[cw: sadposting] Taking the wrong message from suicide notes?

I wonder if this is another example of me being kind of broken and maybe this is a topic for my therapist, but I've noticed I have kind of the wrong (I think) reaction whenever I read a suicide note in like a book, or online. I think most people are like, "Oh my god, how tragic! Gone before his time! She had so much to live for!" :marseycry:

...but I guess I take people at their word? Like I read these notes and they seem p compelling to me. Like, "wow, darn, yeah you're right. it sounds like your life really sucks."

If someone says they're a human shitstain and the world would be better off without them, who am I to say they're wrong? Like, they would probably know best why they suck.

Believe :marseyclapping2: shitstains :marseyclapping2:

An r/RareHistoricalPhotos user asks others to stop portraying Nazis positively. Reactions are mixed


The original post: Petition to remove posts that show Nazi's in a positive light. E.G. "My grandfather fought in the German Army in the 1930s" posts, which always devolve into Nazi apologism, and similar posts. It's time to stop this kind of garbage from being accepted here.

Some of the reactions and arguments:

>I never really see posts like that example you have. Sure, there are Nazi posts sometimes, but they are almost always explaining what is going on the in the picture, not supporting it or anything like that

>Standing ovations for ukranian who fought with nazi. OOTL. What's up with everyone hating on Prime Minister Trudeau? https://i.imgur.com/a/rhg4Imq https://old.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1hqhcd8/comment/m4rvhne/?context=8 https://old.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1hqhcd8/comment/m4ryddo/?context=8

>That's not this sub. It is implied that he's referring to posts on this sub.

>It's implied they referring to pro Hitler supporters. "That's not this sub. It is implied that he's referring to posts on this sub" deflection lol


>Jesus people. Lets just ban every little thought that pops into your heads.

>[reply thread 1] Welcome to Reddit. The most deranged site on the internet.

>Not been to many sites?

>[reply thread 2] I know right it feels like the 100th petition post I've seen. It's an annoying new strain of bots.

>Anti Nazi bots > your Nazi sympathies

>Excuse me? Nobody ever speaks to me like that. I know you're a troll and that this is ragebait, but still. I can't believe you'd call me a foul thing over this. This behavior is disgusting, I hope you repent and self-reflect on this later.

>[another branch of thread 2] I think you're onto something there. My whole timeline has been an "anti-nazi" crusade. Bots seems likely.


>Yes! Only through vigorous censorship can we defeat fascism!


>Is saying, "Not every German soldier who fought in the Wehrmacht was a psychopathic Jew hater?" Nazi apologism? Should we also insist that every photo about Vietnam include a reference to My Lai?

>[thread 1] Yes. That is nazi apologism. If you actually wanted to talk about that, you'd post "this is x person who was drafted into the German military despite supporting the Jewish community". The "not all" argument is apologism and leads nowhere.

>Stating historical facts isn't apologism. I'd recommend reading up on the subject sometime, but people like you who are incapable of studying history without getting personally involved are the most likely to fall into dangerous ideologies like Nazism.

>I'm literally in the field of historical preservation, hence I know importance of wording when it comes to interpretation.

>[thread 2] Glorification and normalization of Nazi's should not be your goal, bud.

>I don't wish to glorify the Nazis, and I don't see anything in my original comment that suggests I wish to glorify the Nazis. I am a man who loves men; the Nazis would have killed me. That said, I think it's illogical to suggest that every single German man of that generation was a psychopath or that every single Russian man of that generation was a male feminist.

>Brain rot has convinced people that if you don't strap up every morning to prepared to stomp Nazis, that means you are one.

>Brain rot has caused people to forget that our grandfathers and great grandfathers were heros for stomping Nazis. The whole nation stood behind them and because of that we defeated the mass death, suffering and destruction that the Nazis brought with them. People need to be afraid of Nazi ideas again. You cannot cede them one single inch. The problem with Nazi apologism in even its mildest form of wanting to appear impartial, is that it convinces people that "they were just like us" means that it couldn't have been that bad instead of "holy frick we need to be careful."

>[another branch of thread 2] People didn't have to be psychopaths, or agree with every nazi position to either be a nazi or to help the nazis. Most evil in the world is committed by ordinary people.

