β€œsun wukong is a woman”
  • she used the word β€œbeauty” to describe herself

  • sun wukong didn't arrange any concubines for herself, which shows she is female :marseywall:

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What's in your fridge? :marseysipping:

Can we get a !nothingeverhappens ping group?

It's a nothingburger :chudglassesglow:
Until python has @nothrow and @nogc it will never be as good as D

I was writing a python script today to scrap reddit and generate a list of transexuals and hamas simps for me to block and it was nothing but pain.

Why you ask?

Because python does nothing to warn you what error your code can throw or even if it can throw an error. In D (the far superior langue) you can tag your code @nothrow and if your code can throw any error you've not handled the compiler will throw an error. This allows for good, safe, trustworthy code the likes of which you will never get from gaython

No instead you'll write a try except for every case you can think of just to have it throw one you didn't, give up and use pokemon exception like a jr!

The case for @nogc is even simpler, my code is short lived enough that it simply doesn't need garbage collect. Instead I the almighty dev should be allowed to manually managed the memory thus ensuring I get the maximum amount of perforce.

I can't tell you how useful nogc is in D.

!codecels embrace the D, it's the future

PS: rust and go are gay.


Frick the middle east

There's too many problems

They just get in the way

We sure could live without them

They hijack our planes

They raise our oil prices

We'll kill them all and have a ball

And end their frickin' crisis

Beirut, Lebanon-won't exist once we're done

Libya, Iran-we'll flush the bastards down the can

Syrians and shiites-crush their faces with our might

Then Israel and Egypt can live in peace without these peepees!

!accelerationists !chuds !metalheads !jidf

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