The gift that keeps on giving. Gilette commercial drama in /r/IASIP of all places.

1  2019-01-19 by StrategicSarcasm


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Niceguy, alt-right, neckbeard, redpiller, Trump voter, MRA - these terms all encompass the "manosphere" and if you fit any of the criteria for one of them, you fall into all of those categories. Defending the patriarchy makes you guilty of being an MRA, ergo, niceguy.

Just explaining the downvotes from my perspective. To clarify, I disagree with your opinion that the commercial is somehow against traditional masculinity. But I've also been accused of being in the manosphere before in different circumstances, so I can understand being confused by the interchangeable slurs used to shut down anyone who doesn't espouse a progressive opinion.

God I’m so glad Gillette made that retarded ad

I actually don't get what the fuss is about. I just took it to mean that part of being masculine is standing up to people who act like dicks.

What a cuck, just what a cuck.

To put it another way, masculinity and femininity have nothing to do with being male or female, a man or a woman. Instead, they have to do with growth as a person, and people need to experience and employ both sets of masculine and feminine behavioral traits to mature healthily.

Then again, I'm just some stupid science bitch, and we all know what their reputations are like.