Reported by:
Apparently the user who dropped users' dox on KF is Krayon (sister toucher).

Probably shouldn't have viewed my profile 17 hours ago from a banned account if you were going to whine about not being able to view my profile from your incognito KF account.

Or been trying to see if any of your other hundreds of accounts were reinstated


Reported by:
I guess :marseyshrug: this is gwoodbye

It seems I have been fuwwy dwoxxed by swomeonye. Haven't wooked intwo it bc I dwon't want two get upset. Tbh I nyewer cared that much abwout dwoxxing because i am nyot racist :marseykkk: or hwomwophwobic or anything.

I was mainwy here just two make jwokes, the vast majwority of which were self-depwecating. I nyewer invited meta dwama or published anything :marseycoleporter: pwivate myself. This was an outlet fwor humwor fwor me. Life is hard enyough. I have onwy dated dwamatards since 2020 (Befwore that I was celibate :marseybetauprising: 5 years, mainwy due two cancer)….i just reawwy vibe with the sense of humwor here I guess. It was a wot mwore innyocent than peopwal think.

If it was Rdwama histworian, I dwo in fact fworgive u. U're pwetty ywoung and u'ww gwow with tim. I abswowlutewy dwon't hwowld a gwudge. It's just life. I knyow u've mentionyed mwe surviving cancer :marseyhitchens: but what I nyewer mentionyed is I have two separate pwositions where :marseydrama: I mentwor cancer :marseymetokur: patients (onye on onye and anyother with speeches abwout my experience at large :marseyslimeblue: fundwaising events). I reawwy dwo twy two give mwore than I take. I have mentionyed my tim in the hwospitwl fwor psych issues (stiww a pwetty gwave thing I'm gwoing thwough). I dwon't talk abwout hwow I reach out two thwose having pwoblems. U'd be surpwised what I've dwonye fwor peopwal & the genyewosity I've shwown, especiawwy outside :marseygrass: of this site.

If it was anyonye else, I stiww fworgive u. Life is twoo shwort two carry hatwed and bitternyess.

I twuwy had swo much fun on this site fwor the last cwoupwal of years. I hwope I bwought swome sunshinye and laughs two ywour life. I'm nyot vengefwl swo dwon't worry, I am letting this aww gwo twonyight.

Reported by:
The grillcast is fat

Holy frick you guys some of u need a life if u actually listen to this guy's podcast and already knew he was chonk

Reported by:
  • Soren : I will r*pe anyone who comments
  • AIDS_IS_A_CHOICE : I have r*ped Soren on two occasions
  • Frank_Williams : Me Soren! R*pe me!
  • N : if you comment you promise to unshadowban everyone :marseywink:
  • Assy-McGee : CARP honeypot
  • Awoo : Anyone that PAYS for this site and begs to be allowed to work for free will be banned from IRL by me
  • antiracist_tulpa : :marseysus:
  • fuck : Honeypot. Also give me back my rainbow name, thx
  • cyberdick : i asked for immunity and was denied, frick this website, i will refresh every second btw
  • kaalaaaa : Give me my 10k coins back that you stole
  • Retarder : anyone who wants to be a janny should never be a janny
Looking for jannies, make a comment on this post that is just "I wanna be a janny" if ur interested
EFFORTPOST Fallout TV show season 1 has dropped, it sucks. Unmarked spoilers inside.

So the show has released, and as expected by anyone with a brain, it sucks. However it seems to have sucked more than anyone could have predicted. This might legitimately darn Bethesda lmao.

First, here is a comment from this thread explaining how they absolutely butchered world building (this show is canon btw):

:marseyannoyed: So, in summary, if I understand correctly, these are the major changes:

- Shady Sands got cratered in 2277

- NCR vertibird downed on the strip

- The Strip barricades are gone

- Vault Tec seemed to have caused the Great War

- The Boneyard is no longer a thing

- Shady Sands is in place of the Boneyard

- NCR Rangers are gone

- Aradesh is no longer the founder of Shady Sands (more speculatory)

- Somehow the Brotherhood seemed to have overran the NCR in 2277

What I can't believe is that they actually retconned the original two Fallout games and that nobody won New Vegas. Even more egregious is the lore change with the BoS-NCR war, which retcons THE ENTIRETY OF F:NV. This has to be a new timeline at this point.