>If they'd won, we would all be Nazis and be committing evil. Everyone seems to have this delusion that they would be one of the few resistance hero's but statistically, the majority would either be fervent supporters of the agenda that had been successfully propagandised into actually agreeing, or the other group who did horrible things because they and their families lives would otherwise have been at risk. See also: Stanford Prison Experiment

>The Stanford Prison 'Experiment' has been repeatedly debunked.) But you're right, people do go along with evil shit. It's still no excuse, everyone in germany should have resisted it way before the nazis seized power. Nobody's grandfather or great grandfather in the Nazi Wehrmacht gets a pass just bc it was difficult and unpopular to resist. Everyone has an obligation to resist fascism regardless of how many people actually do it.

>"Difficult and unpopular" = you're definitely going to die and your family is also probably going to die. Understatement of the year. I admire those that resisted but I know I'd be in that third group. I don't think I'm alone and I don't think that makes me a bad person

>[another branch of thread 2] They didn't do that at all. With how die-hard you are about trying to erase Nazi history, it honestly seems like you're trying to run some sort of psyop to erase all posts about them so that it's easier for them to bounce back once nobody can recite what they did. Spreading knowledge of their existence isn't promoting or normalizing them, it's remembering them. And the horrors they committed are something we NEED to remember for the sake of humanity.

>[another branch of thread 2] Correction- If you don't say that you're prepared to stomp Nazis while impotently raging at the world from your computer

>At least we have principles, basement dwelling Nazi

>["Everyone I Don't Like Is Hitler" reaction image]

>CarolinaNaziCuck would literally be a better username

>He raged, impotently, from his computer…

>Awww poor Nazi getting sad

>Sad? No, not really. I do feel a bit bad for you, though. The world must be a sad, scary place when you think that everyone who doesn't think exactly the same as you is a Nazi.

>Awww poor Nazi getting more sad

>If you're going to troll, I'm sure you can do better than that. This is just lazy.

>Awwww poor nazi being disappointed now. Poor Nazi gonna tell me I'm on troll food stamps now 😂

>Come on, you can do better than that. If you're going to throw around insults, you need something much more cutting. So far, you've called me a Nazi, a cuck, and said that I'm sad and disappointed. I'm none of the first three, but if this is you trying to insult me, you're right on that last point. EDIT: I don't know why you edited your comment to add the Food Stamps bit. So far, I don't think that I've insulted you even once, except to say that you need to work on your trolling. Also, interesting that you would assume that that's the criticism I'd make.


>Ya, probably a good idea. Just wait for them to consider it "censorship", though. How about this one? My grandfather was dragged into a war because Nazi Germany decided they wanted to commit genocide and violate the sovereignty of multiple countries. I'd rather not see photos celebrating the people who were shooting at him on behalf of the Nazis. I'm well aware that the Wehrmacht wasn't necessarily comprised of Nazis itself, but it was an arm of the Nazi Party, and did its bidding. I'm beyond certain there were good men in the Wehrmacht who had no choice but to serve and did in fact use their position to help people when they could, but again, it was a military doing the bidding of genocidal control freaks. The institution should not be celebrated, and I'm sorry to say, your grandfather's service in such an army should not be celebrated. I, too, would be sad if my grandfather fought and sacrificed for what he thought was right, only to find that he fought for a mass murdering dictatorship. I would remember him as my grandfather, but would never celebrate his service to any such organization. Ya, they had nice uniforms and did well for the first few years of the war. Beyond that, they were the sword and shield of Nazism.

>"Just wait for them to consider it 'censorship', though." Frick 'em. They're Nazis. Their opinion doesn't matter. EDIT: Imagine downmarseying a comment for saying Nazi opinions don't matter.

>[thread 1] Being interested in historical war photos doesn't make someone a Nazi.

>This is a disingenuous characterization of what's happening with Nazi apologism.

>But it's a perfect representation of what you're suggesting with this ludicrous post. You don't understand Nazi apologism, you're an internet vigilante trying to burn every book (post) that proves that they existed. Stop trying to help Nazis come back by erasing public knowledge of them.

