Radfem turns obese (from normal to BMI 35) during her relationship, blames porn for her boyfriend not being attracted to her anymore

29  2019-03-19 by UnalignedRando


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tfw even your BMI is centrist

But it's ok, just call it an "hourglass figure".

5'3" 200lbs my hourglass figure

Pick one.

Do you think she would have that BMI if she was any good at picking just one thing?

It's more like a yo-yo set down on it's side.

A nice ham with a shoelace around the middle.

low to moderate range. not bad

low to moderate range.

Low to moderate range of obesity.

Means she's halfway between the beginning of obesity and morbid obesity. Overweight is BMI 25-30. 30 and above is obese.

Oh no I was talking about myself lol.

It's totally possible to have a high BMI based on muscle alone. Some people even have very high muscle mass, and high fat percentage ("strong man competition" types). But most people on the internet who think they can hide their tier 2 obesity in their "hourglass figure" are fucking delusional.

lol hourglass means fat now. I'm not even into girls with what a lot of folk call fat asses because once those pants come off the dents pop out too.

I'm like thats just a low status obese bitch.

Probably because kids these days have never seen and hourglass. They assume it's some kind of saying to say "I'm fat but I'm in denial". They might assume an hourglass is spherical.

if your belly hangs over your belt, you are fat, you aren't 'curvy' or 'thicc'

She's a frequent poster in gendercritical, consistently bragging that she does absolutely nothing to look good, says all men are pigs, etc. I highly doubt he left just because she put on some pounds.

5'3" 200lbs

my hourglass figure

Pick one.

I commented a mean thing, hopefully I get banned so that I can be a dick in modmail

I am 5’3 and 200lbs

That's 160cm and 91Kg. Fat as fuck.

And they call trannies delusional...

I am 5’3 and 200lbs but I carry it well

Imagine being this delusional.

Does “carry it well” mean she doesn’t use a rascal scooter to get around?

But muh hourglass?!

I don’t get bmi. Mines is always 20 or under and apparently I’m ok 🙂

The op needs a new bird. I can only imagine fucking a deep fried side peace as not required

I am so sorry. I can hardly think about porn, tbh, because it makes me so fucking angry and feel so helpless.

I almost have no words.

Must... resist... urge... to ping...

"I'm not huge" Yeah, okay buddy.