


A 23 year old posts some advice about living arrangements to /r/adulting. The sub thinks that OP is in no position to give life advice, especially since they moved back in with their parents. OP ends up picking fights and arguing with everyone

*Names in brackets are shortened usernames ^^^not ^^^a ^^^reflection ^^^of ^^^how ^^^I ^^^feel ^^^about ^^^individual ^^^users



>Moving out and getting your own place is worth it more than living with roomates even if you will struggle financially

>Just wanted to get this off my chest real quick. Time and time again I see posts about people living at home with their parents and wanting to move out and get their own 1 bedroom or studio apartment. The comments 95 percent of time tell them it's not a good idea and they should just get roomates. What these people are failing to mention is that even though you will save more money living with roomates, you will be paying at the expense of your mental health. Meaning yes you can save more money but you wont be happy and will be miserable with your life due to your roomates making life more stressful for you. Money is not worth sacrificing your mental health.

>Im 23 and living at home right now but plan on getting a one bedroom when I move out. The reason why it is so much better to struggle financially and live on your own than live with roomates and have your mental health tanked is because in life you can always make more money however you cant get back the years you spent sacrificing your mental health just to save more money. Always choose mental health over money. So if youre in the same boat as me and lets say you only make 3k a month take home but you wanna move out and get a one bedroom thats like $1500 in your area my advice is to do it.Do not listen to these ppl on the internet telling you to get roomates and sacrifice your mental health just so you can save more money.

>Yes living on your own and paying your own bills will be a struggle and yes you will struggle financially but if you push through it it will force you to make decisions in life that have the end result of you being able to increase your income then at the end of the day you can have not only your freedom but security as well in eventually making enough income to where youre not struggling living on your own anymore.

>EDIT: Since people keep asking this question and wrongly are assuming I've never lived on my own before just because I said i live at home right now, lemme clarify some things.

>I moved out of my parent's house at 18 and From AGES 18-20 I lived with ROOMATES.

Then I lived in a ONE BEDROOM on my own for one year before moving back home with parents and have been home for 2 years now. Hope that clarifies things.



(Bed) I like that you still live with your parents but already know which is better. It's not a given that you won't enjoy living with your roommates, a lot of them remain friends for years after not living together

>(Logan) I had a best friend who refused that his dirty dishes were his both years I lived with him. I got drunk and physically attacked him. Still buds to this day but couldn't live with him again.

>(OP) I've already lived with roomates before as well as lived on my own so im pretty sure I can compare which is better lol. I said I live at home currently never said i havent lived out on my own before.

>(Wanderer) There is nothing better than living on your own and perhaps a loving partner. People have to live with a roommate (well some people do not want to live alone) because they have to. That said, sometimes you can still find very good roommates and that's the second best scenario besides living alone.

>(OP) Idk about you but i personally am an introvert so living on my own will always be better for me than ever living with roomates. I would rather live at home with my parents than live with roomates(which is what im doing now basically). I do understand your point that there can be good roomates out there but in my opnion they are in the minority.

>(Casino) I'm 37 and have always had roommates since I moved out at 19. I've lived with my two best friends and/or girlfriends. Some fights obviously but nothing that was worth losing the savings and fun times I have had with them that I wouldn't have had otherwise. Countless fun hangouts. From 19-33 I saved minimum $84,000. I bought a house and let my friend/girlfriend move in. I've saved another $73,000 from 33 to 37. So lots of good memories and an extra $157,500 saved. That doesn't count money from investing the savings.

>(OP) Thats good for you but youre one person bud lol. Your experience alone doesnt account for all thee people(including me) who have lived with roomates before and realized it was not worth the headache/stress having to live with roomates again. Also living with a GF is different so I wouldnt really count that.

>(Slayer) So why are you dishing out "advice". Aren't you only one person with only your set of experience?

>(OP) Well considering that my post got over 20 upmarseys, I would say theres several other ppl who agree with what im saying. Cant say the same case for you though lol.

>(Bed) My comment at the top of this thread has more upmarseys than your post so if you're going by the court of public opinion, I win. I dunno what I won though (cont…)

>(OP) The only reason your comment has more upmarseys is because a lot of people who are salty that I said living on your own is better than roomates are downmarseying my comments since they disagree with it. But yeah I agree I definitely shouldve mentioned it and just updated my post cause too many ppl misintepreted me "living at home with my parents right now" to not having never moved out before and lived on my own when I literally never said that.