TL:DR is they literally retconned the 3 games they didn't make, and then replaced the factions from those games with very special factions they made from the 2 games they developed themselves. This is like a bad fanfiction lol.

People predicably, are mad. Some seethe:

:marseydeadinside: Jesus. I genuinely can't believe I was actually letting myself be excited for the future of this franchise before this release. Completely retconning the original games is genuinely fricking so sad man.

:marseyconfused: When is it said aradesh is no longer the founder of shady sands?

Also when do we see the ncr vertibird crashed on the strip?

:marseyannoyed: It's never said by Moldaver, but it seems to be implied that she founded Shady Sands in addition to being the remaining NCR leader. This is speculation, and it probably shouldn't be listed as an actual change.


:marseyconfused: So even though it's been established that Shady Sands is in an entirely different state of the new california Republic from the boneyard, they just slapped it right into los angeles, and then they nuked it, why???

:marseysmug2: What even is a Shady Sands? Has anyone else wondered why they named the first game Fallout 3 by the way? Wacky Bethesda xD

:marseysad2: That's not a nuke crater, that's a "Borg scooped up the settlement" crater. This is dumb.

:purerage: I knee it.

I just knew it.

I prayed it wasnt the case but at any opportunity they had, Bethesda tried to retcon New Vegas and now their efforts... went nuclear.

Hate it. HATE IT. HATE IT.

New Vegas is the Canon version of events. Not some Amazon show.

:angry: I fricking knew Todd would frick it over to create their version of Fallout artificially. I fricking hate it. I was fine with a scenario where the NCR loses in Vegas, but to just extensively rewrite the lore of Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas to jerk off the BoS even more? Fricking dead to me.

:marseyseethe: Says you, but Bethesda owns the franchise and this is the direction they took. They entirely retconned the fallout games they did not make, and they've succeeded. Next season they'll go and show New Vegas as a dead husk bereft of anything that made it special. Enjoy!

Also, they do not care anymore. They are owned by Microsoft now and exist to make xbox and live games.

:purerage: Look, I am very good at that. My Canon Star Wars are the old Comic books with sea dragons and Jaxxon the green rabbit. I literally ignored anything that came after that.

So I will need to ignore Bethesda to keep the correct Canon? Boo f#₪#^ hoo. They didnt get even a passable game out in the last 12 years!

I walked the Divide for the NCR, I can ignore Bethesda for them as well.

:!marseysad: Haven't watched the show yet as I sail the high seas but this ending sounds very, very annoying. Seems like the show starts off well though but if what I'm seeing here is the case I'll be pretty fricking ticked that they essentially made the West the same as the East in terms of development and that they made NV mean nothing.

:marseyseethe: NV was entirely retconned. The casinos are literally husks and the city is dead. NCR died when Shady Sands (located in the wrong place) was blown up by one guy.

:!marseysad: Christ alive 🤦🏿‍♂️. They should've atleast had some obsidian writers and lorekeepers there to keep things consistent. This is just laziness. I'm not one of those people who thinks Bethesda despises obsidian but like cmon.

:marseyitsover: It's not laziness. It was a deliberate choice.

:marseysad2: Resetting to a status quo of “muh wasteland” absolutely is laziness

:marseygigaretard: Its funny because there is a meme that Bethesda is spite driven because obsidian made a better fallout game than bethesda and the metacritic score 83, 85 thing FNV being retconned is funny knowing the meme

:marseyseethe: I hate it all.

The NCR was written out as a society entirely. The writers I guess just learned about shady sands and went 'oh its the capital so if we blow it up then the NCR will collapse.'

The NCR was such a good faction, it was the only one that actually grew, that had a familiar functioning postwar society. And what did they do? They nuked them out of existence to show off the brotherhood and a dead, empty New Vegas.

Why, why would they do this.. they could have made it right after the nuking not decades after. They pissed all over the legacy of my favourite game.

:marseysmugretard: I blame Lonesome Road and Chris Avellone.

:marseysad2: I can't hold him responsible for this, he had enough sense to know how big the NCR was and how the game world worked. That's why Ulysses wanted to destroy the Long 15 and block them from reaching the Mojave.

