don't give up. Get plastic surgery. Rob a bank.
  • Arran : uglyposting
  • HailVictory1776 : Find Christ, keep this shit off here
  • dingleface : sneedman is off his meds again
EFFORTPOST My history of being rejected by women

It's a sad morning. I can't think of anything but the numerous rejections I've faced throughout my life. Women don't find me attractive, they've told me this in uncertain terms, and I don't know why it's taken me almost 30 years to finally get the message. In this post I'll share all the rejection I remember.


My first rejection was a relatively mild one. It occurred when I was in 5th grade and I thought this girl in my class was cute. She was a Black girl and she had dated a friend of mine. I bought her chocolate and she rejected it completely and would not take it from me. After that it was awkward for the rest of year because we were in the same class and she knew I had a crush on her.


In the 6th grade I had a crush on another Black girl in my class. I sat next to her, and she was a somewhat bigger girl. During camp, I admitted to my friends that I had feelings for her and they told her. She made it clear that the feelings weren't reciprocal. More awkwardness ensued as I had to sit next to her for the rest of the year.


In the 7th grade the girls in my class made a "Hot or Not" list. Predictably, I was on the "Not" side. The list was passed around in class so my shame could be publicized. Right here, at age 13, when an entire room of girls could unanimously agree that I'm ugly, this should have been the moment when I accept that no women would ever find me attractive. Unfortunately, I had far too much hope.


In the ninth grade, I dealt with my first major rejection. I had a crush on a girl in my class. She was Indian, and she was a good friend of mine. We'd hang around together a lot and she was nice to me. I wanted to do something nice for her when I asked her out so I learned HTML and I made a website dedicated to her. I brought my PSP to school and I showed her the website which ended with me asking her out. She rejected me and it was so painful it plunged me into depression. I had never felt heartbreak like that ever.

This wouldn't be the only rejection I suffered in 2010. I was part of a cohort that had an academic scholarship, and we were taken on a camp together with students from other schools who were part of the same scholarship. At night, the girls came to our dorm and fetched some of us because they wanted to play spin the bottle. What ensued is an evening of crippling shame. Every time the bottle landed on me, the girls would look upon me with abject disgust when they realised they had to kiss me. It became a running joke that I was the ugly, unwanted creature there giving women the ick. It was made abundantly clear to me that in no way did any of the women present find me remotely attractive and in fact they were positively repulsed by me. I will never forget this night. Brutal humiliation in front of my peers.


I finally got a gf! She was a short, Black girl that seemed affectionately enough. However, she was cheating on me, she ignored me, and she constantly asked me for money. I knew she was cheating on me but I turned a blind eye because I finally had a gf, but it hurt me immensely and I couldn't take it anymore. I broke up with her in 2013.


There was a girl, Black, who approached me and wanted me to help her with Physics since I was good at it and she wasn't. She started coming to my Physics afterschool tutorials with me, and because she was a poorcel, I paid for her lessons. I eventually developed feelings for her and I wrote her a love letter. She turned me down. It was emotionally brutal.


In university, the girls in the cafeteria would make fun of me and call me a 14-year-old because I was short. I eventually stopped going and just ate food in my room in my third year until I moved out into my own place. Even the warden of my residence called me the "short one".


This is the year I tried online dating. Got no matches on any of the apps. I chatted to one girl on Fetlife but when she saw my picture she started bullying me. This was also the year I gave up and started identifying as an asexual. I wove my past into a story of "compulsory heterosexuality" forged from ideas by feminist scholars such as Adrianne Rich. "I never wanted to date girls, I had simply been socialized that way!" The cope helped to alleviate the pain but as you all know, the delusion didn't last forever and I eventually gave up the asexual label and accepted that I was an incel, but that would take years.

One good thing came out of this, which is that I joined AVEN (Asexuality Visibility and Education Network) and met Sarah who would become a close friend of mine.


After years of identifying as asexual, I got back into the game. I had a collossal crush on Sarah, and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I told her about it and I got brutally rejected. I wrote about it in this post.

This rejection affected me immensely, and I fell into dangerous self-harm. I even ended up spending time in the psych ward in part because of the heartbreak. I couldn't handle it.


These are just some of the more notable rejections I have suffered. I've felt hate from teachers, police, and random looks of disgust in public. I've had babies in public comment on how dark I am, and people are shocked I'm old enough to drive. I'm stuck in forever childhood. I am a beast, a cretin, I am Frankenstein's monster. I was born at the bottom of the totem pole in terms of race, and I have been cursed to look up at everybody for my whole life. Do you know how brutal it is to have everybody looking down on you? My life as a five foot one blackcel has been a string of bad memories and rejections, and the truth is that it's fricking awful. Moving through society is hard as a five foot one black male. The strength it takes to go outside... sometimes I don't have it.

When normies are rejected, it's usually for something that they can improve upon. "I don't like shy guys", "we're not into the same things", "I like buff guys". When incels are rejected, they are usually experiencing genuine forms of prejudice and discrimination. We are shunned because of things we cannot change - we're short, or ugly, or dark-skinned, or the wrong race.

If you failed because of those factors in any other endeavor in life, and you expressed pain and trauma, you would be completely heard and sympathized with. e.g. if you lose a job because you're too shy, well that's a geniune reason to not hire someone. If you lose a job because you're ugly, EVERYONE would understand why you're hurt and traumatized by that. Yet, for some reason, people pretend to be oblivious to the source of our pain when we explain that we're being rejected and discriminated against because of ugliness, height, and other factors we cannot change.

If you were black and you couldn't get a job no matter how much you studied, the horror of your life would be obvious to all. If you're short, and you can't get a gf no matter what you achieve in your life, there is seemingly no reason for you to be upset, according to normies.