>(Suffering) "The only reason your comment has more upmarseys is because a lot of people who are salty that I said living on your own is better than roomates are downmarseying my comments since they disagree with it" ..yes? That's...his point too, I'm not sure what you think this proves lol

>(OP) It literally proves that if people dont like the title of your post they will blindly downmarsey your comments regardless of whether your comments are wrong or not. Not sure what's so hard about that for you to understamd lol


(Alt) "Money is not worth sacrificing your mental health." "Im 23" Whos gonna tell him that that's literally what he's gonna spend the next 40+ years of his life doing?

>(OP) Speak for yourself. A lot of ppl have good paying jobs. in careers they actually like. Just cause youre miserable with yours doesnt mean everyone else is lol.

>(Uwu) You sound like you're not one of those people by the way you're talking. You're severely underestimating the stress that comes from being fully self-sufficient


(Wood) Have you ever lived with roommates? Frankly a 23 year old trying to explain the facts of life to a bunch of more experienced older people is pretty hard to take seriously

>(OP) Yes i've lived with roomates before and lived by myself before so im pretty sure I can compare the two.

>(Wood) Cool, please elaborate on how long and how many variations of those you've experienced

>(OP) Sure thing. I lived with roomates from ages 18-20 then lived on my own for one year and now have been at home a couple years now.

>(Wood) Wow a whole two years of experience with roommates! Can you offer me some career advice as well? Maybe how to keep my marriage strong over the long run? Look I remember being 23 and thinking I knew a whole lot and getting upset at how people would brush me off but at this age you're better served by gaining new experience than by digging into your preconceptions. It'll make for a richer life.

>(OP) Yes I can offer you some advice. Rather than spending your time on reddit trying to argue with a "23 yr old", you could be using this time brushing up on your work skills so you can get a better paying job so your wife will stop nagging you about being able to contribute more financially. Good luck to you you'll definitely need it.

>(Pancake) ….You came back to your parents' house… you are not in a place to write this last comment, really

>(OP) Saying I moved back home wasnt the "gotcha moment" you thought it was 😂 Im literally in a very good position right now financially because I moved back.

>(Pancake) So you are living with your parents as housemates


(Silver) Your mental health will be at risk if you're struggling financially to make ends meet renting a one bedroom apartment. You clearly have little experience in the real world from not only the bold statements made in your post, but the replies you've made to people in this thread.

>(OP) So according to you millions of ppl that live on their own and have their own place but are struggling financially don't have real world experience lol. Speak for yourself dude.

>(Silver) Never once did I say that. Though I'm curious what your reasoning in moving back in with your parents was?

>(OP) Moving back home got me in the position Im in now where I have a decent amount in savings and can not have to worry as much about affording a one bedroom again compared to before I had moved back home. It's something called common sense you should give it a try sometime lol.

>(Silver) The irony. So you did the same thing people who move in with room mates do - to save money. Your parents are your room mates by definition. Unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury to live with their parents to save money, therefore they go about it by living with others. In their case their friends, random people etc. In your case your parents. Give common sense a try sometime.

>(OP) "Unfortunately not everyone has the luxury to live with their parents to save money", not my problem. Go talk to somebody who cares. Sorry I dont have sympathy for ppl who act like hardasses.

>(Blast) Tries to make a universal statement. When someone points out exceptional cases it's not your problem lol. You sound like you have the life experience of a 18-19 year old, you should go back to living with roommates to gain more life experience


(Builder) Living with roommates is fine and totally worth the savings. Not everyone has social anxiety and can't deal with people lol. Most of my roommates been friends I knew anyway.

>(OP) Lol projection . So according to you people who live alone do so because of social anxiety lmao im cracking up rn that is one heck of a take.

>(Builder) Don't put words in my mouth. You're the one that suggests living with roommates will tank your mental health. There's nothing wrong living alone but living roommates is fine too as it saves money. You're the one projecting your bad roommate experiences onto others.

