- SlidingDonGER : Hunting or getting hunted by big wild animals
- BernieSanders : seething burgers ITT
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Most Based Comments
Basedness: ๐ฅ๐๐๐๐
True, but not universally across nations and religions as this fricking guy. (146)
What did he do? (50)
Basedness: ๐ฅ๐๐๐๐
9 million per home! How?In Chile, that is much more prone to earthquakes sometimes x1000 stronger than LA (most seismic country in the planet btw), most modern constructions (including houses) are made from concrete, and they are earthquake proof, and they definitely don't cost anywhere near 9 million (323)
It may just be because of their extreme building regulations permits and purchasing power parity (10)
Basedness: ๐ฅ๐๐๐๐
/u/inspectcloser Building inspector here. A lot of these comments are dumb stating that concrete and steel can't hold up to an earthquake yet look at all the high rise buildings in LA and earthquake prone regions.The video makes a good point that the US society largely conforms to building HOUSES with wood.Luckily steel framed houses are a thing and would likely be seen in place of wood framed houses in these regions prone to fire. Pair that with fiber cement board siding and you have yourself a home that looks like any other but is much more fire resistive.Engineering has come a long way (1116)
Angriest Comments
Angriness: ๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก
Angriness: ๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก
This is a legitimate request for insight. I'm constantly worried about how much BS is floating around and how susceptible I, personally, may be to it. Even if someone is worldly, intelligent, educated, canny, or whatever, the sheer volume of misinformation means you're bound to fall for a lie eventually, right?And I can't make any special claim to bring any of those things. So: this video seemed plausible to me. I could buy it and fold it in to the body of things I "know". What about it is wrong? My biggest issue is it doesn't make any radical or harsh claims or judgements and it tells me something o already expect to hear (people are fricking up because they won't change) it's a really easy to accept it and let it add to my "knowledge". What's the catch? What is it making up? (1)
Angriness: ๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก
Biggest Lolcow: /u/Alarming_Local_315
Score: ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐๐
Number of comments: 5
Average angriness: ๐๐๐๐๐
Maximum angriness: ๐ก๐ก๐ก๐ก๐
Minimum angriness: ๐๐๐๐๐
NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining!
autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion
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@McCoxmaul love all of you, motherlover! Even if you didn't vote for me, motherlover!
- BWC :
- ChristoffWChanderson : RIGGERS
- pet : imagine giving a frick about meta-rdrama and gay little award shows. yall worse than redditors
- ight :
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Hello once again my lovelies. Because nothing says drama like chaos and a broken voting process, we're back with a surprise twist for the Dramatard of the Year award! In true site fashion, the original vote has been thrown into disarray thanks to:
1. Nominee withdrawals (they said they were "too good" for this, smh).
2. Incorrect nominee names (classic).
3. Janitor interference (the plot thickens ).
4. Indian cyberattacks (you know who you are).
It's giving Miss Universe 2015, but with less Steve Harvey and more Reddit-tier clownery.
After sorting through the mess, two nominees have emerged as the undeniable favorites, being effectively tied in votes after the dust has settled. To make this a truly fair contest, let's settle this once and for all with a sudden death vote! The finalists are:
A Brazilian sigma wrapped in a mystery and sprinkled with a touch of spice. I'll be honestโI have no idea what this guy's deal is because I haven't been around much, but apparently, you all love him. Or at least tolerate him enough to make him a finalist. Is it the mystery? The charisma? The raw chaotic energy? Who knows, but they're here, and they want the crown.
The brilliant mind behind @CrossTalkPM, restoring the lost art of pinging to the masses after the Reddit admins cruelly took away that beloved feature back in the olde subreddit days. A true hero of petty grievances, J restored order to our chaotic kingdom when we needed it most.
This is it, folks: two enter, one leaves. Will the crown go to the Brazilian sensation, or the bot-building champion of our ping-deprived hearts? You decide.
And yes, as always, I've asked ChatGPT to write this because I'm lazy. But hey, if you wanted a better announcement, you should've voted for me as janitor of the year.
Happy voting, and may the most dramatic win! ๐
Dramatard of the Year
$50,000 mbux + Profile Badge
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Semi-bimothy Mozzilatards seething over Market Share Thread
That's right, a negative correlation.
I'd be comfortable donating towards the development of Firef*x. Currently, that is impossible.
So is Wikipedia. Every year those scammers lie abut being on a verge of bankrupcy. All the while they spend less than 13% of money raised on actual wikipedia, rest goes into SF offices, executive compensation, "outreach" and building a trust which is already in hundreds of millions and would found wiki operation infinitely just from interest already.
!braveshills can't stop winning. This is what you get for kicking out our God Brendan Eich over a 10k donation.
