I would like to dedicate Seth Rollin's recent MVP to run to someone...

the recently returned and broken CuckMan Phil!

Part of me really thinks that Seth hates Punk so much he wanted to dunk on him by having the most all-time Wrestlemania season performance ever even with a torn meniscus. Just absolutely giving everything to the industry without any selfishness, all to be able to look down on Punk even harder.

I know everyone enjoys Drew's hater arc but I cannot wait for Seth to come back and chirp CobraMan Thing's glass butt again.


The fartsniffers face the fart of the Jew. Is this chemical warfare? r/interpol discuss

tfw all your good jew coins are well spent on Jew dank :marseymerchant:


A bear is definitely the right answer because it definitely won't r*pe you like a moid will, and tbh you're probably way more likely to get killed by the moid

!moidmoment which one would y'all rather be stuck with?



He is me


i want puuuuuuuussssyyyyyy
Civil War (2024)
Hawk eating :marseyramen2: a pigeon



:marseypearlclutch: :marseyxd:

:marseyairquotes:Leftist:marseyairquotes: Moment

I honestly have not seen the :marseyairquotes:Radical:marseyairquotes: Left do anything anti-capitalist ever since Bernie :marseysandersgenocide: lost. It's just been corporate worship and owning le chuds ever since. It took browns dying for them to even think of boycotting.

You're welcome, everyone.

I find myself agreeing at times with a lot of illogical and terrible takes, and it is a lot of overwhelmingly transmisogynist stuff that i fear will grow worse. I recognise a lot of contradictory and at times silly rhetoric some TERFs espouse. And yet I can't shake this sort ofโ€ฆ disgust, paranoia, anger directed toward trans women that the echo chamber has inculcated within me.


>I have conflicting feelings about this, and I get scared to upset anyone, but I saw a trans woman literally say she gets periods the other day. I don't think it's fair to call me a โ€˜TERF' for getting angry about that as a cisgender woman.

>you need to exercise critical thought. you're in trouble if you're asking people on the internet to tell you how to think about anything. read, educate yourself, and come to a conclusion that is in line with your value system. i repeat: ENGAGE IN CRITICAL INDEPENDENT THOUGHT. stop relying on the algorithm to tell you what thoughts are okay to have and what thoughts are bad. it's childish, lazy and frankly psychotic. something about "terf" (as if feminism revolves around trans people) rhetoric is resonating in your brain cells: see what that tells you and decide whether you agree with it or not.

>Hot take, but there could be some rhetoric you actually agree with for reasonable reasons. It can be refreshing to find that a reasonable take when you have that "controversial" opinion that may be right (you can freely criticize religion on Reddit for example, but not transfolk!).

>stop trying to label your thoughts and feelings. you are allowed to have them. treat everyone with respect and stop overthinking.


Are you happy?


Security :marseyblart: breach on rdrama, @Kaamrev 's account has been hacked

Why else would :marseymid: he add me to his enemies list :marseycrying:

She will never be happy

She shows fit guy and says โ€œmy friend husbandโ€ and then shows skinny guy and says โ€œit's my husband, what a jokeโ€. Yet look at her fat legs :marseythumbsup:

Also that video came to my rail because giga fat Moldavian girl from my friend list liked

Warning: Reddit will ban you if you report transphobia
WARNING: Reddit's transphobic employees will ban YOUR account if you report people for using transphobic slurs.

My 3 year old account was suddenly banned today without warning, and without explanation. I have not posted anything on Reddit for months, nor did any of my posts/comments violate any of Reddit's content policies, or any subreddit policies. I didn't even participate in any NSFW subreddits and primarily used this account to post pictures of (legal) mushrooms and other wildlife....

The only activity on my account over the past three months has been just typical lurking, as well as the occasional report I make against racist, homophobic, or transphobic comments. I often report people for using transphobic slurs. My reports may be someone frequent, but I did not believe I was 'abusing' the system as i was only reporting content that actually violated Reddit's policies against promoting hate. I know i was not abusing the system, because i would frequently receieve responses to my reports saying the content did violate Reddit's policies, and was removed.

An angry mod reported me for "abusing the report button", which apparently means using it for its sole intended purpose, and Reddit has permanently banned my account and denied my appeals.

Is this a joke Reddit?

Hey /u/spez. Screw you. Sorry i tried to make your toxic platform a better place and moderate some of the content here for FREE! I hope you enjoy the money I've spent on Reddit premium over the last 3 years. You're a disgusting invidual who has no interest in protecting your community, and ensuring that Reddit doesn't become a cesspool of hate. I guess you're taking one from Elon Musks Twitter playbook and going for a 'free speech at all costs' approach.


I reported a comment that was cruelly victim blaming a woman for being r*ped by her abusive partner, based on a โ€œno personal attacksโ€ sub rule. I got banned from the sub. Since the API stuff / going public Reddit seems to be fertile ground for hatred.


I was temporarily banned for a comment on which I quoted someone else. I had also reported the comment I was quoting and received the usual "reddit reviewed and found nothing wrong with this" reply.

So there was nothing wrong with it when they said it, but when I called them out on it, it was ban-worthy.

Probably because you're ugly as sin

Reddit is a venture capital backed enterprise. It exists solely to maximize the profit of the capital owning class. That's it. Capitalism is a right-wing philosophy that benefits from right-wing policies. Spez will do everything he can to make sure the conservative politics that makes him and his benefactors wealthy is maintained. Hence the half-hearted moderation against vulnerable groups and his "both sides" attitude on covid disinformation, that literally kills people.

:stalinjam#: Just report everybody who threatens to punch nazis, comrade, it's not hard


Basically you can ask video game, movie, tv etc spoilers without spoiling yourself. Aka I could ask hey without spoiling the name of pokemon #45 in this dex how does it evolve? Or hey chatgpt what does this thing do in unicorn overlord without spoiling me? Without spoiling the movie does this movie have a shitty twist? There is so many usrs for this idea.

Don't you hate when you look up something for a game and you spoil every location or plot twist or ultimate move by searching the stupidly detailed wiki? You search a wiki and your favorite character says disceased on the sidebar. Like neighbor frick you. It's even worse because it says WHEN they die too so you're not even surprised when it happens. This is tremendously use for exceptional long things like one piece or super long game series where every game is canon. Imagine going through the one piece wiki only to learn every plot twist in 5 minutes. :marseyskull:

Use it's basically chatgpt but uses up to date information and cites 4+ sources when creating the response.

Jew of the Jews plays uno while u r playing chess
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