A lolbertarian is caught in the wild, trying to argue for the legalization of child pornography to "protect freedom"

32  2019-04-11 by le_epic_xd_part_2


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If my daughter makes money selling nudes, why is that a problem

Probably also the type who demands a virgin bride.

Probably also the type to make the child porn of his daughter

But she totally consented!

Same as she didn't consent to getting vaccinated when she was a baby.

Children cannot consent you idiot.

Unless you give the kid a cut then it's fine.

bUt wHAt iF thE CHilD coNseNTS

Its about ethics in child pornography.


The first amendment explicitly states "the right to watch child porn on the internet, unimpeded and uncensored"

The founding fathers also founded /u/KotakuInAction

Imagine the hellscape these people want to create...

You wake up one morning and find you've run out of milk. There are no affordable utilities so you fire up a wood burner to melt the ice on the water jug you wash in, then empty your piss bucket into the pit at the end of the garden (because running a sewage system isn't directly profitable). Then, you fire up your methanol-powered agricultural half-track, the only vehicle that can navigate the untended, pothole-ridden roads, and set off towards the nearest settlement.

To get onto the """highway""" you have to pay a toll equivalent to a day's wages, or an equivalent value of methanol. The owner of the tollbooth has grown obscenely rich and has used his wealth to hire a private police force who patrol the highway in ex military vehicles, extorting bribes from travellers. The road is clogged with antiquated trucks and farmyard machinery, belching toxic fumes and moving at a crawl. After an hour and a half you arrive at a small settlement. None of it is built to any safety codes and the buildings are half-completed and crumbling due to subsidence; distant fires can be seen on the horizon, smouldering persistantly in the slums as the inhabitants are too poor to pay for fire insurance.

You go to the central part of town where a huge shopping centre has been built by the local cattle magnate. Consumer goods here are unaffordable due to the colossal rents, but milk and other bovine products are cheap in order to undercut all competition. You load up your tractor with as much milk as you can carry, paying with pre-1964 pennies you've hoarded for their high copper content.

On the way back your decrepit vehicle breaks down on the highway due to years of wear and tear; you beg for a tow but the other travellers demand you empty your methanol tanks and give them your milk as payment. The highway police fine you for causing an obstruction and drag your tractor off the road, telling you to walk home.

As you trudge back towards your homestead you take a short cut across country, going past the gated compound of the tollbooth owner. An armed marksman, posted to prevent the tollbooth owner's vietnamese child brides from trying to escape, fires a warning shot at your feet. Since you're outside the limits of his land you return fire with your pistol.

By the time you get home it's the late afternoon and you're starving, so you make a bowl of oatmeal with your milk. Unfortunately the FDA no longer exists and the milk hasn't been pasteurised, so you contract diphtheria. As symptoms worsen you call a doctor on your satellite phone but you can't afford at at-home consultation - you gave your last pre-1964 pennies to the highway police to avoid being detained, and the doctor won't accept payment in methanol. Over the next 48 hours you shit yourself to death, comforting yourself with the thought that the country is finally free from the oppression of big government.

Too long didn't read 😴😴😴😴

boi this isn't drama there's no longpostbot here

So, still unemployed then?

Is this pasta? It's a pretty good one

Oh boy, his comment histiry is quite the ride. Pretty sure he's an unironic BBC cuck

He IS an unironic BBC cuck

certain combinations of 1s and 0s are illegal

/r/smuggies is an absolute shithole these days. I swear it has some of the biggest, least talented, humorless faggots on the site, and I've been on /r/ChapoTrapHouse


It used to be pretty centrist with both leftoids and rightoids smuggies.

Now it's just rightoid frens.