>[thread 2] I'm not defending the Nazis, frick em, but not every solider that fought for the Wehrmacht was a complete Nazi psychopath. Some were forced in and didn't want to make a fuss about it or else they'd look suspicious and probably be killed. There were a lot psychotic Nazis in the Wehrmacht, but not every single one were like. A good example is the Battle of Castle Itter, when it was the ending hours of WWII and some Wehrmacht soldiers teamed up with U.S soldiers and attacked the SS that was up in the castle with POWs.

>Can you guess where stuff like this leads you? People taking it and running with is until it's apologist shit. That's why you don't allow it.

>I'm not a Nazi sympathizer at all, I am literally just saying what happened in the past. It's literally true that Wehrmacht soldiers fought with the Americans to kill the SS and free the POWs in the castle and some just served because they were forced and had no choice. It's history and it happened whether you liked it or not. I'm not a fricking Nazi sympathizer

>I know you aren't. Truly, I get that. But once you make an exception for something, while legitimate, it just attracts the actual nazis. Maybe I'm wrong. It's totally possible. But I don't think so. Honestly, I really didn't think you were a nazi sympathizer.

>That is true, those people can definitely chime in


>Someone saw an out of context picture of Elon

>[thread 1] Although I disagree with op, here's context [gif of Elon Musk]

>Where's the sound? He literally says he's throwing his heart out to you.

>If I say "i love before" before punching a stranger in the eye, does that change the gesture? The man is 53 years old, so stop wiping his butt like he's a kid. Everyone else on the planet has managed not to do this, I watched it live, and that shit shocked the frick out of me as someone who has defended Elon for the past decade

>Everyone on the planet? There's pictures of practically everyone caught "saluting". You're just looking for something to relate them to Nazis.

>No. Not a picture. A video, a very clear 4k video of him doing the salute multiple times. If you want to carry water for nazis, instead of just acknowledging your own two eyes, then I don't know what to say. The man is again, 53yrs old and has made his decisio

>International audience here. It's a horrific look. The republican's that are defending him by saying its a Roman salute OR its throwing his heart out are pathetic. After all, it can't be both. Better yet. A particular German dictator in the 40's also did his salute by "throwing his heart out" as well. Go look at footage of him doing it.

>What's crazy is you think I give a shit about outside opinion.

>I love their self awareness

>[thread 2] Yea, they should definitely watch the video where he turns around and does a nazi salute to the flag lol

>Like this? [gif of Hitler and Elon doing similar gestures]

>No. His hand is flat against his chest, grabbing at his heart.

>So now it's not "pound your chest" because you realize that's exactly what he did. You can literally hear the pound of his hand against his chest as he did it live.


>I mean history is a serious academic discipline after all. Not at all written by the victors - it's objective!


>I agree. As a Pole can we also refer to them as what they were Germans. Luftwaffe, Wechmacht all committed atrocities and not all were members of Nazi party. Do you refer to the Brits during the war as Conservatives


>Agreed! Jews deserve to feel safe and heard! 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱

>[thread 1] 🖕🏽🇮🇱

>[thread 2] [Comment deleted by user]

>No, unless you agree with Elon?


>This sub is mostly Nazis or sympathizers so this will probably not happen


>I petition that you remove posts that falsely accuse people of being nazis first.


>HATERS GONNA HATE… sounds about right….


>Ideological purity is often at odds with the truth.


>Lmao but I'm sure you have no problem showing communists in a positive light huh?


>Why is anyone for banning any speech I don't get it! Do you think the Constitutional Right of free speech is for popular speech that everyone loves? No it's for unpopular speech that everyone hates! Speech is just speech words shouldn't mean that much to anyone!


>with this sort of sensitivity I'd assume any portrayal of them you'd see as a positive portrayal and an attack on yourself. Nazis will be portrayed, they existed. Though not in a positive light.

Edit: added some more recent comments


Woman driver identified
Enough about Israel. Let's talk about a different country


A complete accounting of the 20 SOFT RANGS OF POWER we just lost.

Geopolitical Analysis

"We lost the 20 rangs of soft power because of Drumpf, we need them ALL", says the geopolitical experts on ARR SLASH DRAMA @nuclearshill @JimieWhales

"We don't need ANY RINGS", says @Dude

You're both wrong. :marseywingcuck:

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

If one ring rules them all, the lesser rings are COMPLETELY USELESS!!

