Why do everyone I message on faggot dating sites keep ignoring me?

1  2018-11-09 by SaIvadora

Is it because I'm black? Did is why I'm Incel.



GB has too much karma bud. hes out of ur league. u need 2 aim for a lower lvl powermod. someone like u/BasicallyADoctor or u/CirqueDuFuder perhaps

gl πŸ‘πŸ‘

Yeah, I am fine with this comment. I am a better person though because I don't commit criminal activity.


But he's not :(

Best advice

Post your pics.

Check post history before asking.

Clean up the hair and beard and you don't look bad. I am surprised you are a virgin.

No one dated me when it was much cleaner.

The virgin part implied that yes. I was only giving advice not a guarantee.

You need a new hairdo ASAP and then tackle the beard! Get to a Turkish barber and ask for the works. They’ll sort your virgin ass out quick-style. Some have trustpilot πŸ‘

Gay + Incel = Oxymoron.

No, gay + Incel = shitskin that no guy will date

Fags at bigger white supremacists than Asian foids.

This fag isn’t but then again I’m a slut.