Metal gear larpers scamming pro khohols

I got this post as advertisement

So a homo that ask for donation is paying for x advertising of his post :marseythumbsup:

And this is 2022 post :marseyemojirofl:


Smiling Friends gets cancelled
I will soon be finishing my undergraduate degree. My university has requested my "preferred name" to display on the diploma. I think it would be funny to submit "[my name], King of the Rats". I also intend to apply to law school within the next year. I have 2 questions:

Are diplomas submitted in law/graduate school applications, or just records containing GPA and the like?

If yes, is it a real concern that doing this might hurt my prospects? I personally feel it is a harmless bit of self expression, but I could see the possibility that a recruiter considers it a sign that I'm not "serious".

What could go wrong :marseyhmm:

Fentanyl :marseyfloyd: has come for the HECKING doggerinos!!!
rdrama hating on that south dakota senator shooting her hen munching dog: "ITS NATURAL". Also dogs:
Welcome to Team Fortress


!g*mers welcome to team fortress

hintshot is cool sometimes this song feels like hes writing from his perspective

also this is a parody of the welcome to the internet song by bo burnham

new 'cliff


If now khohols having hard time mobilising and in US around 50% don't support this conflict. I can't imagine they will have money and manpower to fight back in 2027

Gumboot chiton

What the frick is going on.


That's what's fricking up toobz. Frick the trollz, peace to everyone else

Hopefully a 100k drink combo/food hack is incoming


Lets all reminisce about our favorite 'guaranteed to' reply guy.

Blacks mad about white basketball girl again.

I don't not care about foid ball, only the drama surrounding in.




EDIT 2: Once again, thank you for the feedback. Some observations:

  1. Not a single person noticed that I am a tenure track professor at a public research university. That hurt, but it shows the shallowness.
  1. In spite of women (majority, not all) claiming that they want a dependable, committed partner majority of the comments were geared towards attractiveness and the mythical “spark”.

Neighbor so old yet so clueless. We are always being first judged by looks. I for example often give people the impression I am easily approached party boy. Something I ain't. And being an Indian working at university is kinda stereotypical. Women claim many thing so things to look good in eyes of society but wanting something else that won't make them sound noble and pure.

It looks like you're in Utah. This is your whole problem. I'm sorry but even if you address the other suggestions here, you are incompatible with 90% of the population.

That is such a giga cope. Reality he will do even worse in comifornia or any democratic state because he will lose his novelty and bipocs foids in those states are giga racist. Like for example homo wants a white girls but his Indian foid counterpart wants a white guy and she has more success than the Indian guy. So most bipocs foids in U.S. wants a white guy. So reality is white girls are often least racist than other foids. You see white girls dating indian guys more than any other race yet media paint them as racist :marseythumbsup:

OP, I am a female academic in a conservative religious state from a different ethnic minority background. Given your specific set of circumstances, I am curious: Are you looking to date a particular type of woman - Desi or non-Desi, Hindu, Muslim, or Christian, an academic, a woman of a certain educational background, etc.? Or are you happy to date anyone, as long as your personality matches with theirs?

I ask because among my Desi friends, referral networks are strong and the potential for setups common, even across the South Asian-born and American-born divide. But perhaps you are looking to date on the "open market" instead?

Additionally, are you in a college town or a regular city? I teach in a very small town, and even in college towns, the population often is missing that 25-35 band of young people.

You definitely bring a lot to the table but you might want to consider being clearer in your dating search what kind of woman you are looking for and where you might be more likely to find her.

Jfl lol how they try to send him to Indian girl,

Your friends are right. Your values and attitude are definitely gonna be a big mismatch here, at least with educated, liberal types. They'd be a better match with religious women, but being foreign + not the same religion is the barrier there.

Have you considered an arranged or semi-arranged marriage? That's how my coworkers who fit your profile got married.

The fun part is that the value part came out just because he is Indian

Yep, I see that and think tradwife. Those are always the guys "correcting" you on your own life and who talk to you like you're a toddler.

He didn't mention trad wife in any comment it's just she sees Indian. Some of his replies:

I hate that, I suffered that throughout my life, I wasn't allowed to have control over my life and I would never subject anyone to that. I am sorry it came across like that. I like collaboration and shared goals, how do I convey that?

Thank you, I want to date on the open market so as to say. I do not have any religious preferences but I would prefer at least some college experience.

And how can girls learn about his value if the absolutely don't interact with him ? He gets zero matches and all that trad shit makes no sense when he is university professor giving mostly lectures to foids ? Ah yeah he is professor surrounded by many girls, non flirts with him, it's beyond over.

Thank you for being truthful, I appreciate it very highly. I am not looking for a traditional woman, someone with family oriented values. I prefer someone who has their own career and want to work towards a shared goal.

So neighbor will be attacked for being Indian inkwell and getting hard stereotyped. It would make sense for him to just do arraignment marriage but his brain is to lib and he rather die than accept the world



Serious post: is Poj (or what his gf name is) is she real ?

I mean…


:bluelight: :redlight:BOUNTY THREAD :bluelight: :redlight: DC REWARD!!! :bluelight: :redlight:

I am looking for that image of someone with a smart watch outside Bardfinn's house. Not the original one, though, the one with bard shopped into a window.

150 DC reward!!!

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