:marseydepressed: To me, Fallout stood apart for being a post-post-apocalyptic story. Just nuking the NCR not only strips away one of the most interesting aspects of the setting but does it, to my eyes, entirely unnecessarily. If you wanted to tell a wasteland story, you could have:

  • Set it between Fallout 1 and 2, or even before Fallout 1
  • Set it in one of the vast regions of America that are untouched by the games thus far

But no. Fricking why?

:marseysmug2: I knew this would happen the moment I've heard the name Todd Howard.

:marseyseethe: It really feels like they asked BETHESDA for the lore, and they said 'oh well you got the Brotherhood of Steel who have this big airship and vertibirds and huge machine guns that can only be wielded in power armor.'

then went 'oh there's this group called the NCR, I think they're from shady sands or something, you can blow them up for shock value it'll be fine. There's also this big place called New Vegas you can turn into a dump too who cares lmao.'

:marseydevil: "heh heh heh that'll teach 'em to like obsidian's game more than ours*

:marseysad2: Honestly I am becoming one of those people more and more by the minute, especially if their plans for New Vegas next season are what they seem to be.

:marseypalpatine: somehow palpatine returned

:marseynerd2: So what did house predict then if it was vault tec who dropped the bombs. So Mr house knew the nukes where coming and still couldn't shoot them down or get the plat chip

:marseynerd2: Also it says shady shands fell in 2277 but new vegas is set in 2281 ?

:marseyseethe: I guess NV is just entirely retconned in the show? NV is dead, empty. The only places that exist are a half dozen towns outside of the city itself. The casinos are gutted entirely aside from the Lucky 38 which I guess House lives in still? He would be waking up just as the NCR was probing into NV, Caesar's Legion would be on it's way as well. Big MT is still abducting people.. The Brotherhod wouldn't have lost at Helios One but also now have infinite energy so why would they even care?

The entirity of FNV was fought over a dam, water and power.. Now the BOS has infinite clean and renewable fusion.. the NCR doesn't exist either.

So they're using the facade of 1, 2 and NV as a backdrop for more BoS shenanigans from Bethesda's mainline games.

:marseyrain: Maaaaan

This is what I was afraid of. A good show based in world building that I think is fundamentally uninteresting.

I'm probably just gonna separate it out as its own thing in my head, no matter how canon Todd says it is.

:marseybigbrain: This is what everyone paying attention was afraid of, but they got shot down as alarmist for daring to suggest the brilliant creative minds behind Starfield might provide a shite backdrop for worldbuilding.

:marseyseethe: He was in a meeting to know exactly when it would happen and was wrong.. somehow.

Did he not read the memo?

:marseynerd2: Fallout new vegas mr house :marseygigachad:: I was able to almost accurately predict a nuclear war and I have set the pieces for my rise to power after I come back online

Tv show Mr House :yakub:: Shieeeeeeeet I ain't reading all that I'm just gonna pretend I read this

:marseycope: To everyone saying the NCR is totally collapsed.

I highly doubt it. It seems after Shady Sands was nuked the NCR was a bit scrappy but pulling itself together to keep everything afloat, with the BOS destroying the HQ and the view of the NCR leader using the Cold Fusion to power the entire city at once, it shows the civilians of the NCR are still existing at least throughout the entire ruins in some way.

I imagine next season, we're gonna see the BoS biting way more than it can Chew, and something with New Vegas as well, and with the father constantly mentioning something about "Meeting your Creators." How much you wanna bet Mr House is technically still alive? Just New Vegas went into dormancy??

Im excited to see potentially the NCR Regrouping or like Scrappy NCR rebels, and Desert Rangers in the Mojave. I highly doubt the NCR is done and over with from what we saw.

:marseytears: Whatever your opinions on it, retconning NV out of the timeline (which is exactly what they've done) frickin sucks.

:marseycope: Yeah.. But at least it isn't like a straight full on they don't even exist kind of retcon. Seems more like a soft reboot

:marseywave2: Hello fellow spoiler fiends who went straight to the end and saw the New Vegas tease. Also, from what I gathered skipping around, the MC's father was a Vault Tec guy who nuked Shady Sands because her mother went there and was having a great time (missed a bunch of dialogue skipping through so that might not be right). The Brotherhood has cold fusion now and the guy in charge seems like a peepee so presumably they will butt up against whoever is now in charge of House's technology.

:marseyconfused2: Dude wtf happened to the NCR? Didn't they say they had most of California pretty much colonized? I'm only on episode 4 but complete radio silence while it takes place near the boneyard and dayglow??

