- Arran : keep yourself safe
- TrvthNvker : Cute twink
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- Haberdasher : Exactly what it says it is.
- Fabrico : NSFW
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Looks like corrupt fatass Ford wil sail to re-election on a purely self serving election to maintain power.
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Hе sауs: реорļе tоļd íf Ι bесоmе рřеsídеnt hřуvníа wíļļ соst 45 dоļļаřs, thеřе wíļļ bе сhаоs ín Ukřаínе
аnd wаř wíļļ stаřt but nоthíng hарреnеd
Соmmеnts аrе реаk
But mу роínt ís thе whоļе sаgа ís sо írоníс аnd аrс оvеrshаdоwеd
Ιn 1999 hе sауs ukwаínе nееd tаnks tо fоrеvеr аnd роíntļеs fíght
Ιn 1996 sауs hís fаtе аnd fаtе оf ukwаínе ís оn Рutín hаnds
Рutín wаsnt еvеn рrеsídеbt bасk thаn
Аļsо bеfоřе Рutín bесаmе tgе рřеsídеnt hе соntínyuеs tо kíss hís аss
Hе еvеn рrеdíсtеd bеíng stuсk ín Russíа
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Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.
Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.
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For many years, mod teams and admins have used pre-populated PM links to help get things done — in subreddits, in official admin communications, and even on reddithelp.com.
Now - at least, on www.reddit in iOS Safari - those prepopulated links are broken, and clicking on any such link opens what is merely a default PM box. Addressed user or subreddit - blank. Subject & body - blank.
This breaks such things as the official method for escalating admin Safety actions in one's subreddits - https://old.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/mh85t7/how_to_seek_review_of_safety_team_actions_in_your/
As well as requesting mod suggestions for a subreddit - i.e. https://www.reddit.com/message/compose
For powerusers and advanced mods, this can be worked around by changing the url from www.reddit to old.reddit.
But, uh, someone who runs the site should check up on this.
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https://voidnotvoid.straw.page/ zrc*ntlo aka zrcalo is a furry groomer and proshitter this is his strawpage