Why Getting Off To Anime Porn Is Shorthand For Supporting Donald Trump - Actual Forbes article

1  2019-01-22 by UnalignedRando


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Oh wow, I was not expecting that to be the actual title.

clickbait has either reached new highs or new lows

Guess everyone support Trump now

Especially on the left. Also trannies.

/r/truenottheonion material right there...

It was posted there but refused, because Trump.

It's over for weebcels.

and I say this as somebody who often has a anime avatar

Is Forbes just letting anyone write for them now?

Yes they are literally doing that.

They had quotas to fill for retards and women. She fills both.

Implying foids can be weebs

Implying foids have interests

they can be, they're referred to as fujoshits and usually are autistically obsessed with yaoi.

But then she would jerk off to anime porn, which she implies is something that makes you a Trump supporter.

pretending not to know that already

wow u must get outside

Eh no not really


I miss the days when Forbes pretended to write about finance and economics.

Most Forbes articles I see on my feed are titled like "The next iPhone will be missing a key feature" and "Apple just did something they've never done before" and other such b8.


All japloving mayos are either really left wing or really right wing, common knowledge