:marseydeadinside2: Episode 8 covers it.

It's not pretty.

About 5 years after New Vegas, Lucy's Mom left vault 33 to see if life was back on the surface, taking Lucy and her brother with her, and made her way to Shady Sands, which teleported to LA at some point. Her dad, who was a Vault-Tec executive came after them, stole the kids back, and use Vault-Tec's secret supply of nuclear weapons (The ones they launched to start the great war) to destroy the NCR, as they were a competitor to Vault-Tec.

Also, the ending credits show a destroyed New Vegas, with empty streets full of shattered Secuiritrons and a destroyed NCR Vertibird.

I also wanted to mention this specific comment, because I found it funny:

:hmm: They also technically retconned FO4 since Kellogg mentions the NCR election.

Note that I'm not cherry picking comments here, basically everyone hates this garbage. Of course the critics love it, but the actual Fallout fans think it's terrible.

As one of the comments already mentioned, they really shouldn't have set this in the West Coast. They should have set it somewhere new for numerous reasons:

  • New factions and threats to add a sense of tension and mystery as the viewer wouldn't know anything more than the main character

  • Avoid having to retcon or step on the toes of the games

  • Keep it in a region that is less advanced so you can have your apocalypse fantasy

  • Set the show up as a prequel for Fallout 5, building hype for it even if it's years away.

Expect this thread to be updated as more seethe is posted, this is developing drama. In a few hours we will probably see the hitpieces from journ*lists calling the haters bigots, so keep an eye out for that.

Edit: here are more threads with tons of seethe in them:

:marseycope: dear god this one is maximum cope:

Reported by:
FIVE Types of rDrama Users ONLY Worthy of SCORN

5. Incels

Though only 5th place on the list, do not think they are in any way "superior" to the other list members. These people piss me off, they will at the drop of a woman's attention turn into a simp (subhuman). Without that attention are generally misanthropic (subhuman) or completely self deprecating to the point of subhumanality. I'd recommend never interacting with these freaks, nothing good ever comes from it, there is a reason they are "incels".

@LatinxGroyperCivilWar (indian) @WeihnachtenSalvador (european simp) @Black_Israelite (black) @Thirtythirst4sissies (giant cankles)

4. Marsey "Artists"

I generally love creativity in any form, but these people deserve death for the slop they create. "Marsey" is already an r-slured as an idea, it is a forced meme that only attracts freaks and weirdos to this site. These people are enablers for that cute twinkry, they waste their talents on making the world WORSE!!!! Like what the frick? I hope every single one gets r*ped to death.

@tooka (dead) @Dramarama (weeb) @X (doxxer lol)

3. Foids Without Simps

I don't understand how these people exist, their blatant disregard of the simp-equation that runs all online forums disgusts me, it is an affront to god and science. Foids with simps are perfectly fine, just not this, this is disgusting. I hate them.

@arsey (lysis) @gigakitty (possibly a gay man, WPDcel) @snallygaster (jannoid) @QuakerOats (b-word)

2. Furries

These "people" are the ultimate conclusion to moid degeneracy. I don't understand them, I assumed they were a joke when I joined the site, this is not the case. These things shouldn't be allowed near animals, nor near an internet connected device where they can groom more furries into existence. You should please just look through the pure cute twinkry of /h/furry, it is mind-blowing. I don't think these people can be redeemed from the point at which they have gotten to. They see nothing wrong with themselves either, at least the incels hate themselves.

@AltAccountOkapi (gave up creativity, worthless individual) @KangThaConquered (greek) @TracingWoodgrains (untrustworthy, duplicitous) @Marco (duplicitous, untrustworthy)

1. Jannies

Really shouldn't be needed to be explained. But these people are the lowest form of humanity, not even just restricted to rDrama, absolute scum. I wouldn't trust any of them in any way or manner, be cautious when jannies are around brothers. The compulsion to janniedom is something completely alien to all non-freakazoids in the world, but not to these things.

@Kongvann (shifty) @carpathianfriendly (shitty) @DWHITE___________DYNAMITE (foidbrained)

Sorry for being late on this format by a whole week


atleast Null has the iota of shame to atleast admit, unlike other farmers whom he cultivates...


