This guy making a city builder that's basically frick bikes circlejerk
Is ореníng роkеmоn саrds hаrаn ?


[WHITE KNIGHT ALERT] A f*male does the worst deadlift you've ever seen on /r/gym and a jannie melts down

The top post on /r/gym this month is 300lb deadlift (F20, 136lbs)

She has a gigantic arse but her form is atrocious. She's only lifting 2.2x bodyweight which isn't a "top post of the month"-tier lift for a 20 year old woman.

The /r/gym jannie completely spergs out and the comment thread is a sea of [removed]. Anyone who tells OP to work on her form to avoid injury is banned.

"Stop trying to make it all about you." he says in a thread that he's made entirely about him.


The only comments remaining are compliments like "you go girl!" and "I think you could lift another 20lbs!"

I hope she doesn't end up in a wheelchair.

Redditors cope with Canada not being a serious country anyone is worried about


Canadians, trust me, nobody outside of extremely online people have any idea you are boycotting us lmao

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I would had picked Israeli flag :gigachad2:


Weekly "what are you reading" Thread #86 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.


I'm reading "Petersburg" as part of our book club, but because it's a one chapter per week basis I started "Brothers Karamazov" this week as I never read it before and I recently got a wonderful edition by Editora 34 (the only Dostoevsky book I had read was C&P).

So far I wonder if terrible fathers are just a recurrent theme on Dostoevsky's works.

@Aevann can you :marseypin2: pls

Reported by:
  • Grue : >virtue signaling but for normal virtues || so virtue signaling
:marseyneon: I'm selling signs :!marseyjewoftheorient:

!chuds !transphobes

in b4 :#chudrama:

The greatest post ever made on rs_x


Reminder: the creators of rs_x, realtrenchbabymb and lost-deliveries aka kallocain-addict, are Mexicans from rs_pod who have never posted face . every single one of the Jannie's they hired (with great pay) are white grills who have wandered into their incel circlejerk.

Verdict : :marseyobesescale: :marseylolcow:


Origin story article from last March


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Daddy ORDERS prices to go down :marseydarktrump:

I hereby order the heads of all executive departments and agencies to deliver emergency price relief, consistent with applicable law, to the American people and increase the prosperity of the American worker.

Checkmate, egg prices. :marseyshapiro:

rDrama's least America-obsessed Europoor :marseyseethe:

For comparison, here is how Europoors react to the biggest political shift in Germany in decades

"How to identify Fascism" in r/Fuckthealtright

Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victim-hood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.

— Robert O Paxton, _The Anatomy of Fascism (2004)_

Canada to appoint a "Fentanyl Czar" tariffs paused :marseyfloyd: :georgefloyd: :marseyxd:
These are the kinds of people bemoaning the Great Replacement

Rightoids cant fathom that it requires great collective sacrifice to maintain their preferred racial makeup of their town.

r/PrepperIntel says civil war is imminent. :marseyschizowall:



Frick 80s night, there is my submission for 70s night. @Spiderman - Lil B



The game that the post is about.

The new game.

Going on visuals alone this is actually a significant upgrade that they should be happy about. I can't say much about the rest though. It's a little sad that the talent they have is being funneled into the trash. There's talk of "market research." Surely asking anyone in their life if they'd be willing to spend any amount of time or money on a puzzle game where you push boxes around would get them the results that it took nine months to find.

"We did all the things you're supposed to do: Steam page launch, Next Fest, festivals, but still have minimal sales." When they say minimal they're talking less than 100 sales. Likely less than a dozen genuine. It has one real review. The other isn't even a friend, it's a small youtuber who received the game for free. Not a single associate of this team was willing to play and review this game.

When I started making these posts it was to point and laugh. Now the thought of multiple people spending their free time producing content that likely didn't even cover the $100 steam submission fee makes me :marseyaware:

I wonder if a Caleb Hammer-type show where "legitimate" devs pitch their idea to a flamboyant host would go well. Ideally the content would have a biggest-loser "where are they now" segment but almost every time it would be - "faded away into obscurity, released nothing."

Reported by:
  • Kaczinsky : r-slur not using .old links for reddit
  • Eleganza : do u need me to wipe your butt too
!goyslopenjoyers revolt when one slopper calls for x links to be banned

These are all upmarseyd and all aside from 1 pro-ban comment is downvored, idk what they're putting in the slop but it's turning the !goyslopenjoyers into !chuds

Are there even X links posted to this sub? I did a quick look and couldn't find any

No there are not, but it wont stop people from downmarseying you.

