Bay area rationalist death cult, or something? The Zizians

Not sure how many people follow the rationalist types but you probably have heard of or read stuff from Aella, a strangely neurodivergent self-described "whorelord" who loves using big data to do things like share her orgy planning performance.

I haven't gotten that much into it but looks like the homicidal members have a disturbingly common trait. Assigned male at birth, perhaps :marseyhmm:

Somehow Republicans and Christians are involved

Although this group is based in the bay area (Vallejo mostly, I think) they're associated with murders in PA, VT (including a border patrol officer recently) and faking their deaths to avoid court.



Sorta kinda maybe Mavis (again)

She is harder (for me) to draw than she looks

MFW the Chinese show up with a 30x numerical advantage :marseyevilgrin: 30 times more targets
Cromwell did nothing wrong


:marseyleafpearlclutch: Canadians are super pissed... : PrepperIntel :marseyrake:



Canadian here. Not sure if this is PreperIntel worthy but just reporting something I've honestly never seen in my life. Canadians woke up today feeling super patriotic. And super pissed. Not that we aren't usually patriotic but we aren't a bunch of flag wavers. It's more a quiet patriotism we keep to ourselves. And we are generally a polite and reserved bunch in general.

Not today. Holy... the mood in Canada is ... PISSED.

Most of the anger is aimed at your current head of state but also at your country as a whole. Not so much individual Americans. You will be perfectly safe traveling through Canada or visiting. But there is outright anger directed at any product with a "Made in the USA" flag. Every store in Canada is going around with maple leaf stickers marking the "Made in Canada" products. Consumer boycotts are springing up organically across the country. The talk is really sort of ... ugly.

I get the sense there has been significant damage done to the US Brand in Canada. And I don't think it's confined to Canada. I have friends in the UK who say the same. They are also just frankly pissed beyond all reason. I expect it's the same across Europe.

Hopefully it dies down. It's absolutely non-productive and unCanadian. America and Canada have been ride or die BFF's for a century or more. I live in Arizona 1/2 time and I love LOVE it here. I have yet to personally meet an American I didn't genuinely like. You are good people. You do not deserve any of this.

Unless of course you voted for this. In which case... hope you get everything you voted for and then some.


also RIP to /r/prepperintel, it has turned into just another 'Drumf le bad' subreddit :marseylibations:



ChairForce airmen living their best life and of course this b-word is triggered :marseysalutepride:


Sounds plausible. Someone lost a bet is another option. But rightoids of Twitter will do their thang.

Thank you God Emperor Trump, decimating the military for having fun will definitely keep us safe.

Even I'm getting tired of seeing the word "woke"

Apparently, yes


Woman driver identified
American :marseyfedposthmmm: white :marseysouthernbelle7: boy can't pick fruit :marseybanana: as good as immigrants :marseyabbott:



Boris Johnson plots political comeback! :marseypearlclutch:

Marsey b-word slaps the entire animal kingdom :carpslap: :chudslapped:

travelling with peepee pump tube


For all the guy nomads, how do you carry your peepee pumps? The tubes are big and fairly fragile. Any tips for keeping it secure?


Koran Burner Salwan Momika Shot Dead in Sweden : news


Surprisingly he lived a long life after burning it

Reject modernity, EMBRACE TRADITION

i will birdpost when i am no longer a walking pathogen. for now. shitposting

A complete accounting of the 20 SOFT RANGS OF POWER we just lost.

Geopolitical Analysis

"We lost the 20 rangs of soft power because of Drumpf, we need them ALL", says the geopolitical experts on ARR SLASH DRAMA @nuclearshill @JimieWhales

"We don't need ANY RINGS", says @Dude

You're both wrong. :marseywingcuck:

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

If one ring rules them all, the lesser rings are COMPLETELY USELESS!!

They're cuck rings, they literally bind you to the One Ring.

While we're wasting our taxpayer money on the 19 cuck rings, CHINA is taking the One Ring for herself. That's geopolitical suicide.

USAID knew this, so... why are they wasting our money?



