
:chadblack2: says actors should be allowed to use blackface : unitedkingdom

Bluey Is a cartoon that's a huge hit with families and has accounted for 1/3 of all views of Disney+ in the last year. However, this Reddit insider supposedly worked on the show and was verified by mods Revealed that basically no work has been done regarding Bluey for the past three years and all of the episodes of the show were completed in 2021, including those that just aired last week

This seems to indicate that due to the success of the cartoon that the creators and Disney have been lying to the press for the past three years that the show is ongoing, but instead have no intention to continue it, but have just staggered out 3 years worth of one season (with multiple months long hiatuses designed not for production but to stagger releases) in order to keep it being a moneymaker while lying that it will continue

new toss: :marseystonetoss: fallout edition :marseyfallout:

🌷🌷It's 5:15 and who's up?🌷🌷

Just saying


Whoever named this is a jester.

I wasn't even thinking about this. I was making some joke to one of my guys about this very openly gay and very short guy in the HR department that the dood is very obviously a FtM. I asked him if he transitioned from a girl would he need a phalloplasty or a vaginoplasty because I had no clue whether plasty means addition or subtraction.

The guy I was talking to didn't know either. So we searched and obviously(in hindsight) plasty means plus.

It hit me then why rhinoplasty is called that. Fricking crazy bro.

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Why are women incapable of sympathizing with men?

I know 90% of people irrespective of gender are losers.

However, it feels like women are completely incapable of sympathizing with even the remaining 10% of men, and where they do sympathize, they excuse behaviors in the 10% that they consider unacceptable social evils in all other men? Why do women do this? Why do they discourage the same behaviors in 90% of men that they accept and celebrate in the remaining 10%?

Somebody explain as if You are talking to an autist who only thinks in black and white literal statements.


I think it would be the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Nothing beats that because all of a sudden the US became a complete single unipolar powerhouse. All the nation states including India that had closed economies had to shift towards open economies as they realized that system was not working out.

You had McDonalds all the way in Russia. That is how you knew capitalism truly won over communism.

I cannot imagine any other event of the 1990's that shook the world as much as the dissolution of the soviet union.

Today that event still impacts the world as Russia in its present form is too small to fight for itself and thus fell into the sphere of influence of China.

Is there any other major event of the 1990's that had as great an impact?



>They mention their girlfriends and boyfriends in papers they present to other people

:marseyemojirofl: :marseyemojirofl:

Sometimes amid hating my own I forget how much rabidly worse the other humanities streams are. History looks positively chuddy in comparison to this shit.

Juicy bit

All my articles talk about my ex boyfriends. Because most of them belong to different caste like Brahmins :marseyjewofthesubcontinent: and non deletes :marseyno: :marseypoor: you know like OBCs and the caste lessons I received from my ex boyfriends has given me so much knowledge about caste system. Because I have dated everyone across India(:marseyxd:) Someone from Punjab, a Pandey(:marseyjewofthesubcontinent:) from UP, someone from Bihar

Wait why's every state she mentions northern? :marseythonk: Is she northern? :marseyhmm:


Who knew Surpanakha's character was prophetic, be safe out their north of vindhyas bros :marseyscared:


>in every academic paper we need to talk about our relationships ya its very important

Again, wtf :marseyemojirofl: I'd think some r-slurred master's student had taken the mike somehow if people started talking about their relationships at a history seminar.

What's the best graphics game right now?

What years best looking game do the average AAA titles match now?

I think the mid tier graphics from high end games today match high graphics settings from say 2018 high end games. That's just my opinion though.

What do you guys think?

Is there a noticeable difference in graphics quality every half a decade even now? - Metro exodus 2019

Game graphics clearly Still have lots of space to improve even in current year. The primary advantage next gen unreal engine seems to provide is the upgrade in character animation and movement. All previous generations kind of sucked at giving a natural flow to human movements across the environment. That seems to have been solved for now and should become a common feature in the coming years.

PS6 will likely be when games will feel like a true next generation experience as the PS5 feels more like a FPS and basic QoL upgrader rather than anything unique that stands out completely.

What's your take on the future of video game graphics?

Simulated shared in game universe when?

The sims VR online when?

Zoomers are shit teachers who could had expected this ?

Like imagine letting your student disrespecting you like this :marseyxd:

Wow he even openly list his L's


Another Boeing plane crash :siren: white men dead :siren:

Thats it

:marseychingchongsupremacy: have no patience for :marseymayo: nonsense

Did they rip the class from a kindergarten teacher training course?


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