Reported by:
  • Aba : druggie
  • Healthy : Prediction for eventual suicide just moved up 8 months.
  • KeithFarrelleCozart : the dk music heavily accompanies this post

My insurance approved me for Spravato (esketamine)!!! I start tomorrow!!!

It's inhaled (a spray) and then you hang out in a room for 2 hours. They said not to listen to music with words & that it peaks at about 40 mins. You aren't allowed to drive until the next day.

I've failed maybe 8 SSRI/SNRIs in my life and I'm currently on an off label (ie really fricking high) dosage of Prozac but still having acute suicidal ideation (SI).

Ketamine is an NMDA antagonist and works differently than SSRIs. A lot of people get relief from SI immediately after the first session but sometimes it takes a couple.

I'm so happy I finally might get some relief from my despair and suffering. I am really reaching “last resort” in terms of what's available to me. I have electro shock therapy left and that's about it. Hoping this works.

Has anyone else here done it?

Edit: I'm out of benefactor awards just fyi

Reported by:
Eerie died

I buried her in the backyard with her favorite toy.

After narrowly surviving her risky surgery, Eerie unfortunately was diagnosed with terminal cancer/small cell lymphoma. Since she was so young for this to happen (only approx. 8 y/o) there was a good chance she would live to be 10 with treatment.

But, despite the best efforts of many wonderful veteranarians (as well as the invaluable cat wisdom in regards to finding those vets from @dramasexual), it wasn't successful unfortunately and Eerie mostly stopped eating and drinking the day before yesterday due to the cancer so I had to put her down to keep her from suffering. My parents just put down their old dog recently and the mobile vet who'd done that made an exception for me despite being off on Easter to come to my home and help Eerie and I couldn't be more grateful.

Thanks to everyone whos showed her so much love over the past few years, I can't even make a list because it would be too long. I so greatly appreciate everyone and have done my best to pay the love forward.

Also please stop being so terrible to each other.

Looking at you chiobu. Anyone else would have been banned for what you've done and you were exclusively given a doxing pass by Aevann and Carp because you are like the most prolific rdrama commenter have the potential to be a unabashed horrible person apparently when you're hiding behind your alts. I've always held you in super high regard so this makes me so depressed to see you wrapped up in this kinda shit.

In the spirit of Easter and forgiveness I'm unbanning @Penny/@Dramacel and @alakavat-thearabslayer because at least you doxxed and threatened me to my face like real men unlike this shit people are doing lately. Disgraceful.

In conclusion, please stop doxing people and ruining this site and poisoning this whole community. Dox shit is toxic, so stop it.

Just stop it. Don't do it for me, do it for her:

Reported by:
  • melgibsonsDUI : being muslim is kinda embarrassing for Iran if you think about it

Jews vs. Arabs, who you got?

Update, IDF confirms it

Benny Boy is pissed, they're going to make Gaza look like a peaceful protest.

Biden is on the case!

Commercial Air Cucks take another L

We're getting the band back together!

Weird thing to announce but okay.

Notice anything? Where are the BIPOC? Where are the women? Israel needs BBC.

:marseytrain: uses WW3 to shill for Trump

I'm broke because of goombling, please consider donating :( !goomblers

Reported by:
We need to do a recruitment drive to attract more ultra-lefties.

One thing about my posts, is that they are designed to trigger those on the extremes of both political spectrums, only chuds are getting triggered by them. A lot of my posts could just as easily trigger lefties without a single change because they are well-informed, rational and I develop them based on evidence.

The userbase of the site is too unbalanced, and to balance the site then we need to do a recruitment drive to bring super leftwing people to the site. This site is not supposed to be a hugbox.

I think we should hold an rdrama recruitment drive to attract ultra-leftwing radicals onto the site to balance out the chuddiness.

UFC 300: Pereira vs. Hill Discussion Thread

Bout order and results:

Very legal and legitimate streams:

UFC 300 boyos let's fricking go. On paper there isn't a single bad fight on this entire card top to bottom.

Who are your name friends?

I'm @Hecking_Valid, and @UraniumDonGER is me (not you). :marseywave2:

Edit: The names changed again. :marseycry:

Now I'm @frickingnerd. @powerbombthreat got my username :marseydetective:

Reported by:
"Frozen" Banned "TheGrillcast" | May God Smite Them All

@TheGrillcast despite being someone I wish death upon was fricking unfairly banned by @FrozenChosen because he upset her feelings.