Rangs of Soft Power

Here's an accounting of the 19 lesser rings we WASTED our money on:

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky

1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Musical in Ireland

2. Transgender Opera in Colombia

3. Peruvian Transgender Comic Book Series

Seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,

4. Electric Vehicles for Vietnam

5. Tourism Promotion in... Egypt.

6. "Condom" Purchases for Gaza

7. A Fish Farm in Afghanistan (That Was Immediately Abandoned)

8. A (Failed) Sesame Street Adaptation in Pakistan

9. A Mango Farming Initiative in Haiti (That Didn't Sell Any Mangoes )

10. DEI Advancement in Serbian Workplaces

Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,

11. S*x Reassignment Surgeries in Guatemala

12. A (Failed) Program to Teach Kenyan Youth How to Use Instagram to Become Influencers

13. A Reality TV Show in Afghanistan to Promote Democracy

14. Training Mongolian Yak Herders to Use Social Media

15. A Gender Studies Degree Program in Bangladesh

16. A Climate Change Board Game for Young Activists in the Philippines

17. A "Hip-Hop Dance for Empowerment" Program in Senegal

18. A Workshop on Writing Feminist Poetry in Kyrgyzstan

19. A Program to Train Ukrainian Farmers to Write Grant Applications in English

Not only did they spend millions trying to acquire 19 worthless rings, but they LOST FIVE of them. The sesame street ring, the fish farm ring, the Mango ring, and last but not least, our Kenyan Influencer ring was pawned for a Dodge Hellcat.

All this to say we only needed the one ring TO RULE THEM ALL, we only need the AIDS ring for teaching Africans not to pound sand into their foreskin. Obviously Mordor refers to Africa because it's "Where the Shadows Lie". Shadows are black, what else is black? You guessed it. BIPOCs.


CW: OP repeatedly misgenders her step son

SageSunrise: I am a step-mom to two wonderful girls age 12 and 13. Recently, the 12yo confessed to me that she "wants to be a boy." I asked her why she feels that way, and she wasn't able to explain, just "I don't know, I just do."

Now, she's always been kind of a tomboy. Over the summer she got a pixie cut haircut (with pink highlights), and she sometimes wears "boyish" clothes. But at the same time, she enjoys stereotypically feminine activities like baking cupcakes and playing with makeup. She loves all the current pop music girlies and knows every trivia fact about Sabrina Carpenter. As a younger kid she liked stereotypical "boy" toys like Nerf guns and dinosaurs (who didn't??) but also had a babydoll she treated as her actual child for YEARS.

So what I'm saying is - she's not a boy. She might be a lesbian (she hasnt confirmed it, but she is REALLY into Sabrina Carpenter...), but definitely not a boy.

How do I talk to her about this? I'm sure these feelings are coming from a confused discomfort with puberty hormones and body changes that she's misinterpreting as some kind of "gender dysphoria." The kids go to a very liberal private school and I know they're getting all the TRA messaging there (this is their last year there).

Does anyone have any experience with this? Any advice? I'm afraid if I just shut it down full stop she'll dig her heels in, but I'm definitely not going along with it. Their father (my husband) feels the same as me, and while their mom isn't as peaked, she has assured my husband she would never consider any medical intervention. Plus, we live in a super red state where "gender affirming care" is extremely hard to come by and might soon be illegal for minors.

Any advice?


radicalacceptance: Sounds like you should let her parents handle it.

iconic: Did you read the post?

I am a step-mom to two wonderful girls

Step-parents are parents in every sense of the word. They take on the responsibility of caring for, nurturing, and guiding a child

She is trying to handle it, are you treating her as less of a parent?

radicalacceptance:It might hurt some people's feelings to accept reality but stepparents do not have the same rights or responsibilities as legal parents.

PiquedInterest: She's not one of the girls' biological parents, but she's still an adult closely involved in their life, not a random stranger who can just punt them off to their parents.

radicalacceptance: Oh? Why can't she punt this one?

Every divorced dad in the world wants to dump his parenting responsibilities on his new wife. OP doesn't need to play along. She doesn't have any legal authority over these kids' medical decisions anyway. She can and should let the parents handle it.

iconic: Step-parents contribute to the emotional, financial, and practical well-being of the family unit. It's not uncommon or wrong for them to become fully integrated into the fabric of a child's life and assume the responsibilities traditionally associated with "legal" parenthood

The law doesn't guarantee better decision-making capabilities. "Biological" or adoptive parents might not possess the knowledge or understanding to make the most informed decisions for a child's well-being. OP possesses the knowledge or understanding that "transgenderism" ruins bodies and lives. With this knowledge comes a moral obligation/responsibility to ensure that medical decisions are made in the child's best interest

The moral obligation/responsibility of a well-informed and loving step-parent supersedes the limitations of the law. Let OP handle it. Without information on the availability or involvement of the other "biological" parent, it's unwarranted to use the law to dismiss OP's concerns

radicalacceptance: Ok, but that's not actually how any of this works. The kids' parents make the kids' medical decisions and if OP disagrees it doesn't matter if she's objectively right or a better parent.