>(OP) Nope youre the one projecting people who live alone with having social deficiencies so some word of advice please shut up if you have no idea what you are talking about.


(Trixter) One bedrooms are like 3k where I live.

>(OP) then move

>(OP) If I was in your shoes I would literally rather move to another city and get a job somewhere else where rent is way cheaper for one bedrooms than stay there and be forced to live with roomates.


(Dave) this is extremely shortsighted. Staying out of debt/maximizing my retirement savings in my 20s is going to be worth so much more than a little bit of peace of mind I have gained. I have bad roommates? Sure. I had one bail and use their security deposit as last months rent. I had one just disappear one day. I had one landlord/roommate that was taking advantage of me and my girlfriend. It really sucked. But losing $1000+/ month when I was at my poorest is totally worth those headaches. I entered my 30s 100% debt-free. I bought a house at 35. I've been able to take vacations and have nice things all while maximizing my retirement

>(OP) Thats good for you but not all of us wanna wait until we're 35 to finally start enjoying our lives lol. That's pretty sad tbh.

>(Dave) but who said I didn't enjoy my life until I was 35? Things peaked at 35. I still had plenty of fun while being broke. And now, almost 38, my life is perfect. I have plenty of friends that got into debt and bad financial situations in their 20s and they are struggling when they are almost 40

>(OP) That sucks for them. They shouldve made better financial decisions.

>(Cgo3o) Like being born with parents who let you move back in after 18? Lol


(Lay) So you think that your mental health will be good when you're barely staying afloat paying for this out of budget place? The moment something happens (and it certainly will) and you need money, you will dip your toes into debt. Then said debt will snowball because you will take instant gratification over your long term financial health. And the you're in your 30s drowning in debt, no retirement, nothing to your name because you wanted a cute place to live alone at. You do you, I guess.

>(OP) Have you heard of this thing called savings before? Thats why they exist dude for moments like that. Dipping in your savings should also always be a last resort option but I understand some people have trouble managing money well so that might be a complicated task for you personally but that doesnt apply to everyone.

>(Ghost) By your own math you're 23 years old at the oldest. Why you think that you have discovered some revolutionary financial secret that nobody else has thought of before is a mystery. You've barely begun life, and at this point you're not even old enough to rent a car in many places. You've lived with room mates for a brief period and lived solo for nearly as short a time. You know which you preferred. You have absolutely no idea what every else prefers. Have you even considered that some people might prefer living with roommates over being so financially stretched they end up having to move back home to their parents just a couple years later?

>(OP) Enjoy ur roomates bud. That's all you had to say is you like having roomates and having no personal space/freedom to yourself. That's fine with me if you like living in a prison cell then stay there. Not my problem.

>(Bones) You live with your parents bud…..


(Mhq) you need to save for retirement

>(OP) Dont care about retirement plus I will be retiring overseas anyways where it's much cheaper. I have 0 intentions on retiring in America with how expensive it is.

me on the left
Here are some random posts from Boomerbook that I've seen in the last few days since the Great Chudening! :chudjakdancing:

Honestly, if you went back about 2 weeks ago it was quite rare to see posts like this as I mainly saw normie crap and coomer bait as most people did... But that's all changed now... it's a whole new Boomerbook world!

I mean, seriously, why show me the AVAROSA 2024 Esports thing? There's some fishy Chud antics afoot here :marseyhmm:


lots of shots going off at the end of this video

/pol/ has wpds of the aftermath if you're a sick fricker

I've seen rumors the driver was in full body armor with an AK and the coppers had to pop him in the head

What a way to start the New Year! :marseysadcat:

MFW the Chinese show up with a 30x numerical advantage :marseyevilgrin: 30 times more targets
Here's a riddle for you: What does a buck and MarseyIsMyWaifu have in common? I'll give you 3 guesses
me and who?
Little girls pose with AKs, hailing Hamas victory and thanking Palestinian resistance in Gaza : war roundup


"Gays go splat when they hit the ground ! Gays go splat when they hit the ground! Here in Palestine"

An excuse for Israelis to say how much they hate Palestinians and articulate the reasons why


There's probably drama here

And all through the thread itself

but it's just so surreal that they responded that I'm content to leave it at this


what an original story
I am leaving Drumpf's America :marseyargentina:

I am not strong :marseyshreddedmanlet: or wise enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to survive here anymore. I wish you all the best.

