r/offmychest takes the bait

1  2018-11-07 by POST_BUSSY


That is so fucking petty to be so heart broken over her opinion to not let a women murder a baby. If you really cant get passed someones political belief let me be the first to tell you, true love is not there.

thinks abortion=murder but also its a political belief u shud b able to get past implying they themselves wud b ok w/ a dating some1 they see as a baby murderer? 🤔 am i reading that rite? is this true centrism? 😯😯

u/BerkemyMerke can u break this down for me?

(We might get b& for mean-pinging)

i didnt think that was mean? 😲😲 shud i remove?

Just to be safe, yeah.

We did that style of pinging on r/Drama for a while after the initial ping restrictions but even that was too much for the admins

ye i remember but i thot that was just becuz mongs couldnt help themselves n still mean pinged

ye i remember but i thot that was just becuz mongs couldnt help themselves n still mean pinged

😞 I miss pinging.

Though to be fair, a lot of times r/Drama did abuse the fuck out of it in ways that didn't incite drama at all. Pinging someone to kys a hundred times doesn't really get them to come into the sub.