They're cuck rings, they literally bind you to the One Ring.

While we're wasting our taxpayer money on the 19 cuck rings, CHINA is taking the One Ring for herself. That's geopolitical suicide.

USAID knew this, so... why are they wasting our money?



Rangs of Soft Power

Here's an accounting of the 19 lesser rings we WASTED our money on:

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky

1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Musical in Ireland

2. Transgender Opera in Colombia


3. Peruvian Transgender Comic Book Series

Seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,

4. Electric Vehicles for Vietnam

5. Tourism Promotion in... Egypt.

6. "Condom" Purchases for Gaza

7. A Fish Farm in Afghanistan (That Was Immediately Abandoned)


8. A (Failed) Sesame Street Adaptation in Pakistan

9. A Mango Farming Initiative in Haiti (That Didn't Sell Any Mangoes )

10. DEI Advancement in Serbian Workplaces


Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,

11. S*x Reassignment Surgeries in Guatemala

12. A (Failed) Program to Teach Kenyan Youth How to Use Instagram to Become Influencers

13. A Reality TV Show in Afghanistan to Promote Democracy


14. Training Mongolian Yak Herders to Use Social Media

15. A Gender Studies Degree Program in Bangladesh

16. A Climate Change Board Game for Young Activists in the Philippines


17. A "Hip-Hop Dance for Empowerment" Program in Senegal

18. A Workshop on Writing Feminist Poetry in Kyrgyzstan

19. A Program to Train Ukrainian Farmers to Write Grant Applications in English

Not only did they spend millions trying to acquire 19 worthless rings, but they LOST FIVE of them. The sesame street ring, the fish farm ring, the Mango ring, and last but not least, our Kenyan Influencer ring was pawned for a Dodge Hellcat.

All this to say we only needed the one ring TO RULE THEM ALL, we only need the AIDS ring for teaching Africans not to pound sand into their foreskin. Obviously Mordor refers to Africa because it's "Where the Shadows Lie". Shadows are black, what else is black? You guessed it. BIPOCs.

American :marseyfedposthmmm: white :marseysouthernbelle7: boy can't pick fruit :marseybanana: as good as immigrants :marseyabbott:


Reported by:
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Reporting Exploits: Do's & Don'ts, a handy guide for the mentally handicapped

Aevann has requested that I throw this helpful reference material together in light of recent events. So today we'll be discussing what to do if you discover an exploit in the site.


  • Privately modmail the jannies what you've found, what it does, and how it's done. You will be handsomely rewarded, proportionate to the severity of the issue found. At a minimum you'll be given this super cool rare badge and some shekels:



  • Tell anyone else

  • Use the exploit beyond the bare minimum needed to confirm its existence

  • Use the exploit beyond the bare minimum needed to confirm its existence


Community Note by @box

It's impossible to report a bug if you can't tell anyone :marseyfacepalm:

Helpful [147] Not Helpful [6]
fixing my furnace with dad

he would not stop singing pearl jam "alive" and was very proud of his eddie vedder impression tbh i was too then he started going on about the lesbian he used to work with who had a name that sounded very similar to his over the intercom then he started talking about how much he likes licking clit should i put him in a home?

Marsey b-word slaps the entire animal kingdom :carpslap: :chudslapped:

Koran Burner Salwan Momika Shot Dead in Sweden : news


Surprisingly he lived a long life after burning it

Thís Еurореаn ļеftíе wоmаn sауs twíttеr must bе bаnnеd tо рrоtесt dеmосrаtу


Thоughts ?

*crunch* *chomp*

Reject modernity, EMBRACE TRADITION

i will birdpost when i am no longer a walking pathogen. for now. shitposting

Post a book recommendation

I've been reading the Aubrey/Maturin series for years. I'm in the middle of book 17, The Commodore. Great dialogue, evocative portrayal of 18th century seafaring life, memorable characters.

OP shits his pants at work and makes a woman barf


I farted in the stairwell at work and it caused a entire ordeal.

So anyway I drank my usual morning protein shake and it gave me some bubble guts.

Im going up the stairs to my office and I ripped a huge fart in the stairwell. It was one of those steamy ones that really stink.

