Trans "women" on /r/circlebroke2 mad that not everyone is cool with them tricking innocent guys

1  2019-01-25 by Shortcakespecial


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CB2 continues to amaze me

they are the personification of S E E T H I N G

all the replies to this are crazy

I thought being trans was a mental illness? That they couldn’t change themselves? But apparently now it’s not? Huh?

I can't stop orbiting this way. it's not an illness, it's a spiritual curse. you can help me to feel better by treating me right, but you won't, you wanna see me at my worst. now that my body is blossoming, you want to take my body away, just because I chose a body? I didn't choose to need this. nature made me a bitch. and I dissolve into it like a bitch. I'll always find some way to do it. salivating and braying under the kaleidoscope sun to the dance of pheromones, my eyes facing outward. go on and kill me then, if I'm such a fucking defect.

we're listed as sick because we're only worth medical consideration if we're sick. how far human kindness has come, that ascension to a true form is gated behind the question of whether it will make a human "normal" or not. well it must be nice to be born naturally as the god you want to be, and still scorn others as they fight for their godhood.

is this a pasta?

people love copying stuff I say all over the place because I'm a rogue who runs her mouth. so sure. 🙃 whatever makes it easy to ignore the depth of meaning of lives other than your own.

sure, explain

In the AITA thread they keep arguing about social norms, but there's no such things as social norms for dealing with 0.03% of the population or whatever the fuck percentage it is that has that particular mental defect.

to be fair, what kind of retard would date someone they met on gaymer skype?

Call me traditional but I’m a ‘consent is sexy’ and sex by deception is wrong. But hey, maybe I’m just one example of the tragically uneducated masses...

with attitudes as they are it's necessary to have the genital talk. but it would be nice if both parties could admit that this part of life is unfair. instead, the one with the dangerous secret is the one who saddles the danger. we get enough hate for passively deceiving people, without even mentioning the uncertainty of when to say "hey, I'm as beautiful as you think, but my body isn't what you're expecting - though I still have two, count em, functional holes that I love people to use."

I'm not deceiving you if you find me pretty. sorry about your pride, I guess. I have a dick, but I still hope you'd respect my own pride. in a world where my body is ruled inherently deceitful, I'll never get to be swept away. can you even acknowledge the tragedy?

Not wanting a 10 inch schlong on your qt3.14

yaaaash queen rape slay