Reported by:


OP legitimately is a 51 year old white American woman from the Midwest ( I think) with grown children.

Failed jobless actress and comedian, he is the sole breadwinner for the family

She did not think to find a job when he lost his to help the family

And, yes her husband did lose his job and his sister and mother freaking died this year.

But she is jealous that he got better gifts, while he for some reason forgot and got her earphones, coffee and a mug

She herself claim that this is the first time ever he gift her 'shitty gifts'

And he apologized profusely

Adding comment chains

Comment chain

Your grown children are also to blame

Male feminists good husband and Twoxregular claims that OP husband is entitled and his loses doesn't matter




Twoxxers telling stories on how happy they are after divorcing dirty moids

Women should never lower expectations and their male partners should be perfect like in romcoms

'Neutral' comment, you are right to be disappointed, he had a lot to deal this year

The last 3 years, was he competent at gift giving?

:marseynotes: ooh I'm gonna remember that one


Ted has forced my hand, I didn't want to do this.

Look at all this cool shit

I've seen like 4% of the update content

I even found an underwater cave on a gas giant??????

It's the bongs :marseybritbongitsover: turn to have a hysterical meltdown about :marseyelonmusk: Elon's nazi salute


So suffuse with rage at Elon's Heated G*mer Moment is the British Government that even Starmer has 'hit out' at the Nazi c*nt in one of his latest 'uwu notice me elon' :marseyshy: press releases

Starmer hits out by saying he would "not be happy" if somebody in his Government did it, and wouldn't confirm he was talking specifically about Musk, instead giving an evasive 'well if the cap fits...' response.

Here's one of his senior MPs unambiguously praising a man who killed sixty million people

Too scared to call out Trump's buddy in case Trump gets upset and hits us with tariffs. Truly spineless.

Frick, now even Starmer is part of Musk's gang of acolytes? :marseyscream: How far up does this go?

'hit us with tarriffs' neighbor we don't even export anything:mjlol:, personally I hope he hits us with nuclear missiles :marseymushroomcloud: Musk-san please :marseyflirt:

Musk is a fricking nazi.

He does nazi shit, like the salute, he supports the AfD, he's seemingly paying for Tommy "But please call me Robinson as the poors won't like me with a double-barreled surname and I can't grift off 'em" Yaxley-Lennon, anti-Woke-but-not-satirically, disingenuous, lying, grifting, obsequious little narcissist.

Anyone defending Musk with "It was a heart gesture" or "He has Autism!" is talking unmitigated, willfully ignorant, racist apologist, bollocks and they fricking know it.

:redlight: CRASH OUT ALERT :redlight:

:shyyt: let me get this straight neighbor, Musk was secretly a devoted :marseyreich: national socialist, kept this fact so well-hidden that nobody even had an inkling until he came out in support of the 1st amendment (a known nazi amendment), and in the years since then he expertly manouevered himself into a tenuous position of mediocre state power, just to throw it all away at the end by getting up on stage and throwing his best Roman? :really:

Anyone denying it was a nazi salute is blind or wilfully ignorant

:marseyreportmaxxer2: report this man for antisemitism

This is so stupid. It wasn't a salute. Why are we even wasting time on this when the economy is in tatters?

It absolutely was though do you think we could maybe have some quality of life or-

:soyredd#it: no we HAVE to obsess over the literal hand gestures of a foreign billionaire for some reason ARMED POLICE THERE'S AN UNLICENSED THOUGHT ON THIS PROPERTY

Eurostrags cope when they realize their opinion doesn't matter




tl;dr: Blake Lively (:marseywould:) claimed that that Justin Baldoni sexually harassed her while filming a dance scene by dragging his lips down her neck and telling her 'it smells so good'. In her complaint filed last month she insisted nobody overheard the comment because the romantic montage was silent and the microphones were switched off. In fact, the microphones were on and the tapes makes clear the comment about her smelling so good was in response to Lively talking about her spray tan.