Anyway I guess the SVP of HR came in not long after and got a big face full of my beef.

She contacted the facilities team and they came to a conclusion that a rodent must have died in the walls or HVAC.

This led to them getting big blower fans and calling our HVAC company to check out the ducts and Orkin to scout out the walls

Anyway that's my story.


Smartest chuddie asks AI to set an exchange rate for the lives of different nationals, REEEs at result(gdp/capita inverted)

Such elite human capital, brings a tear to one's eyes



image of his two accounts, the second :marseygunnut: one he used to ban evade (which normally twitch :marseypoggers: would :marseywood: never :marseyitsover: even let you appeal after you ban evade lol)


CW: OP repeatedly misgenders her step son

SageSunrise: I am a step-mom to two wonderful girls age 12 and 13. Recently, the 12yo confessed to me that she "wants to be a boy." I asked her why she feels that way, and she wasn't able to explain, just "I don't know, I just do."

Now, she's always been kind of a tomboy. Over the summer she got a pixie cut haircut (with pink highlights), and she sometimes wears "boyish" clothes. But at the same time, she enjoys stereotypically feminine activities like baking cupcakes and playing with makeup. She loves all the current pop music girlies and knows every trivia fact about Sabrina Carpenter. As a younger kid she liked stereotypical "boy" toys like Nerf guns and dinosaurs (who didn't??) but also had a babydoll she treated as her actual child for YEARS.

So what I'm saying is - she's not a boy. She might be a lesbian (she hasnt confirmed it, but she is REALLY into Sabrina Carpenter...), but definitely not a boy.

How do I talk to her about this? I'm sure these feelings are coming from a confused discomfort with puberty hormones and body changes that she's misinterpreting as some kind of "gender dysphoria." The kids go to a very liberal private school and I know they're getting all the TRA messaging there (this is their last year there).

Does anyone have any experience with this? Any advice? I'm afraid if I just shut it down full stop she'll dig her heels in, but I'm definitely not going along with it. Their father (my husband) feels the same as me, and while their mom isn't as peaked, she has assured my husband she would never consider any medical intervention. Plus, we live in a super red state where "gender affirming care" is extremely hard to come by and might soon be illegal for minors.

Any advice?


radicalacceptance: Sounds like you should let her parents handle it.

iconic: Did you read the post?

I am a step-mom to two wonderful girls

Step-parents are parents in every sense of the word. They take on the responsibility of caring for, nurturing, and guiding a child

She is trying to handle it, are you treating her as less of a parent?

radicalacceptance:It might hurt some people's feelings to accept reality but stepparents do not have the same rights or responsibilities as legal parents.

PiquedInterest: She's not one of the girls' biological parents, but she's still an adult closely involved in their life, not a random stranger who can just punt them off to their parents.

radicalacceptance: Oh? Why can't she punt this one?

Every divorced dad in the world wants to dump his parenting responsibilities on his new wife. OP doesn't need to play along. She doesn't have any legal authority over these kids' medical decisions anyway. She can and should let the parents handle it.

iconic: Step-parents contribute to the emotional, financial, and practical well-being of the family unit. It's not uncommon or wrong for them to become fully integrated into the fabric of a child's life and assume the responsibilities traditionally associated with "legal" parenthood

The law doesn't guarantee better decision-making capabilities. "Biological" or adoptive parents might not possess the knowledge or understanding to make the most informed decisions for a child's well-being. OP possesses the knowledge or understanding that "transgenderism" ruins bodies and lives. With this knowledge comes a moral obligation/responsibility to ensure that medical decisions are made in the child's best interest

The moral obligation/responsibility of a well-informed and loving step-parent supersedes the limitations of the law. Let OP handle it. Without information on the availability or involvement of the other "biological" parent, it's unwarranted to use the law to dismiss OP's concerns

radicalacceptance: Ok, but that's not actually how any of this works. The kids' parents make the kids' medical decisions and if OP disagrees it doesn't matter if she's objectively right or a better parent.

I'm sure dad loves checking out and letting OP handle this "because you're just so much better at this than I am" though. Divorced dad 101. Let's all be smarter than this?