I heard that Musk was so upset about r/stupidfood blocking X that he changed his mind and is now Jewish.


Its virtue signaling. Ppl like being part of the mob. Makes them feel like they're part of something. I agree with you. Don't need a policy for it. It's laughable. Ppl take themselves too serious over the internet. We're taking about stupid foods here.

The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi

You're not doing anything by going around Reddit saying nazis are bad. I know it probably feels like you're in the streets punching Nazis whenever you post these comments but you're just being obnoxious and come off as a virtue signaling weirdo.

Lame. This shit is killing Reddit. Here's a newsflash - China invested in Reddit and they have actual slaves. So, be consistent and ban yourself or sit down.


Frick off. We all know this is some political bullshit that would be forgotten in 5 minutes if people could just stop whining for that long.

And of course, the mod's response:

Way ahead of you, we're just finding the best way to go about that

BREAKING: Ross Ulbricht has been pardoned by President Donald Trump UPDATE: He Walks! FREEDOM!!

If you don't know who Ross is


[LIVE MELTDOWN :chudtantrum:] /pol/ sneeding about the chosen ones on stage

!chuds !trump2024 !trump2028

FBI Freak Out As Dan Bongino Named Deputy Director | Zerohedge

Dan has a Masters Degree in Psychology from C.U.N.Y.


This administration is already paying huge drama dividends, I can't wait for what's next.


Trump is about to turn the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) over to Patel too, according to sources cited by multiple news outlets on Saturday evening. The extraordinary move has some wondering if Trump might move to dissolve the ATF altogether.




In response to the post that just went up demanding that we ban people from posting links from Twitter/X, and instead only allow Bluesky, we want the sub to understand that we will never restrict where people post their Panthers news from. This is antithesis to the purpose of this sub, a place to aggregate all the news we want to read about the Panthers organization. Heck, we don't even restrict posts that are sources from people like David Newton, and he's usually not a reliable source

Regardless of how you feel about what's going on outside of the Panthers fanbase, in relation to Twitter/X, this sub will always focus on exclusively Panthers media, news, and discussion. Every member here is free to post any links from Twitter, Insta, Bluesky, and any other source of news or discussion they see interest in

/r/panthers mods do the unbelievably rare action of letting the upmarsey and downmarsey system do it's job. They of course are getting heat for it (62% upmarseyd at the moment). Some :soymad:

I don't understand the big deal? If you don't want to see the X/ Twitter post don't click on the link? Most of the panthers reporters/insiders post mainly on X

Honest answer? Virtue signalling

[–]judgeholden72 26 points 22 hours ago

Free market at work is now virtue signaling?

Not banning a website and letting people click on it if they want is the definition of free market lol. What kind of logic steps are you taking to get banning X is actually free market lol.

judgeholden72 -8 points 21 hours ago

Because users are asking for it to not be utilized.

That's the free market. Reddit isn't imposing a ban. Users are asking mods, who are not reddit, to not allow links that have it because those links are less useful

Went back 7 pages, /u/judgeholen72 doesn't appear to post in /r/panthers very frequently, possibly ever. Posts in the /r/nygiants sub every once in a while and a smattering of loser gen X subs. Still claims this is a grassroots every the "users" of the sub is asking for.

Some r-slur tries shit and the mod keeps going "yeah that's fine" and he responses "but what about?".

But that's the truth, I have never removed any posts based on where they were posted from. Usually links to certain sites would just get downmarseyd but the mod team has always been careful to only use our removal cowtools for stuff that is either meant to troll/harass/flame or is irrelevant to the Carolina Panthers

So, nsfw sites are okay to post from? .onion sites? Like, I feel like at some point Reddit would nsfw or quarantine the sub.

As long as the posts are directly Panthers news and discussion related (maybe as a crazy example, some porn star does a weekly discussion about the Panthers while topless) and as long as the post is properly tagged NSFW, then we should have no problems with Reddit

So, and I mean this with all sincerity, if I start just posting full Athletic articles through archive ph, then that's fine? ESPN+ articles?