It's "their job" to be intimate when it's what they signed up for, but at the same time, it's "the job" of the director (and others) to facilitate that by creating a comfortable and safe environment. The little bit of script that was included at the beginning of the video didn't mention kissing at all. Actors are human beings, acting is an emotional process, actors on a studio film set are also workers with rights that deserve basic respect (like not being intimately touched by their boss in a way that they didn't agree to and makes them feel unsafe).

:marseyconfused2: It's a kiss in a romance movie. She didn't sign up for a Disney movie and get asked to spread her holes for the camera.

The thing that gets me is that he asked consent about putting mouths near each other, but didn't get consent to nuzzle her neck. Isn't she allowed to be uncomfortable about that?

He didn't get consent to look in her general direction! Hang that man!

Is it normal for "evidence" to be released like this? I mean, shouldn't this wait for court?

It's the Depp playbook and you can tell he has the same PR smear team.

Noooooo you can't just disprove the accusations we made in public by making the evidence public NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

/u/followingwaves unironically die pls :marseybegging:

Yesso scallop-chan

Yesso scallop #gijinka #cute

The Careful Buggy girl❤️🧜‍♀️ ( 2025-02-14T15:17:38.942Z



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Yeah, I agree. They can complain about him and his actions, but they also can't be mad if Harris voters mock them for getting what they voted for. (1296)

Harris was a poor choice for a candidate. Biden should have stepped down a lot earlier and there should have been a primary, which would have resulted in a more capable candidate. (-22)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Yeah, I agree. They can complain about him and his actions, but they also can't be mad if Harris voters mock them for getting what they voted for. (1296)

The only people that voted for this are people that voted for Trump. (-11)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Is he now? Why is there still a war in Ukraine? Why are my groceries still expensive? Why is he being paid off by billionaires and not helping working people? The emperor's new clothes sure look AMAZING, huh buddy? (31)

If you thought groceries would get cheaper with his tariff and deportation plan or that he could stop a war with RUSSIA, that's on you buddy. You didn't know he was besties with Musk? We all knew that. Why didn't you? Maybe you should hold yourselves accountable for not knowing what you were voting for, because it was right there in front of you. (3)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

When they put her up for the POTUS run I worried about some things. Misogyny and racism in the democrats was one thing. The other was if you could get enough white men out to vote after telling them they are scum since the 90s when PC came about. Well it began to look like the dems had that same worry when they grabbed Midwestern Dad Tim to show they don't hate straight white men. It didn't work and Trump won. So it is time to learn from the Republicans. Be a group, don't just be a mess of people who are against the republicans but ready to gut a fellow dem for a little camera time. Saying "I never thought Al Franken would step down when we demanded he do it, just so we could get some pander points." still leaves congress without women's greatest ally and lets the dems know you are amoral scum (maybe try joining the Republicans if that is who you are). If you like throwing out terms like "white privilege" you are the ones driving Dem voters away from the polls. Honestly, do you thi... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Ok now hold on a second. It is absolutely unfair to claim that they had no policy plan when they literally had a 93-page policy outline on their campaign website. (53)

This right here.I stumbled into this sub from the front page. I'm a conservative Xennial (in my forties).And frankly I'm disgusted and extremely disappointed reading all of these comments. "She didn't do this, she didn't do that, blah blah".Yah, she/they did. Putting aside the fact that anyone with a brain cell can see Trump for the scumbag traitor he and his entire base is (and they are), Harris didn't need to come to your house personally, spoon-feed you your dinner, tuck your little asses into bed, pat your head and tell you what big boys you were. But you are all acting like anything less than that is why you lazy, entitled asses stayed home or voted for Trump.She held speeches. They laid out their policies on their website. They did interviews. And if you dug through the past politics, voting records, and attempts made by Democrats in the past (including under Biden), it's plain as day the Dems have been trying to get you what you people b-word and complain about needing/wanting... (64)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

What if you agree with majority of what trump campained for minus abortion which a lot of middle of the road politically people agree with? You can still get mad if trump acts like an idiot but that one ad slogan really hit it home. "Harris is for they/then trump is for you.No one wants potentially criminal unchecked illegal immigrants taking over cities the way new york was. People are tired of all the dei bullshit infesting every aspect of life and in reality it is racist to give people of a certain color more advantage just because they are in a "minority" group. The price of food and eggs will go up no matter who is president since that is a result of market movements not what a president wishes for. Trump cannot lower the price of eggs anymore than Biden could forcing price ceilings. You can hate trump while voting republican. I challenge you to find to any person that voted for trump who actually likes him as a president. He is just a lesser evil from the choices and the dems ... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Far-Mix-5008

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 6

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Democratic US Presidents getting away with stuff that is curiously never talked about anymore

[Started as a reply to some zoomer saying something stupid and spiraled out of control.]