It's only a matter of time FurryFricks users. Might as well join the kool kids now https://brave.com/
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Top Drama
Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)
autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion
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- SlidingDonGER : The final solution to the janny question must be prepared!
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We're playing the turboneurodivergent Dawn of Civilization mod for Civilization IV that replicates world history. !g*mers
The first World Congress takes place in Regensburg. The biggest civilizations can request a city change hands.
I select Roha, because Ethiopia has pissed me off all game
Don't care
Voting is done. Final results:
Our only loss is our vassal French colony of Speightstown in Barbados. Not all that important. Is it really necessary to start a world war over it?
The benefit is everyone attacked me, so I get no diplomatic penalties for declaring war on them. I'm ready for a fight Ethiopia, Portugal, Russia, and Japan are my enemies.
Holy Rome did NOT attack me. Wise choice
I am HAPPY to finally fight Ethiopia
Alula Engida falls in the defense of the city.
Once I've taken Aksum their stability starts to tank.
It's got some nice stuff so I'll probably keep it.
I allow for peace, they're probably fukt anyway.
I have a little army I've been keeping in my pocket off the coast of Morocco ready for the American Revolution, they can take out Portugal instead
Lisbon doesn't have SHIT for defenses
I don't even have to do anything, Spain sweeps in and claims it. They earned it.
I set my eye on Portugal's Brazilian colonies instead
But by the time I get there the've collapsed
This army can go to Japan instead.
I'm able to take Nagasaki but don't have enough troops to push further in, and the Japanese start taking out my boats. They'll have to be reinforced later.
In Rhye's and Fall Russia's power was "General Winter" which hurt any invading armies. Would've made for a fun challenge but they no longer have this.
I have a very old but huge assault army in Mesopotamia, I want to sneak them up to surprise Russia
This won't work because Iran won't let me through
Alternate route:
Notice that I can actually see past the fog of war on the map to these cities now with espionage because I've researched electricity.
Iran is also one of the few civs totally dark on the map, they actually have strong antiespionage.
Russia is guarded by Stelets, who start with City Garrison.
But I have Grenadiers These guys ROCK in DoC
Starting with City Raider, two promotions gets them City Raider III AND they get collateral damage
My French vassals hold Tarnopol, I was worried I would have to protect them but they have a pretty solid army in there. I'm so proud of them
Russia is soon willing to surrender Kyiv/Kiev/Kevin
I don't think so. They're capitulating.
Our first female Great General is born during the Russian push, Albia Domenica
I told @Ubie last game I would actually have the next general fight in the field, this will be especially advantageous if I get the Brandenberg Gate wonder up.
The problem with using Great Generals in the field base game is that the risk of losing them at 90% odds over battle after battle is just too great. Most often the AI only uses them like this as a last ditch chance to defend a city, as Ethiopia did. Brandenberg Gate actually incentivizes you to sacrifice them.
I start working on it in Pella, Greece
You may have noticed but I'm lightyears ahead of schedule in technology so I'm really getting crazy with wonders. The Eiffel Tower was just built in Rome with the Statue of Liberty next. Eiffel Tower is super helpful for moar Golden Ages
I'm going to start one now to support the army and get the Brandenberg Gate up. I'm starting to face a recession anyways.
I've also built Chapultepec Castle, further enhancing Padua as a military powerhouse. Units start pumping out with Leadership and three promotions out of the gate
In the midst of all this fricking Morocco declares independence
Around this time foreign occupied nations start to secede. It was probably a toss up which one would. This could have been worse, but I definitely want to take Morocco back. Marrakesh is my naval center.
They have a pretty srs army tho Albia is gonna be the one to go down and fight them.
We need to get Brandenberg Gate up faster for this so I send my Great Engineer Celer.
I'm wasting some hammers here but it's worth it.
Albia's army arrives as the Moroccans advance to Yglgl
No idea what this city is by the way. If anyone else ever decides to look they're going to find my playthrough
Try as I might to send Albia towards certain doom, she's repeatedly successful.
Hey WTF. One of my really really old Roman Legion units joined Morocco
Death to traitors
Finally, in the assault on Shigan Albia falls
Previously, the combat experience to my next next Great General was 66
Thanks to Brandenberg Gate, once she dies it drops to 25
We'll get another general in no time
Marrakesh falls
And we get our second general, another foid, Agrippina
She's going to lead the fight in Japan.
The Kingdom of Prussia spawns, and the cities of Danzig and Wroclaw I conquered from the Russian Empire request to join them..
I don't really want these, so that's fine.
The Holy Roman Empire is reduced to the Archduchy of Austria.
Only sucky thing is they're Protestant so they dislike us
We can deal with them later.
Even during the Golden Age my Economy stability is tanking to a recession I'm not sure if this is because I ran out of trade infrastructure to continually build, or if Free Enterprise is causing this, or maybe a mix of both.
