So who got banned for being edgy in the mosque shooting thread?

20  2019-03-15 by Ted_UtteredBoast

...cuz I sure didn't.


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Haven't looked at drama in a couple of days........brb

I asked for footage via PM.


the worst thing about this shooting is that everyone is just trying to push their stupid agendas immediately after

Muh guns ๐Ÿ”ซ

My favorite pro-gun video

He makes a compelling case against gussy.

I'm sold. I'm gonna go join the NRA and bounce on my boy's dick.

bounce on my boy's dick.

at least 3 hours or it doesn't count

That would be a doctor consultation worthy erection.


what if your boy is a doctor

He'd probably be like,

"yeah, dude. Looks good" ๐Ÿ‘Œ

This shooting just goes to show how what really need is more kilts! This would have never happened had the perpetrator had worn a kilt, it's so freeing and airy there's no way to be angry and radicalized!

Kilts not kills

Your theory makes sense.

Evidence: gussies wear skirts and gussies don't really commit mass shootings.

Theres only been 1 mass shooting in scotland and the shooter wasn't wearing a kilt. Coincidence? I think not.

*Norm Macdonald voice*

"I don't think that's the worst thing."

Honestly they should leave it up and let everyone watch it.

These are the horrors of gun violence and mental illness.

The worst part is that shit like that happens all over the world daily and we donโ€™t hear about it. Itโ€™s sick. Could you imagine if one of those school shooters had live streamed one of their attacks?

Life is fucked up.


TFW banned for mentioning removeddit

It's over

I got banned too and I just posted a screenshot of a file what cucks no wonder Trump won

I got banned for sucking cocks

Nah, I just like hanging out here.

lmao I got banned for telling somebody to Google it. I had it coming but shit, they really aren't messing around.

Fucking worthless trash mods. No, I got banned ages ago for way less.

But people dying makes me feel absolutely nothing, I have full apathy from my autism.