This is the reason why I will NEVER act on my feelings for women EVER AGAIN. If you've ever been redpilled you must have heard some variation of this advice: "Rejection is nothing bro! I challenge you to get rejected by 100 girls! The more rejection you experience the easier it gets!" It's not true. Rejections beat you down more. They crush what little self-esteem you have left. Nothing good comes from rejection. It is good to avoid rejection, it is an act of self preservation.

I'd like ONE (1) single biological woman here admit that they would date a 5'1 male. Be HONEST. It's OVER and we all know it. If you're about to turn 30 and you've experienced nothing but rejection your whole life, it is highly unlikely that fate will suddenly change on my 30th birthday and I'll suddenly become a Chad. The biggest predictor of the future is past patterns, and women have made it clear that they don't want me. I accept that, I hope to accept it as maturely as possible. I don't hate women, I don't think they're bad, and I don't blame them for not being attracted to me. However, I can't deny that it hurts like heck.

:marseyhmm: :marseyhmmm: Is it normal to give your mom Valentine's Day gifts? :marseythonk: :marseydetective:

I was talking to @PegMeMommy about Valentine's Day. I was telling him about how me and my siblings got our mom flowers and stuff for Valentine's Day. During the conversation he said he had never heard of kids getting their mom something for Valentine's Day, and he doesn't know anyone who does this. For me, this is the opposite: Where I'm from, everyone gets their mother something. Now both of us are wondering which is normal.

Decided to make a poll!

Do you buy your mother something Valentine's Day?

i suck meaty peepees




Crazy shit I hope it's not a recurring issue that ends his career prematurely, I went thru this shit with Chris Bosh and this dude has almost no ceiling if he can stay healthy

Progressive women hate cute twinks

Hello besties, I have some slop screenshot posts for some :marseychristmaself: christmas time drama that I didn't touch because I refused to use this site on christmas :marseyno:, it's a moral standard

A post about old school homophobia led to some chick noting that women hate bisexuals. Women come out the woodwork after shopping or cooking or whatever women do to confirm it

I want to know what this chick below is on about, sounds like an awesome source of drama


>I'll never date those aids ridden CUTE TWINKS but I'm not homophobic

Too awesome

Meta Says it Made Sure Not to Seed Any Pirated Books :gigachad2:


Reported by:
  • PlsNope : i'm easily one of the most dramatic posters on this site. you're all welcome


The woman from this post just made a thread seething about it.

my heart is telling me Making a post is now creating a separate webpage.


:marseyhappening: :marseytrump: Trump Moves To Dismantle Department of Education With New Order :marseyshock: :marseyhappening:

Department of Education is (soon) kill!?

I was talking to a irl maga person a month ago and they were like:

:!brainletmaga: ...what? It doesn't matter who gets appointed to head the DOE because Trump will dismantle it. He literally said so lol

And I was like

:!brainletchest: pshhh that will never happen...


White Moid Extermination :marseydeathsentence!: :marseyfeministgenocide:


comment explains how he perceived reviews

"Haiiiyyy. I'm Non-Binary! Give me attention!" :marseytransattentionseeker: :marseytransattentionseeker: :marseytransattentionseeker: :marseytransattentionseeker: :marseytransattentionseeker:

"Veilguard is as bad as that straggy Terf Book sequel" :chudspin2:


Mega Cope :marseycope: :marseycope: :marseycope: :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycopeseethedilate:

Reported by:
Bluesky says Singal stays! :marseysjwgenocide: :marseytranspearlclutchgenocide:

In the past month alone, over 12M people joined Bluesky, with daily active users growing 10x. We received more reports in two days than in all of last year, and have integrated new systems and quadrupled our moderation team to try and keep up. Sometimes, we have to work quickly to correct errors.

Bluesky Safety ( 2024-12-13T17:53:07.524Z

"if you don't like it here go make your own site"??I deleted my other social media sites to be here and you're abandoning us all??

β€” jess m. β›„ ( 2024-12-13T18:14:43.629Z

The community does not have the cowtools to ban Singal and prevent his followers from harassing us with death threats. It is up to you.Do your job or we will ensure you don't have one.

β€” With Boughs of Molligru πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ¦„ ( 2024-12-13T18:09:48.990Z

It's not "Let your libertarian friends run rampant and threaten, harass, berate, & dox the trans community"? Huh, today should've learned.

β€” Sprint6864 ( 2024-12-13T18:26:30.374Z

So basically the takeaway is "We're a bunch of lazy cowardly fricks who wouldn't stand up for endangered minorities under any circumstances."Got it, great.

β€” Sekhi, Booper of Snoots πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ ( 2024-12-13T18:13:06.158Z

Quick question, is having an account solely devoted to harassing trans people and regularly screenshotting people’s posts to incite dogpiles a breech of your TOS? Because if so, ban Jesse Singal.

β€” Andrew McGrae ( 2024-12-13T18:16:31.507Z

You have lost all and any respect I have ever had for this platform and its team. Thank you, New Elon.

β€” Penndragyn 37 πŸ‰πŸŒ² ( 2024-12-13T18:05:42.960Z

"We're gutless shitheels who refuse to do our job and are allowing libertarians who harass the trans community here because we can't afford to admit is friends with libertarians too. We're just gonna pretend we didn't see anything"-Bluesky Safety

β€” Sprint6864 ( 2024-12-13T18:23:15.451Z

yet a trans girl makes a joke to matt yglesias about hammers and becomes the first known instance of someone being banned on here.

β€” ΰΈ…^β€’ο»Œβ€’^ΰΈ… Ξ˜Ξ” ( 2024-12-13T18:28:04.612Z

You could have just posted a photo of your cowering leadership team drinking a bucket of stale piss instead of writing all that.

β€” Ryan Jackson ( 2024-12-13T18:23:09.769Z



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