Someone is putting in work rard wranglin'. Hopefully gathering enough angry fugees in one place will provide excellent drama

2  2018-09-14 by dratamard2


The Internet Tolerance Convention Rules

1. A. Intolerance is not tolerated except in matters of upward recursion when an intolerant person is found to be an odd number of levels removed from the originating intolerant subject (OIS).

1. B. If the originating intolerant subject (OIS) is deemed offensive but not intolerant (i.e. OIS is critical but is actively tolerating) then rule 1.A. shall be modified to except the odd-numbered upward intolerance recursion levels, and rule 1.A. shall then apply only to even-numbered intolerance levels above the OIS. In these cases the OIS shall not be subject to intolerance, but instead shall be tolerated and those who do not tolerate the OIS shall not be tolerated.

Imagine writing that then having a wank over it