Vidya GAMER makes brave stand against EA oppression

3  2018-09-08 by dratamard2


I'm not interested in your boredom threshold. I don't care that your taste in games suck.

I do care about sending the right message to EA.

You say vote with our wallet. Don't fret about that, we are. They're already feeling it and they'll continue to feel it.

But we're also going to continue to rage and increase the heat in the air around this game, both to make sure EA feels our anger and to work to convince others not to buy this piece of shit.

You're trying to stop the shitstorm man. It's not happening. >We're going to keep bitching about it, loudly, and you're going to have to stand in our sound.

Leave the subreddit, stay, play, don't, whatever, but you're not going to escape the fact that this game sucks ass.