We're still OK on expansion but nearing the overextension point. Overextension would be the major killer if it gets out of control.
With the research of Psychology we hit the Global era (insanely ahead of schedule)
@Soren mentioned
We get a Great Spy, but my espionage is good enough I don't really know what to do with this dude I already have a Secret Service in Rome for espionage output, I can send him to build another one in Byzantion and make that city a spy training center.
Another world congress takes place.
Another world war is gonna be a little much The Ethiopians can have stupid Aksum back.
Moscow falls, and I have a Catholic missionary ready to show them the error of their ways.
Only after pushing into Moscow and France taking Riga is Russia FINALLY willing to capitulate.
Now they are the "Province of Samartia". I will of course return their core cities to them, and hopefully influence them to become Catholic.
You may notice in the diplo tooltip that my stability is just barely dipping into "Unstable"
Japan's navy is unexpectedly annoying.
Agrippina lands ready to take Edo, but we're probably going to need to pivot to Kyoto (Heian-kyou)
Oh, great, it looks like the Ottomans have shown up
Only 400 years late
I'm probably going to have to deal with these secessions like Turkey and Morocco for a while Greece or Egypt seceding would probably be the biggest nuisance.
Now they have the Secret Service
Agrippina is even more stubborn about not dying.
We push into Edo and call a crusade on Japan and they still won't capitulate. Should have figured they would fight to the end.
They eventually collapse. So now I have Japan
and this b-word STILL WON'T DIE
I restore most of Russia's conquered core to them. Hanging onto Poland and Ukraine for now.
I can liberate Ukraine but don't really want to. If I could set Poland free I would, but I think France owning Tarnopol is blocking it.
Russia really likes me now and is willing to convert to Catholicism. Part of the reason I did all this shit was for Foreign stability. Russia is usually a peepee but now we're homies and he's another stable vassal. Japan would have been similar but now that they're out of this world they'll no longer contribute to negative foreign stability.
Turkey goes down
I've fought enough that I've gotten a new Great General naturally.
Planning on raiding Sendai until Agrippina dies to reset the counter Apparently this reset only happens once
Either way, we are now mostly stable.
and finally at peace
I have a Great Statesman available, I may reform the government soon. With Psychology and Macroeconomics I can pick a proper modern government. I'll let you guys choose which direction I should go in.
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Particularly goulash threads, quoted lazy style:
Replies: (translated from israli hebrew)
If you are a citizen and this is your opinion, then you should know that I tend to agree with you, but at the same time I thank God that I am not in a place where I would be asked to make such a terrible decision.
I'm an Israeli and I agree with him. It's a hard choice to make but if you make the wrong choice every time, they'll just keep doing it.
It's not my choice to make you are right but it's obvious to everyone that Israeli society is willing to make the dumbest choices decade after decade.
There is no hostage as valuable on this planet than an Israeli hostage because Israel will throw away every objective to get them back.
Turns out israli lives aren't as valuable as palestinian deaths
Do I see this wrong, or does Israel look like the loser of this deal / war?
Then somewhere braindead ethnonationalist garbage. Yeah. Israel really lost with its 1:100 KD ratio.
They should not be rescued except by military action even if it means they all have to die.
I hope everyone who insisted that Trump was a great friend of Israel who will surely have the Jewish people's backs feels pretty stupid now. A whole lot of American Jews were trying to warn you that Trump was completely untrustworthy, and Israelis just refused to hear it.
๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ NOOO our greatest enemy...brokers a peace deal for us :(( we want blood
Trump (and his sycophants) will just blame Biden on this whole deal
???? He took credit for it
Another translation from modern Hebrew:
What do you imagine that continuing the war will achieve? Do you believe that "complete victory" is just around the corner? If we continue to fight there for another year or two or five years, Hamas will disappear and we will have peace forever? And that we can leave Gaza and forget about it? Or do you think we will have to stay there forever. If so, are you serving in the reserves, and are you prepared to continue doing plus or minus six months of reserve duty every year, until you are 45? Are you prepared for your children and grandchildren to live like this?
Enough with the illusion. Hamas is not going anywhere. After a year+ we are no closer to taking down Hamas than we were at the beginning. The most that can be done is to take their heads off, but as soon as they are allowed to, they will recover, and if it is not Hamas, it will be another terrorist organization. The only difference is whether the kidnapped people will return or not.
One commenter mentions their desire for "the chanpiom program" in Hebrew. No such Wikipedia article exists, and English mention is almost impossible to find online, but here's the Wikipedia article: Click here for israeli genocide plans
Here's the english wikipedia article
It is kinder
Generally if you see Hebrew in the thread it's because they don't want the reddit admins to see their comment. Not always.
