Remember that TERF that posted a rant about her son transitioning? Here's her son finding her post on Reddit.

1  2019-01-25 by UnalignedRando


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If I had a kid (gross) I wouldn't pay for them to chop their dick off. When I was that age, you got a tongue piercing if you wanted to piss your parents off.

Now you chop off your dick 😐

The normalisation of tattoos and piercings are the real culprits. Gen X parents wanted to be cool, refused to take one for the team and become conservatives so now their kids have no other way to act out.

Bad bot

I don't really give a fuck what yet another group of exxxtra-edgy white cishet dudes on reddit get their laughs on about, I don't even really care much if they're laughing at me, but I don't want their bullshit spilling into comment threads of the communities I actually visit