Jesus Christ, these people.

51  2019-04-11 by Ennui2778


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Hey u/darwininanfacepalm, want to vent about something. We promise we're all ears.

I wish that stupid little bitch would show up, but hes too busy slapfighting in AHS and sucking dicks in ENLIGHTENDCENTRISM to better himself on reddit here.

Posts on:


But also



i too come to reddit to better myself


this is not sarcasm or irony.

this is me literally reeeeeing over these fucks

day of the can soon

Why is everyone ganging up on the poor SRDine :( he doesn't know any better

Being retarded is no excuse for being retarded

Unless you actually have downs but I would never those people retarded.

No need to call them retarded, everyone already knows

Like with raising kids you have to beat it out of them

Beginning to understand why refugees don't want to assimilate, why go from your strong, pinging culture to a smug, soy-infused one?

That whole thread was just a honey trap for drama tards. I got a perma for posting in it and I still have no idea why? I think the reason is because I am fun and SRD doesn’t allow fun.

They unbanned me for some reason, but yeah that thread is a slaughter pit

I got perma'd a year ago for posting the koop-aid man bursting into a room shouting "did somebody say GAMERGATE?!"

a worthy ban, for sure.

That's funny, I got banned from r/LeftWithoutEdge and r/conservative cause I said Biden's touching wasn't that big a deal.

Those empathyless faggots.

It's pretty common knowledge that Biden lost his wife and 1 year old daughter in a car accident, a week before christmas. I don't imagine that's the kind of pain you really heal from, even after decades. When he's leaning in close to little girls, while these retards see a predator, I'm just seeing a father pretending for a moment that he didn't lose his baby that day.

and a little girl with an uncomfortable PTSD stare

Thats pretty funny ngl

imagine not wanting to be banned from /r/mayoredditdrama

I really don’t have to imagine and the reason why I am so distraught is because there isn’t a sub on Reddit that will gorge themselves on my Connoisseur level collection of pastas than “the internet is serious business” afflicted srdines.

lol cucked by a SRDine

Some of us come to Reddit to better ourselves

Look at this dood

come to Reddit to better ourselves


i don't have any words

Some of us come to Reddit to better ourselves

Faggotry of the highest level

Every day that passes without The Can is an affront to God.

Stay in your containment subs posting racist cartoons, loser. Some of us come to Reddit to better ourselves and not just spread vileness online.

The absolute state of srdines

SRD is what happens when a drama sub is left without pinging. It becomes a cesspit of """people"""" discussing the dramatic topic from afar with nobody to challenge their views.

hey r/darwinianfacepalm , why do you hate centrists so much as to call them alt-right/hate groups supporters, while you preach about communists?