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The bombings were supposed to happen at 9 AM. When medics and police
centralize around the bombed buses, there
were suicide
teams ready
to explode
in other parts of major
cities. Then Palestinians from Judea and Samaria would
the fences for an October
7th 2.0.
One woman saw the suspicious
on the bus and alerted the driver
to get everyone
off the bus. It exploded after everyone
got off. Then the call went out to the other buses and two more exploded without anyone on them. Three
other buses were found
with bombs
on them and those were removed and detonated as well.
No buses in Israel have been bombed since the last intifada because the bomb makers had been in prison. Many of those bomb makers were released recently in an exchange for the hostages. It's a strong
coincidence that shortly after they were released that bombs
appeared on Israeli
buses again.
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Here’s my view:
— JD Vance (@JDVance) February 7, 2025
I obviously disagree with some of Elez’s posts, but I don’t think stupid social media activity should ruin a kid’s life.
We shouldn’t reward journalists who try to destroy people. Ever.
So I say bring him back.
If he’s a bad dude or a terrible member of… https://t.co/OgG6Z3hKPE
Context https://archive.is/1nlJ0
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PC Gamer wrote an article about the game I'm developing:
— Hilko Janssen (@hilkojj) July 4, 2024
"In this satirical city builder, your goal is to convert walkable cities into parking lots and use propaganda to convince everyone it's what they want"https://t.co/dd0wQ0H4Ll
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- Impassionata3 : Impassionata called it when they came here: disruptive weirdos learn to moderate their space lmao
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ITT: Janny cries to his mopping buddies that users treat him the same way he treats them
[–]soulself 11 points 4 days ago
I think you may be engaging too much. It's easy to get caught up in fray and try to mitigate situations, but perhaps you should be more of an observer and just enforce the rules.
Nobody understands what it's like to be a mod until they live it. You are going to piss people off no matter what you do.
If you "live" being a janny you shouldn't
[–]CitoyenEuropeen💡 Skilled Helper 4 points 4 days ago
Yes, you have to escalate each report individually. No, you cannot fire them from the feed or the mod queue with your own account.
I use a very simple auto moderator script to alert the whole team when one mod is under attack, so that we can cover for each other.
is_moderator: true
report: 1
You can also add your alt account to the mods. Switching accounts is faster than navigating to reddit/report in my experience.
Beware of cross-fire! When mod A files a report such as, say, HATE or HARASSMENT, and mod B hits REPORT ABUSE under the same content, AEOT bots will whack mod A.
When a janny "is under attack"
I moderate /r/veteranpolitics. As you can imagine, everything you do is a lose/lose. Unfortunately, I have had multiple reports on my account for hate based speech across the sub. You guys are more than welcome to crawl through it and make judgement, but it's just on moderation comments. I've had people putting me in a position where rule 3 is possibly being violated as well as actual hate speech that I'm removing. It's happening over multiple posts at this point and is consistent. I know it's suggested to send a report through the report feature, but do I need to send every post/comment individually or can I send a report in general. The issue is I'm at about 10-15 hate based reports so I know I'm gonna get clapped by AEO at some poi
Proof that reportmaxxing jannies works. Even if they don't get banned they spend the whole day that someone dared defy the mop
[–]Eclectic-N-Varied💡 Expert Helper 3 points 4 days ago
Had nothing but good luck once we've used the Report Abuse button -- never had either the positives or denials been laid at our doorstep.
What the fuck does this even mean
My hands look like this
so hers can look like this
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Ol' Francis looks to be near his death bed having pneumonia and channeling is inner American being fat as frick
I wonder who will be the next head-child groomer in charge?
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Please, I'd just like to talk.
Feel free to invite your enemies here as well. I would like to talk to them.
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This is the most female Reddit thread I've ever read.
Also average /r/starbucksbaristas logic:
"Why should anyone donate to a homeless charity that will support them when they could just hang out in my Starbucks all day and overdose on heroin in the bathroom?"
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a nuclear incident relating to Israel somehow.
Will it happen in Israel?
We're all going to die in a nuclear war, but I tend to think it will happen some place we never imagined. I mean read this if you mongoloid zoomers are capable of following a command: You are in way more danger of being killed in a nuclear war than we were in the Cuban Missile Crisis. The technology is a little different, you can talk about propellants and kilotons and throw weight, but humanity is fricked.
That's basically it. After the authorization is given, it's just a couple zoomers from Tacoma (jfc I like these kids but the fate of the world...) pushing a couple buttons and 80% of Russians will die. And they would only do this if the other side had already done the same to us.
Kids like me assumed it would be the evil commies who started it. You look at Soviet planning and they were hoping it didn't go nuclear because we would have beat the shit out of them and kept more radioactive ruins. This is the situation we're in right now. (Europeans it will be MRBMs, don't play like you're not in it.) All of that "campy" stuff about fallout shelters? Well it'll be really campy slowly die from radiation poisoning and get eaten by crows, you dumb b-word. And then the crows die, so even in contribute nothing to the world.
I cannot emphasize to you r-slurs enough. Somebody could push a button and in 30 minutes all your FunkoPops, Nintendo shit, whatever shit you console r-slurs like, will be gone. Now I'm a total sperg and I can sit down with you and tell you what things in the house survived, but you're gonna wish you were dead. And that isn't crazy old r-slur Redactor, that's Distubingly Calm Redactor who has read all of these books.
I dunno who drops it first or what reason they had but the fallout that kills you ain't gonna give a shit either.
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The game that the post is about.
The new game.
Going on visuals alone this is actually a significant upgrade that they should be happy about. I can't say much about the rest though. It's a little sad that the talent they have is being funneled into the trash. There's talk of "market research." Surely asking anyone in their life if they'd be willing to spend any amount of time or money on a puzzle game where you push boxes around would get them the results that it took nine months to find.
"We did all the things you're supposed to do: Steam page launch, Next Fest, festivals, but still have minimal sales." When they say minimal they're talking less than 100 sales. Likely less than a dozen genuine. It has one real review. The other isn't even a friend, it's a small youtuber who received the game for free. Not a single associate of this team was willing to play and review this game.
When I started making these posts it was to point and laugh. Now the thought of multiple people spending their free time producing content that likely didn't even cover the $100 steam submission fee makes me
I wonder if a Caleb Hammer-type show where "legitimate" devs pitch their idea to a flamboyant host would go well. Ideally the content would have a biggest-loser "where are they now" segment but almost every time it would be - "faded away into obscurity, released nothing."
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Apparently morbius got a C+
Not to go there but we will look back at the insane cultural bubble that was 2019-2022 and the havoc it's wrought on pop culture with disbelief; it will legit be studied.
The way Disney has CRATERED its most valuable IPs in the service of fake cultural clout from what was always a vanishingly tiny minority and audiences that simply don't (and have never) existed as a way to take story telling shortcuts and up their ESG score. It's like something out of a dystopian novel, it nearly beggars belief.
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I just had a good call with President Trump. Canada is implementing our $1.3 billion border plan — reinforcing the border with new choppers, technology and personnel, enhanced coordination with our American partners, and increased resources to stop the flow of fentanyl. Nearly…
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) February 3, 2025
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I'm sorry but Europe is so 🚬 y now. It's become Orwellian, with people being arrested for thinking about dead babies, and with streams of illegal immigrants running about raping everybody while the governments all cheerlead diversity and say "nothing to see here".
The fact that the left has to reflexively defend European decline under the guise of "be nice to our allies!" is just so fricking ghey.