People already do it. All we ask that you copy and paste the key parts of the content you're posting. So for example if you're posting a paywalled article that lists 5 free agents the Panthers should target, comment those 5 names within your post for people who aren't subscribed

I don't mean posting just the paywalled article. I mean something like:

That should be fine too. I've seen Archive posts on many subreddits and as far as I've seen Reddit has no rules against it

This guy gives up against the slight rebuttal, cries about how much he doesn't like X, and then says the mod is taking it too personally.

I'd argue against it from a functional perspective. Because Twitter has removed the functionality for non-users to see threads or visit profiles, it's simply a bad source and we should have higher standards of accessibility for the reddit audience.

I've lost count of how many other sites that get posted here that are paywalled that most members have no issues with. The Athletic, NFL+/ESPN+ articles, and many other links posted are paywalled

Cmon bro you know it's hard to use, it's not about a paywall, it's about links that I don't want to click because I know it'll annoy me if it's part of a thread that I won't be able to read. With the others you mentioned people tend to post a copy of the article in the comments for non-members. It's a hallmark of the reddit community that makes this place fun to go to, and it doesn't really exist for tweets. Put it to an official vote or something, it's weird how personal you're taking this.

Put up a poll in a thread with a bunch of flairless posters are commenting.

Put up a poll and see what the user base thinks

I don't think we need to, no sub rules or reddit rules are being violated, it's just a matter of preference and opinion.

This would fall under the often lamented umbrella of "over moderation".

Which ironically people call us Nazi mods for lol can't win for losing

Is there any way we could do an actual poll? It seems to be a widely supported move because of… well the nazi salute stuff.

I get wanting to protect peoples ability to post news, but can we really not vote to avoid supporting a nazi?


I'm going to start posting Panthers news in 4chan and start linking to it here.

It's patently ridiculous to say any source is okay.

And this is a community and if that's what the community wants then the mods should feel obliged to comply.

You're (likely) not a credible source, while a panthers beat writer who uses Twitter is


🫡 it's been fun while it lasted, i seem to be in the minority here and that's okay, but that man can not be supported in any way

Then don't read it lol. Why does everyone think you can tell other people what to do.

Not telling you to do anything man. I wanted my opinion to have some representation on this post.

I'm not telling you to do anything, I'm just wanting you to not be able to do things I don't like. :marseymindblown:





Reported by:
Chuds (Sacramento County Sheriffs) arrest brave resistance hero (political cartoonist) on CSAM possession charges (yes he accused people he didn't like of libertarianism)

twitter archive

And yes, he was fricking also the fricking worst thing imaginable... a patron beggar

Just remember, chuds, news is fricking fake via webzone and subwebzone

Suffer not a fricking cartoonist among you, chayt.

E: swear on me fricking mum the fricking archive sites are fricking getting slower and more overloaded by the fricking day.

Psycho Redactor prediction: We will all die in a nuclear war :marseyfortuneteller:

a nuclear incident relating to Israel somehow.

Will it happen in Israel?

We're all going to die in a nuclear war, but I tend to think it will happen some place we never imagined. I mean read this if you mongoloid zoomers are capable of following a command: You are in way more danger of being killed in a nuclear war than we were in the Cuban Missile Crisis. The technology is a little different, you can talk about propellants and kilotons and throw weight, but humanity is fricked.

That's basically it. After the authorization is given, it's just a couple zoomers from Tacoma (jfc I like these kids but the fate of the world...) pushing a couple buttons and 80% of Russians will die. And they would only do this if the other side had already done the same to us.

Kids like me :marseyboomer: assumed it would be the evil commies who started it. You look at Soviet planning and they were hoping it didn't go nuclear because we would have beat the shit out of them and kept more radioactive ruins. This is the situation we're in right now. (Europeans it will be MRBMs, don't play like you're not in it.) All of that "campy" stuff about fallout shelters? Well it'll be really campy slowly die from radiation poisoning and get eaten by crows, you dumb b-word. And then the crows die, so even in contribute nothing to the world.

I cannot emphasize to you r-slurs enough. Somebody could push a button and in 30 minutes all your FunkoPops, Nintendo shit, whatever shit you console r-slurs like, will be gone. Now I'm a total sperg and I can sit down with you and tell you what things in the house survived, but you're gonna wish you were dead. And that isn't crazy old r-slur Redactor, that's Distubingly Calm Redactor who has read all of these books.

I dunno who drops it first or what reason they had but the fallout that kills you ain't gonna give a shit either.

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