Kennedy and his brother were really into telling the CIA to assassinate people overseas and do that kind of covert action in a dirty way. Everything you think is bad about glowies is probably something they ordered. Which makes it especially hilarious when tards claim that he, the least likely person on a planet of 3 billion people, was shot by the CIA because he didn't want them to assassinate people.

LBJ is responsible for getting us into Vietnam in the stupidest way possible, where it's treated as a crisis in the daily news cycle, not a war we're trying to win. And yet he keeps reinforcing failure, sending more and more guys there, dropping more and more bombs, killing more and more civilians. Drip by drip, make sure we're defeated in detail. Because we're not trying to win, we're just "sending a message" to them. Sorry b-word, but the guys fighting there, the Americans, the ARVN guys, the civilians, the NVA guys, they deserved to have more with their life than "sending a message" for him. The response from Hanoi was always "no frick off, we're trying to actually win the war." And LBJ was like an neurodivergent male feminist redditor hoping that maybe if he fed more guys into the meat grinder that she'd reply.

All this for a war that he doesn't believe we can win. And every time any adult points out that we might win if we go into Laos, he pisses his pants and says that's too scary for him. There's gotta be at least half a million people killed because of his moral cowardice. Sending the guys there with zero plan at all of what that they were doing except killing and dying to "send a message".

I still see r-slurred children today saying that "Henry Kissinger was a war criminal" because that was some hippie mantra. WTF does it even mean? I think originally it was trying to deflect blame from Pol Pot onto him or something. I guarantee you none of these tards know what it even was supposed to mean.

I never hear any kid today point out that we could have avoided this huge war and all the people killed on both sides and between them if Johnson had made literally any other decision. Either get out or go big and invade North Vietnam. He was too much of a kitty for the former because it would mean admitting a mistake. The latter would be risky but probably would be like 100,000 killed instead of the millions killed in the war and the genocide in Cambodia, and the next genocide in Cambodia when the Vietnamese did it. But he was too much of a kitty for that too.

The last one is ironic (Ed: BECAUSE IT'S THE OPPOSITE, IT'S A REPUBLICAN GETTING BLAMED FOR STUFF A DEMOCRAT DID): Reagan catches all this shit for sending weapons to Afghanistan and El Salvador. You know who started that, dumbass? Jimmy Carter. The Soviets decided to throw away detente, the attempt to lessen tensions between the superpowers in the 1970s, and just go back to full Stalinist map-painting mode like they're playing goddarn Hearts of Iron. Starting huge wars in Angola, Ethiopia, Nicaragua/El Salvador, invading Afghanistan, keeping their satellites going with Vietnam constantly fighting somebody. Those weapons weren't sent because Reagan, the actor who gets his face painted for his job, was more masculine than Carter, the nuclear submarine guy. It's because the Soviets started chimping out and you had to respond. But now leftoid kids think this was a bad thing so they assign blame for it to Reagan instead of Carter.


Oi, you got a license to be making fun of gingers?

4Chan posters on /g/ are getting sued by Microsoft

Someone else made a thread on this already but mine is better

Some sources

Now these naughty posters are /aicg/, the most popular by far general thread on /g/, the technology board.

Here are some examples of their threads

They have been very bad neurodivergents, they stole a bunch of keys and used it to generate depraved (text) porn, underage stories and all kinds of messed up fetishes were common.

They are currently in complete melty mode as while it isn't clear how many have been doxed, Microsoft is trying to find them.

Some screenshots

Panic as they aren't sure which of them are being targetted

Someone called "fiz" is to blame for letting them use his dodgy keys?

Looking at 20 years? :marseyxd:

Anyway just go follow some of the links and laugh at them for being too poor to have used local models instead.


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