Death upon Incels

Death upon Doxxers

Death upon Attention Whores

Death upon Fatasses


I apologize for the fricking handwriting, I am using a fricking mouse

Also currently edgy awarded, click on the fricking image to fix the fricking redness

Reported by:
  • BWC : Not just Timmy's VA, Tara Strong is the Mel Blanc of foid VAs
  • forgor : :marseycwctalking:
Timmy Turner's voice actor exposed for having an incest fetish

Yeah this is common knowledge. she even in a now deleted post used Ben 10 incest prn to ship them

Girl, these fetishes are supposed to be a moid thing :marseydisagree:

I hope she's recovered from whichever moid victimized her :marseysigh:

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : You've got a real chip on your shoulder when it comes to this Jesus fella
  • whyareyou : People with chips on their shoulders about the truth? :marseypearlclutch:
We at rDrama hope that you will all join us in the merriment while we celebrate this wonderful holiday today!

:!marseywholesometrans: Happy Trans Day of Visibility! :marseywholesometrans:

:!transheart: We celebrate the joy and resilience of trans and non-binary people everywhere today by elevating voices and experiences from these communities! :!transheart:

Transgender Day of Visibility is dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society. The event was created by transgender activist Rachel Crandall of Michigan in 2009 as a reaction to the lack of LGBTQ+ recognition of transgender people, citing the frustration that the only well-known transgender-centered day was the Transgender Day of Remembrance, which mourned the murders of transgender people, but did not acknowledge and celebrate living members of the transgender community. The first International Transgender Day of Visibility was held on March 31, 2009. It has since been spearheaded by the U.S.-based youth advocacy organization Trans Student Educational Resources WOW !!

To celebrate this wholesome and amazing holiday that is occurring today while NO OTHER HOLIDAY IS HAPPENING AT ALL we are asking you all to say something you love about the transgender community, and to also share your experiences as a member of the transgender/enby community. :!marseycoin: Every well-wisher will be granted 100MB! :!marseycoin:

:!#marseytransflag: So please share your joy and experiences with us all as we celebrate the best holiday that could ever happen on this day! :#marseytransflag:



RPGCodex DOT net is the only sovlful gaming website left on the internet where the clock essentially stopped at 2008 and people talk about the same games with the same arguments using the same slurs over and over again. They're mostly known as the most neurodivergent conglomeration of vidya connoisseurs that ocassionaly stop talking about decade old vidya to play decade old vidya and despite everyone hating everything new, their lists usually feature a lot of new games. In fact, here's their official (tm) list of the 101 best rpgs ever made:

You should know every single game here, its publisher, development team, their networth and the reason why the game flopped in 2002 and why exactly normalstrags don't get it. Otherwise you have grand wizards like this king telling you to stfu and go back to 4chan or something:

I'm serious. Many regulars made their accounts on that site before half of rdrama was even born :marseyxd:

They have reused their system where you can rate each game from 1 to 5 and evaluate the ratings by combining negative and positive reviews into results judging by the voter's other picks, the amount of people who have played the game in general and if your vote should mean anything (hint: there's always a reason it doesn't count). Did I make that shit up? Who knows really. Anyway, here are the results:


Essentially BG3 didn't win because of the large amount of 1/5 votes. :marseythonk:


Yeah, Starfield was the worst game in 2023. Right after Diablo 4. :marseyeyeroll:


1000 Comments Thread

I'll cherry-pick some examples, although you can basically jump to any page and there's either shitposters seething or seethers shitposting:

Ok, I will never ever take anyone on this forum seriously about them not liking romances.

"Noooo you don't understand, we liked it for the combat, it has nothing to do with the 80 hours of Shadowheart and Astarion romance!"

proud member of the "voted 1/5 for bg3 despite not having played it" crowd checking in

you're welcome

i know you frickers would have made it goty if not for us

Spotted two pathetic shills racofer and Hellraiser who give high scores to their shilling targets and 1/5 to everything else. Good to know to never bother reading your gaming posts anymore, despite such a long forum presence. Shameful behavior.


While the contarian result is funny, anyone who would give BG3 a 1 is absolutely unserious. I have a nice list of posters whose opinions on games I can just outright ignore.


Wrath of the Righteous was pretty much on par with baldurs gate as far as being completely insufferable in all aspects so that before you even get to the gameplay part, you already hate it. larian and owlcat should team up to make the ultimate game for girls and weirdos.