- SlidingDonGER : Straight and r-slurred
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PLEASE tell me this is scripted! It has to be, right???? pic.twitter.com/iKmZOSFJrr
— non aesthetic things (@PicturesFoIder) January 15, 2025
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The global untermensch has already formed. Infinite economic growth is the new religion of the day. Anything that gets in its way is destroyed or broken apart.
Already there are negative terms associated with the sin of slow growth. Stagnation, failure, lazy, decline. It is no longer good enough to have the same quality of life today as you did 30 years ago, even if that was a good quality of life for you. Growth must occur every year, below 3% a year you end up being a stagnant economy.
Nobody truly appreciates exactly how fricked everybody is.
Group IQ in the west stagnated around the late 1900s to early 2000s. That means the 80 IQ group in your country is going to remain 80 IQ while the 140-160 IQ people are building all the cowtools and technologies. Societies are being built with structures that the groups within them will never be able to comprehend, and to keep growing economically, we have to keep doubling down on living in the 140 IQ people's world.
We are seeing the outcome of this clear as day in America, where an ever growing population is no longer capable of staying competitive in the US market. They can no longer hold down their jobs as the work expectations go up and they no longer just have to compete with humans anymore, but cheaper machines as well that perform at the same level as them and keep improving over time.
It is a very logical statement that you don't rely on people with 85 IQ to determine country policy. The US shouldn't be listening to their black populace until they get smarter. The reason for this is nobody kills and ruins more black lives in America than other black people. They destroy each other then blame white Americans who gave them free jobs and DEI.
These people, in a world that has far surpassed them, can only do one thing and aspire for one thing, a utopia in VR while they hide in their homes. Most population will go extinct like this, isolated in homes away from world, and that is why UBI is good thing in the end. Give poor nobody enough to stay alive and leave you alone and then die and remove self from the gene pool.
The American youth have no future, for America is a top down nation. The American people aren't expected to reach the top. They are expected to keep falling down as the top is filled up ever more with their better from across the world. That's what makes America win.
Every year, 1.6 million immigrants move to the US. 1.6 million jobs that the American born and raised in America won't get to do because they found somebody better abroad.
There are 157 million jobs total in the US market today. Every year, more than 1% of the jobs are taken by immigrants and the average American has to struggle 1% harder to get the same job as before, because competition is being brought in from abroad. America isn't a paradise. It is a trap. A trap where no community may survive for longer than 300 years. With only the top 1% making it through in the end.
If you are not in the top 1% of your race in America, you are going to have your bloodline die out within 300 years. No way around it. The US is a deathworld where all the traps laid out are laid out not to kill you at once, but to exterminate your gene line through lack of reproduction and take away your resources.
The future cannot exist in a civilization that doesn't believe in reproduction.
Today, the most reproductively successful people on the planet are the Africans, who even with an IQ as low as the 60s or the 70s, would still have the highest IQ among all the animal species on the planet, and a high enough IQ as to be able to reach the peak of early 20th century science without difficulty.
African IQ is also not so slow that zero growth occurs. Instead what we find is that the African continent keeps growing at a healthy rate even with their dumbest group of humans population. Once again supporting the idea that Africa is the future of humanity, as they are a populous people capable of continual growth without falling into the failings of economic growth in exchange for negative population growth.
This would make Africa the only successful human continent on the planet, and they win at just the cost of being 100-150 years behind the rest of the world. Which, in geological timescales, is no loss at all. At least as long as a meteor does not come directly towards the Earth.
Unless the other continents figure out how to begin growing in a positive direction again, Africa is the future of humanity.
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BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court upholds law banning TikTok.
— ALX ๐บ๐ธ (@alx) January 17, 2025
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I'd only been talking to this girl for like a day, she asked me about my weekend. For context, my week before had been super busy so I wasn't looking to do a ton of social activities last weekend just a nice, chill couple of days. I clearly cracked a joke about the fact that it was kind of a boring weekend, but I never expected her to reply like this
Reddit is split on whether she is being ironically edgy or whether she really wants him to end his own life.
Suicidal Redditor tells OP to chill out
I'm not even sure why OP cares,
It never even began
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This person has like a dozen anti-trump articles in a mere two days: https://newrepublic.com/authors/edith-olmsted
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Video is not necessary to watch at all and there are others, but I'm too lazy.
The comments however are fricking great
Elon has lost complete and total street cred with the most important demographic on the internet - !g*mers
Oh hey look it's Darkmatter2525, haven't seen that guy in like 10 years
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Age of Empires 2 Woad Raider pic.twitter.com/UoPqBpfCS9
โ Kabewski (@Kabooski01) January 17, 2025
- SlidingDonGER : Muffin is so big
- ManBearFridge : itt