Everybody has been deapproved.

52  2019-04-10 by wfwfwfqwfqwef

Also I have been deapproved and demodded.

Petition to have me reinstated.


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Why have you forsaken us??

im just an observer tbh

Leak the admin responses

Is that you in the flair?

Lol no


She's actually saruh sliverman

Built like a fridge

Bailey Jay...

I do actually know who that is

Can you not read?

I no read good






We can’t get Admin-Cücked before 1K tho.

Holy fuck some serious shit is going down

Admins did not like the pinging.

Yeah I felt like it was a trap. Can't say faggot but pinging was back? Super fishy

The cycle begins anew

Meanwhile other subs get to ping. Fuck that.

Hey u/snallygaster, can we still ping in this slur-hole sub?


Real talk tho, have you guys heard from the sadmins yet?

nope. I'm not optimistic either.

is there a plan for if they never respond?

tfw we've become the 'fugees

That seems to be confirmation that they want invisible rules that are enforced at their whim. I think we all figured that though.

Is it finally going to get nuked?

probably not, at least not now. There seems to be a big disconnect between the older community outreach admins and the 'anti evil operations' or w/e wherein the anti-evil people are removing shit or banning people for things that were never considered against the rules or directly contradicting what the admins told us. The admins haven't responded aside from that cryptic post in the metathread Ann posted, probably because they're trying to figure out how to enforce their own rules

Thanks for the update.

Thanks for spreading the good word

Remod me snally.

I thought they themselves gave permission to ping?

Who cares. The sub being shut down for resisting admin orders on pinging would be safe dramatic and badass😎😎😎

Support feature that is primarily useful for annoying people

Ban users for using feature that you created and support

Admins, explain.

Petition to start a pro-Drama insurgency across other subs if the homeland is banned

We tried to destroy the MDEfugees, but in the end became them

If MDEfugees are the Jews, are we the former Nazi officers? Where's our Argentina!

You're posting in it. At least onsite. Offworld it's gotta be /lgbt/

I thought it'd be /fit/ 💪

Nah, too gay

Not /trash/?


Give ‘em a taste of their own medicine.

We tried to destroy the MDEfugees, but in the end became them

Anti-Drama Operations

Massive Poes Operations

I was also demodded. Been a mod for a year. Plz make me mod here

Is it over for dramacels?

it’s been over

I beat you by 2 minutes, delete yourself pisser.

Yeah but you're a roach so it doesn't count.

Beats being an unironic Paki.

also for the love of god post your cummies already

I did, you saw them.

No, I unironically did not. You need better lighting hun.

Is the lightbulb not invented in Pakistan?


And to think I used to have some meaning to my life. No approval, no will to live.

fucks sake they were supposed to wait until it hit 100k then self destruct.

talk about premature ejaculation.

mfw mods can't do anything right

called it.

i knew as soon as i saw people start pinging other users with insults that the sub was gonna be private soon.

We removed those, Reddit anti evil are just being low iq.

what happened ?

admins didnt like pinging

i mean that doesn't negate it having happened so i wouldn't think the admins would care.

How can anyone take "reddit antievil" seriously, straight outta capeshit 😤

It makes it more fun if you imagine Reddit's admins are all dressed up in superhero outfits from the dollar store.

We're putting together a team...

No shit Sherlock.

So how does chapo get away with the mean pinging and kys comments?

a better question is how does cringeanarchy get away with having an absent mod-team to the point that the admins take the majority of moderation actions

LOL really? That's funny.

yes, a day rarely goes by when the admins don't have to remove a comment or post on that sub

That’s really interesting. Makes me feel better about our chances.

Your flair annoys me btw. What Red Panda isn’t cute???

It's unironically ridiculous.

I'm actually surprised that cringe anarchy hasn't been banned by the admins yet.

Really makes you 🤔🤔🤔

how do you know what the admins do there?

/u/wfwfwfqwfqwef I did a post about the transgender kids being chemically enhanced in the UK and the message has been erased but not the whole post? Why? Why am I paranoid?

Why were you demodded?


Any idea why you were demodded?

Being smug in discord group chat.

smug about what?

Having correctly predicted that admins would not like pinging since it was reinstated.

What exactly is driven by admins vs. the mods being snowflakes e.g. slurs and pinging?

Some are claiming pinging was never an issue for the admins.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying?

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying?

I believe you are not sure you understand what I'm saying. Your sentence did not need a question mark.

I was saying that some people (mods even) have said the rules e.g. against pings and slurs were not mandated by admins.

oh, idk about that, I wasn't modded then. I do believe pinging was a voluntary concession on /r/drama's part.

Imagine participating in a drama mod discord at all

In that case it was well-deserved

All /r/Drama does is circlejerk about whatever topic /r/SubredditDrama are circlejerking about and it's fucking disgusting and inexcusable. There is no research, no in-depth analysis, no thoughtful insights into the nuanced and varied opinions represented by the intellectuals within the drama community. Just strawman after strawman and joke after joke.

/r/Drama claims to be the most revered bastion of radical centrism in the political community, but that's nonsense. Drama claims to be a well balanced place of thoughtful discussion and carefully curated discourse. Drama claims to be for serious and well researched analysis only, but we True Drama Purveyors see the truth behind the lies, it’s a circlejerk sub no matter how much you try and deny it. If Drama is just going to be a big 24/7 circlejerk the least it could do is be honest about its intent. Why the deceptive facade? Honestly, the sub should just go ahead and change its name to /r/Dramacirclejerk.

Why were you even a mod in the first place?

Also I have been deapproved and demodded.

You deserved it, lmao.

Watch them have to remove /u/BasicallyADoctor for posting thatping thread like they made /r/Drama remove /u/DoctorFahrenheit for the GB nonsense.

I am his alt afterall

How’s it looking over there?

They didn't make drama remove me, they used admin powers to do it themselves because /u/sodypop was, for whatever reason, firmly invested in making sure no one criticized an active sexual harasser for sexually harassing people.

But apparently she's a real old school gal and a firm advocate of boys will be boys. Not surprising given her continued association with and protection of gallowboob after his comments on the #MeToo movement last time the site started criticizing him.

I'm sure he makes Reddit a lot of money or maybe she blows him, who knows.

Why are you raining on Redditors' sending semi-nude pictures of themselves to each other? I'd love it if some of the people I'm arguing with would send me selfies. It would be a real learning experience.

Imagine becoming important to a platform by being on it all the time to harvest reposts and submit them at the best time.

Everyone who has ever commented: “who cares if repost I haven’t seen it!!🤤🤤🤤” is to blame for him.

On the brightside you no longer have to mod /r/drama in this new era of reddit

Ay u/MasterLawlz what the fuck did you do to piss off the admins?

His rat compadre evolved

You banned me once, so starting a petition to never mind you here.

The ratio of mods on /r/drama who give too much of a shit about reddit is way too high.

At some point you're playing yourselves by doing this dumb reddit/discord cj shit for so long