Steal the Deus Ex ip but set it in a high school, where a nerdy girl or trans fbi agent has to infiltrate and unravel a conspiracy in the administration to rig the prom king/queen vote. There will of course be many hunky boys to build relationships with through branching dialogue trees and maybe some combat sometimes. Skills may include makeup, smooching, flirting and acrobatics. Call it Deus Ex: Remastered.

That one's free, if any studios want more of my ideas it'll cost you big time.


A truly timeless place. :daydream:

Have a good one. :marseybow:

Reported by:
  • Geralt_of_Uganda : /h/metashit
  • forgot_pw : Test
  • collectijism : Ban this rtard just like we did with his bum buddy spal
  • Impassionata3 : some grillers want to grill, others are misogynist racist chuds larping lmao
  • DickButtKiss : ^ "misogony" shouldn't even be part of a grillers vocab. secondly is this a expose or an exposé?
An expose on @FrozenChosen ft. Sirpingsalot (Effortpost in comments)

Fellow dramatards, I come to you with a story of janny collusion, of egirls gone wild and of a Rizzler cut down in his prime. This post and podcast will call into question everything you thought you knew about rdrama, it's storied history and it's expansive lore.

What I posit to you today, the humble drama peasant, is that our sacred community is being manipulated and weaponized by a late 30's e-girl to do her evil, satanic bidding and destroy the lives of the men she once lusted after.

Let's start with the facts: We all bore witness to the SPAL/Frozen sexting logs that Frozen herself leaked. Many humble drama peasants were left wondering why she would leak such a thing? The truth is that I messaged her and let her know we would be discussing her, and that she was invited on to defend herself. She declined, and in an effort to jump out in front of the drama, she leaked the debaucherous DMs of her own accord.

Let us look a little deeper at these, as it establishes a pattern of behavior that she has weaponized against multiple scrotes that she has left in her wake.

Here is a DM from Sirpingsalot's first banning, when accusations of pedophilia were lobbed at him. When SPAL was a potential love interest, this was her position:

@FrozenChosen was so bricked up, had such fire in her loins for our hero, had such strong convictions that he was an innocent man framed, that she ignored the wishes of her fellow broom wielders and provided him with instructions on how to get back onto our esteemed platform. Surely this act of rebellion and insubordination would warrant her demopping? Not when you're highly simped after post wall e-girl Frozen!

Of course, she flipped on him when it became convenient and public sentiment had rallied against our hero. A man unjustly banned for simply accusing @carpathianfriendly of being a p-dophile with no evidence. Here, contrary to her previous stance, she accuses him of being a p-do.

Our holy hero does not waver at this snakening of epic proportions. He remains steadfast in his convictions and asks why she has flip flopped, why she maintained a public and private position like Hillary Chinton. Her answer is important, as it establishes a sickening pattern of behavior.

"I wasn't flirting, I was attention seeking". A massive cope with an unearned gif as to establish some sort of "own" that never occured.

So why bring up this drama? It's good and dead, we've all already had our laughs and exchanged banter about it. What exactly am I getting at here?

She has used her goodwill to bury yet another love interest and smear his good name before

Let's talk about Mello. He's been banned for ages now, an evil man, a schizophrenic stalker who was a threat to not only @FrozenChosen's safety but to the community at large. At least, that's what they would have you believe.

A user once reached out to me and said Mello would be a good interview. I was informed that he was a schizophrenic who stalked and harassed Frozen. I didn't have much interest, but I figured I would shoot @FrozenChosen a DM and see if there was anything to work with. The response set off a whole lot of red flags that something was amiss.

Why would a supposed "stalking victim" become so irate as to threaten a journ*list with legal action for simply asking about her story? Why would somebody who allegedly fears for their life threaten legal action towards somebody who could interview their stalker, potentially giving them ammo for future legal proceedings and proving she has a valid concern for her safety?

This simply doesn't add up!

Unconcerned with her belligerent and toothless threats, I persisted. I talked to Mello on twitter, asking him some questions and preparing for his interview. What struck me as odd is that he only agreed to do the show if he didn't have to talk about Frozen, choosing instead to b-word about Aevann and Carp. Odd, isn't it? For a supposed "stalker" to not take up an opportunity to continue their alleged harassment? Would a real "stalker" simply let their "victim" go that easily? Again, things are not adding up.