I'm sure dad loves checking out and letting OP handle this "because you're just so much better at this than I am" though. Divorced dad 101. Let's all be smarter than this?


Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : Told ya he was a good kid - trans lives matter
  • Aba : Fake news: the man shot by police was unrelated case
  • usernaw : >makes women seethe >only men have the balls to do this men win again

Even the /r/popculture girlies are turning on Blake Lively


*crunch* *chomp*

UK security officials are "monitoring Elon Musk's social media posts"


:marseyelonmus#k: :marseylayin#g:

Elon musk's tweets are so hot, the UK intelligence services are diverting taxpayer resources to reading them :marseyexcited:


I genuinely feared for Jess Phillips' life after his post about her

I feel the same. I truly hope she can stay safe in these times.

:marseyworried: wow he must've said something truly heinous

:marseycrying: :marseysulk: I hope she can stay safe :marseytears: not white schoolgirls though they can get fricked :marseylaugh: I am the compassionate one :marseyxd: she looks like one of the background ogres in shrek 4 btw

In the Electoral Dysfunction podcast, she said that while Labour is calibrating their response to Musk and everyone else, they have to take her safety into account because of the amount of threats that she has received in the past week. It's sickening.

meanwhile Nige after getting his 34th death threat of the day

Yea, It is litteraly the whole point of Mi6 to monitor forign threats the UK and deal with them if nessesary. That Manchester bomb plot can wait, Elon Musk's just been rude to Keir on twitter

The Home Office can prevent someone from entering the UK if their presence is not considered conducive to the public good.

:marseyemojilaugh: OH THEY CAN??? :marseyinsane: :trollinsane:

I must've fricking imagined all of this!

Some twit posts on Facebook: 'jail! And death is what you truly deserve!'

Musk tries to destroy democracy: 'well, it's a complex area and we want to prioritise free speech'

The Police and Crown Prosecution Service doing their 'one rule for you and one for the rich' routine.

>call politician a name

>democracy destroyed

Hans Herman Hoppe bros... was it this easy? :marseyhmm:

Is what he posted actually illegal? Or just terrifying and unacceptable

Watch as a bong realises he cannot enforce his Naughty Words Laws across national borders :marseygasp:

There are things which the UK government can do on a global scale, that Musk cannot

:really: What, like get scammed out of hundreds of millions by Paul 'No Refunds' Kagame?

I suppose it is technically true that Musk cannot repeatedly embarrass and subvert himself by selling or scrapping all of his overseas land, bases and materiel :marseyshrug:

Let's just call musk what he is - a stochastic terrorist.

:redlight: SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT :redlight: :marseywitch2: :marseywitchtriggered: :marseybardfinn3:

Maybe they should consider banning twitter all together in this country like America is doing with TikTok. :marseywrongthonk:

Censorship is never the answer. :marseyindignant:

Is that the sort of thing a Sith would say? :marseysoylentgrin: :soyjakwow:


[cw: sadposting] Taking the wrong message from suicide notes?

I wonder if this is another example of me being kind of broken and maybe this is a topic for my therapist, but I've noticed I have kind of the wrong (I think) reaction whenever I read a suicide note in like a book, or online. I think most people are like, "Oh my god, how tragic! Gone before his time! She had so much to live for!" :marseycry:

...but I guess I take people at their word? Like I read these notes and they seem p compelling to me. Like, "wow, darn, yeah you're right. it sounds like your life really sucks."

If someone says they're a human shitstain and the world would be better off without them, who am I to say they're wrong? Like, they would probably know best why they suck.

Believe :marseyclapping2: shitstains :marseyclapping2:

Really cool alien looking frog :marseyneat:
Reported by:

Hey girls! :marseywave2: Did you know the Arch logo is just the shadow of a Linux user :marseyautismchonker:
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