WikiLeaks Daddy gets cucked.

103  2019-04-11 by Quietus42


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/u/masterlawls wanna chat and fuck

Dont even know how to spell u/masterlawlz

Oof. That's a big Ol' YIKES from me dawg

Fml imma kms 4 realsies fhis time mom and dad and facebook friends

Please do


You might even say...RUDE?

It's over for Assangecels

lol, he should have followed lobster daddy's advice and cleaned his room

feed your cat buckaroo

In a sovereign decision Ecuador withdrew the asylum status to Julian Assange after his repeated violations to international conventions and daily-life protocols.

The big one seems to be that he continued pissing people off with his leaks (Vatican leaks being the biggest issue), and Ecuador was just sick of the fallout. But they also mention his personal behaviour in the embassy.

Lmao he looks like a wizard

Somebody in the worldnews thread called him crackhead santa and I thought that was a 🔥 take.

😂😂😂 He's such a retard for imprisoning himself for 7 years.

lil nigga looks 100% JUSTed lmao

But seriously, he's good for drama, free him up!

ngl when I first saw that pic I thought it was some random isl*mist getting arrested lmao


Holy shit is that Gore Vidal on the cover of that book he is clutching? Does Julian have something he would like to tell us?

It is 🤣

The way he is clutching it reminds me of this. I wonder if they will let him hang that picture on the wall of his cell.

Who is gore Vidal

Yeah I checked it out before asking but I don’t get why it’s funny

A very gay man.

Who’s bill Buckley? I’m not a burger so I need context

Bill Buckley is a Borat like character played by famous '60s comedian Lenny Bruce. His signature oafish, stroke like gesticulating in particular came to be well known all across the USA! Here's a famous clip of him interviewing Billy Grahm!

Thank you

The book he's holding is History of The National Security State

that is a rough 47, geez.

I wonder what is going to happen to his cat. I hope his Twitter stays updated.

He should have given them one of these

>2016 Daddy: "WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks."

>2019 Daddy: "I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It's not my thing and I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange. I've been seeing what's happened with Assange.”

Today is a dark day. First r/drama and now this 😢


no coincidences.drama sub down. reddit goes down last night. now assange arrested next mornin?.. lol.


Wake up sheeple!

He probably has some juicy tidbits that’ll drop when he goes in. Something involving human furniture and drama mods

I’m sure a lot of his internet browsing the last seven years or so was spent on r/drama. I wonder which mod was him 🤔

The ironic thing is that Obama would never have had the guts to do anything but pardon Assange. Now Daddy Trump might have been helped into the White House by him, but he's got no sense of loyalty toward the tards that made it happen.

I'm just waiting to see what wacky nickname Daddy Trump will give to Assange.

"AH-SANGE, AH-SANGE. I call him Julien..."

"Folks, little Julian was hiding in his room. I believe he was in Guatamala, not sure, I'll have my people look into it."

“We’re going to be opening up the labor forces because we have to. We have so many companies coming in,” Trump says. “People like Julian — you’re expanding all over and doing things that I really wanted you to do right from the beginning. I used to say, ‘Julian, you gotta start doing it here,’ and you really have you’ve really put a big investment in our country. We appreciate it very much, Julian Wikileaks.”

You know this what I miss /r/drama already. It's funny, regardless of what the news is, we are all just having fun.

The rest of Reddit is all a sad clown world of serious posting and the dumbest takes in the universe.

Assange probably has at least some sensitive information about people affiliated with Trump though. Roger Stone, for example. Its going to be hilarious watching Trump try to dance around actually addressing this shit.

i think we should all be expecting a big plot twist when Daddy finally comments on this

No, Leak Daddy got busted by Five-Oh.

Somewhere, Mommy smiles over her drink as she crosses another name off her list.

In her mind, she can hear the cries of her enemies, "she can't keep getting away with this!" But she does. She always gets away with it.

Mommy takes another sip of her adrenochrome. "Delicious child fear. Like a drink made of the fear of my enemies," she thinks and smiles again.

She looks at the picture of Daddy at the center of her hit list. "Soon, Donald," she whispers. "Soon."

His name was Seth Rich!

Somewhere in Heaven Vince Foster cries, forgot and unavenged

Dude looks rough!!!

lmao, the dude looks like he's hoping for another Pirates of the Carribbean film, so he can get a gig as an extra.

unironically looks like slobodan reincarnate

One of the greatest sperg-outs of 2019 - Ecuador kicking out the guy who's been living in their broom cupboard for 7 years - and the r-slured mods and f-slur admins are ruining it.. 😡

If you want to see some real W O K E hot takes then /r/technology is the place to go. I'm just waiting for a Twitter hashtag to start trending now so I can truly kick back 🍿🍻

It's just like when smirkboy become a controversy.

Comfey times. I miss em

Just when r/UneRAMA ist closed. The potential here is potentially infinite.

While Assange has managed to turn a lot of people against him with his assisstance of Oranginal Daddy and his personality, there are a lot of hot takes to hotly take on this one.

Also, just a matter of time till Glenn Greenwald and / or AOC / Omar get in on the subject. Will be delicious to see where the salty chips fall here. Who will side with the activist for transparency and who will side against the leaker and commend his extradiction into Daddy's hands.

By the way, what's the over under on Trump congratulating himself on the capture and gloating that Obama wasn't able to get Julian?

Just when r/UneRAMA ist closed. The potential here is infinite.

I'm mildly upset about this.

By the way, what's the over under on Trump congratulating himself on the capture and gloating that Obama wasn't able to get Julian?

And then pardons net daddy for maximum drama.

Trump starts to really like power and money

Um I think that happened quite a while ago sweaty.

It's amazing how smug /r/politics continues to be despite being oroven to be retarded time and time again.

When does that full report drop?

It’s getting redacted by lackey and trump yes man Barr.

How hilarious would it be if he ended up getting sentenced for just a 1 year in prison, and he had wasted his time hiding?

That would be great play from the US. Trolling every one leaving them seething in despair of a cause.

haha that would be hilarious. Then look on his face would be priceless as he realized that he spent what should have been the best years of his life jerking into socks, getting scolded by Ecuadorian housekeepers, and staying in a tiny windowless room for nothing. At least he can become the new grey wizard and join the fellowship if he does get away with it. Lots of raping to be done in the Shire.

The maximum sentence for what he's being charged with in the US is less than the time he's spent in the embassy.

Bongs were paying out the ass to keep the embassy under surveillance all this time. That has to count for something.

I hope he will like his new room at ADX Florence! Sadly internet is not in the complementary guest package there.

Imagine thinking that leaking juicy deets about the president of Ecuador while under asylum in their embassy was a good idea.

He couldn't resist creating drama and I respect that.

Galaxy Brain Assange.

Absolute mad lad.

The way the dude has been living for the past seven years sounds absolutely horrible. He was probably hoping it would lead to him getting evicted because he had lost his damned mind.

Let's be honest, he is a shitty guest.

Lmao, have fun in prison jackass

Apparently, the embassy got tired of him smearing shit up the walls...

It doesn't say who's shit though.

Dude's been dead awhile, this whole charade is just a distraction from /r/drama being shut down.

Imagine being such a fucking NEET your pissbottles get you sent to Fedjail

2016 Daddy: "WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks."

2019 Daddy: "I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It's not my thing and I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange. I've been seeing what's happened with Assange.”

He was a skater boy.

They said to him later boy