I'd love to post these chatlogs to prove this, but I cannot. They are lost to the sands of time because Mello DFE'd after receiving this from Frozen:

She sent me a copy of this restraining order (leaving his full legal name in, which I redacted) shortly after she was made aware of my upcoming Mello interview, boasting and celebrating over her kill. Why is it that he has supposedly been stalking her for years, making her feel unsafe the whole time, yet an emergency restraining order is only filed once she becomes aware that I am willing to give him the voice that the jannies had swept away from him?

Once again, it's not adding up.

I mentioned earlier that she has established a pattern of behavior - entrapping scrotes with her feminine wiles, and then proceeding to destroy them once they've outlived her usefulness. Frozen would have you believe that she is an innocent victim, that she had no hand in his interest in her, that she wanted to be left alone.

Interesting! So once again, she claims she was "attention seeking" and goaded the poor guy into communication. Supposedly, she's been stalked by a deranged schizo, fallen trap to the whims of a billionaire diaper furry, yet she still persists in talking to rdrama men for sexual thrills? Is this what we are to believe?

Look to the skies, the truth is out there

This is what I am forced to believe, the conclusion that I've logically produced - @FrozenChosen has a pattern of behavior wherein she uses her put on "friendly" demeanor and feminine charm to ensnare innocent men who's only crime was being bricked up. Should she decide that her attention seeking is over, she'll cry to jannies and users alike of their evils, claiming to be an innocent victim of dangerous, criminal men. She's even gone so far as to threaten me with lawfare and actually use the courts to cut down a former love interest.

This is a janny on our website, abusing her mop and her poweruser clout to get her rocks off by causing actual, real life harm to users. Doxxing isn't allowed (she doxxed Mello to me by the way), even mentioning where it happened to her is bannable, but using legal action against users you've supplied personal info to is kosher? Is this what we are to believe? Why is Frozen untouchable? Why are her crimes to be swept under the rug and unanswered?

If you enjoyed this post, listen to the episode. I had some pretty good jokes this time ngl :#marseygrilling2:

Crowds flee Sydney mall as multiple stabbings reported

Sort by controversial for the usual "bet it was a muzzie" drama.

Epic escalator battle

Terrorist wasted by a foid cop? :marseymindblown:

Congratulations to ! biofoids, you finally did something useful :marseyfoidretardpat:

Looks white to me!

! chuds bully this r-slur until he kills himself ty


:chuditsover: It was a white guy:


100% verified information:

Sister site thread

I just spent 555 coins pinging biofoids by accident

@Kongvann I thought editing a post didn't re-ping people, I want a refund.

Reported by:
I have unbannyed the fricking Gwiwwcast™️

I fworgive him but he was fricking wery misleading in his cwomments and shwould admit that but its whatever



Reported by:
In defense of the Fallout show

It's good.

I'm sorry you have been r*ped by so many bad adaptations that seeing a woman and a black man makes you cringe but it's really not bad :marseylaugh:

Take a chill pill, understand they can't just use the same story from like 20 years ago, and enjoy it.

Walton is really good, the chick does a really good job to. All the acting is on point.

Watch it and then make a 20 paragraph post why it's bad, or thank me for setting you straight.


People on /r/modelling normally talk about contracts and work and stuff like that but I guess it's being pushed by the algorithm and now uggos and normies are flooding it with their pics asking it they have modeling potential.

I only follow it bc I was hoping for diet tips tbh. I'm too lazy to link but not to screenshot and write sassy opinions. Remember these people have invited criticism of their looks and modeling potential so I'm not being that mean :marseyindignantwoman:. I would reject all of these people for !verifiedhot.

Here are some delulu posters. Some are mid, some are actually below average imo???

Girl you are 5'3”. Maybe with leg surgery and a nose job?

Sir you are an average good looking person. Please return to the frat party.

This is like if the Mr Robot guy (bug eyes) and I (giant chin) had a baby.

This dude is obviously on drugs and I need to know which ones.

I think she's actually pretty interesting looking (in a good way) and not at all ugly but def within the normie range.

!biofoids this is how most men see themselves, it's hilarious

Cute normal looking guy. Would buy a grill from him at Home Depot but that's about it.

If I got on an elevator with this dude I would press the wrong floor so he wouldn't know where I live.

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