I know Hamas is popular with some RS people but let's be honest. The Gazans are very pro Hamas and Hamas is a terrorist group. Parading murdered babies around today was probably not a good optical choice for the Gazan people. If the Gazans did not support terrorists, wouldn't it help their case? They want the world's sympathy but taking women and babies hostage and killing them is probably not going to warm people's hearts. I'm sick of paying for Israel's wars but I still think Islam is a wicked and violent religion, barbaric and worthless.

what an original story
Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : Told ya he was a good kid - trans lives matter
  • Aba : Fake news: the man shot by police was unrelated case
  • usernaw : >makes women seethe >only men have the balls to do this men win again


Really cool alien looking frog :marseyneat:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738333784bMxfPfR2JRpYNA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738333785BziiX4WkjV5UIg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738333785rnw1Q_-8vQ-4Zw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17383337851o_ZqV3o9xb6pg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738333785qbRQBKUZ9yj_YA.webp

YES, I shamelessly stole these from /r/tinyorangekittens


!animalposters DUTY CALLS

UK security officials are "monitoring Elon Musk's social media posts"


:marseyelonmus#k: :marseylayin#g:

Elon musk's tweets are so hot, the UK intelligence services are diverting taxpayer resources to reading them :marseyexcited:


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1736541083_Y6gLQkiH06ZIw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17365410831oxX_Ayi7PSalA.webp

I genuinely feared for Jess Phillips' life after his post about her

I feel the same. I truly hope she can stay safe in these times.

:marseyworried: wow he must've said something truly heinous


:marseycrying: :marseysulk: I hope she can stay safe :marseytears: not white schoolgirls though they can get fricked :marseylaugh: I am the compassionate one

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1736541084UBybcLeAEJ3JhQ.webp :marseyxd: she looks like one of the background ogres in shrek 4 btw https://media.tenor.com/xoGtuqVQzYcAAAAx/shrek-chimichanga.webp

In the Electoral Dysfunction podcast, she said that while Labour is calibrating their response to Musk and everyone else, they have to take her safety into account because of the amount of threats that she has received in the past week. It's sickening.


meanwhile Nige after getting his 34th death threat of the day

Yea, It is litteraly the whole point of Mi6 to monitor forign threats the UK and deal with them if nessesary.

https://media.tenor.com/j2bWpmXW2IkAAAAx/bond-spectre.webp That Manchester bomb plot can wait, Elon Musk's just been rude to Keir on twitter

The Home Office can prevent someone from entering the UK if their presence is not considered conducive to the public good.

:marseyemojilaugh: OH THEY CAN??? :marseyinsane: :trollinsane:

I must've fricking imagined all of this!

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17365410847TQxVxaC6nI_cA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1736541084ms2DUUkJPxWwsQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1736541084f4eWfcHlMkwJWA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/173654108448ERZAQLrpZTUA.webp

Some twit posts on Facebook: 'jail! And death is what you truly deserve!'

Musk tries to destroy democracy: 'well, it's a complex area and we want to prioritise free speech'

The Police and Crown Prosecution Service doing their 'one rule for you and one for the rich' routine.

>call politician a name

>democracy destroyed

Hans Herman Hoppe bros... was it this easy? :marseyhmm:

Is what he posted actually illegal? Or just terrifying and unacceptable

Watch as a bong realises he cannot enforce his Naughty Words Laws across national borders :marseygasp:

There are things which the UK government can do on a global scale, that Musk cannot

:really: What, like get scammed out of hundreds of millions by Paul 'No Refunds' Kagame?


I suppose it is technically true that Musk cannot repeatedly embarrass and subvert himself by selling or scrapping all of his overseas land, bases and materiel :marseyshrug:

Let's just call musk what he is - a stochastic terrorist.

:redlight: SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT :redlight: :marseywitch2: :marseywitchtriggered: :marseybardfinn3:

Maybe they should consider banning twitter all together in this country like America is doing with TikTok. :marseywrongthonk:

Censorship is never the answer. :marseyindignant:

Is that the sort of thing a Sith would say? :marseysoylentgrin: :soyjakwow:

THIS IS JUST LIKE SOY WARS https://media.tenor.com/Yuk3X_AikGAAAAAx/simpsons-bart.webp

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