Daddy comes up with a hilarious Catch 22

79  2019-04-12 by _narrows


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All those NIMBY responses.


current year

Believing that Billary was a good boy

News reports Trump administration twice seriously considered dumping illegals in sanctuary cities. ICE leadership quoted asking if Trump administration was "legally retarded."

Trump administration yesterday:

Uh this was just like an idea guys. We weren't serious about it lol.

Trump today:

Wanted to and still want to.

ICE leadership quoted asking if Trump administration was "legally retarded."

do they really need to ask?

Well I’m sure it was rhetorical and premised with “No disrespect but...”

Say what you will about Trump, but this is perfect for dramacoin.

This shit is gold

The truest part of this graphic seems that our President is unaware of Christ’s presence and doesn’t care to know. Willful ignorance.

Based and Christpilled



God is Allah is Yahweh change my mind

Christ is a follower of GEOTUS!

Jesus is following Trump.

When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I grabbed you by the pussy. Bigly.

Jesus was a cuck.He could learn a thing or 2 from the god emperor.

Jesus: teleports behind you OwO

Nothing personnel

Rich coming from the president that cant recite his favorite bible verse. Also, how he doesnt know there are books inside the bible. He just calls it the biblr as his favorite book



Ha, nerd.

Fearless concurrency

if (unjerk.error != nil) return

Already subbed since a year ago :)

Thoughts on the power struggle of saddertadder against TLM?

saddertadder against TLM?

Is that BS still going on? I remember it happening about a year ago.

I can't express how much I love burgers for having elected this obnoxious, narcissistic buffoon.

dramacoin is going to the MOON

Yeah right. The Jews killed Jesus. Sheldon is his biggest donor. 5G will kill everyone slowly. All because we are goyim.


That will show them

Jesus is like Rick & Morty. He wasn't bad but his most obsessed fans are really fucking annoying.

Wubba lubba love your neighbors

Wubba lubba GOD ALMIGHTY shall rain FIRE and RECKONING upon the NEGRO MOSLEM scourge of obummer's FALSE presidency. Bless President Donald J. Trump and bless this great nation where we say Merry Christmas.

Jesus Fried Chicken

This is -burp- this is my szechuan sauce Morty. It's... it's -burp- for you.

This is the greatest political threat I’ve seen in my lifetime. The democrats want the Latino vote but don’t actually want to harbor these immigrants. Now they can’t say no we don’t want them. But they also won’t know what the fuck to do if it happens. I’m not a Trumper but I live in Chicago and he could fuck us right in the pussy if he drops 10,000 motherfuckers on Lake Shore Dr. goddamn. Lol.

How the fuck is trump supposed to enforce that though? They can move anywhere they want once they are inside the US.

He can’t but I enjoy political fuckery. I really hate all of them so it’s fun both ways. Watching Alyssa Milano meltdown from that tweet was epic.

Immigrants can now be detained indefinitely for a felony. So, like house arrest? Claim it executively and let the courts chew on it til RBG is out.

He can't but the whole point of sanctuary cities is they won't get deported so if they want to stay in the country they'll likely stay in the city

They go where there are jobs for them, sanctuary is a distant concern.

Drop 10,000 people in Chicago middle of December. They ain't 'moving' anywhere.

Sanctuary cities give them money. Why would they leave?

A particularly retarded take,

immigrants go to cities anyways, he literally has to do nothing

Bus them in.

Lmao is LSD a real road

Lake Shore Drive is an expressway that runs parallel with and alongside the shoreline of Lake Michigan through the city of Chicago, Illinois. Except for the portion north of Foster Avenue, Lake Shore Drive is designated as part of U.S. Highway 41.

Parole is dependent on biweekly check ins with GPS tracking

As a Democrat, resident of a sanctuary city, and supporter of open borders: yes please! Everyone is welcome here! I'd love it if my friends from other countries could move here freely.

Imagine being so retarded you think people coming from poverty stricken 3rd world countries are going to be morally righteous

Can you link me to that tweet? I wanna ask him if he is willing to host a taco like me.

Can't find it, but this idiot is essentially the same.

Fucking pibble owners

He'll just lock his gates and the security guard at the residential entrance will take care of it. Enjoy the crime, everyone else!

So you're saying he's built a wall 🤔


We’re ok with that, but in return we’re going to stop sending all those extra tax dollars to the uneducated opioid addicted red state leeches

Ok which one of you posted this?

Pizzashill’s secret twitter account?

To terse to be pizza.

Don't they get that Republicans in "red states" do want to get rid of welfare?

Even in the reddest state 40% of the people are still Democrats.

Rural Republicans see the leeches in their small town, and they want the government to stop giving those leeches free shit.

Lol what a massive cope. Rural Republicans only want to get rid of the welfare that goes to non-whites.

No. They really do want wildly reduced welfare for everyone.

In some states proportionally a higher percentage of black Americans might be affected.

But rural Republicans really just hate people who don't do honest work.

> honest work

> conservatards

Lol no. It's always about the skin color and their ability to get free shit

It's not mutually exclusive. They can hate black people and their trailer park cousins.

It's not mutually exclusive. They can hate black people and their trailer park cousins.

Half of them are on disability for "back pain". They feel that they deserve their gibs because they are hard workers, but anyone else who takes gibs is a moocher. It defies all logic but these are rural conservatards we're talking about.

Imagine believing this.

Okay, we have found one (1) presumably dumb rural right winger. (assuming that isn't from SNL or something)

Now about the other 50 million...

two (2).

seems legit.

/u/trilateral1 please tell us more about the earnestness of conservatives

He got put in a state of copematose

Nah they see themselves as oppressed by things like minimum wage. The Guberment shouldn't be making it illegal for them to sell their labor for the $3.50 an hour it's worth.

Rural Republicans see the leeches in their hick town

Those leeches are also Republicans lol. I've spent most of my life in a rural red state, and there are plenty of conservatives who take advantage of subsidized housing, food stamps, utility assistance, disability, and agricultural subsidies.

I've spent most of my life in a rural red state, and there are plenty of conservatives who take advantage of subsidized housing, food stamps, utility assistance, disability, and agricultural subsidies.

Well... whether they use it or not, they're voting to get rid of it.

i seriously think many of them somehow don't understand that the people they're voting for want to take away their income based housing.

immigration seems to be like the only thing a lot of them feel deeply about

no they just have principles


We support a total welfare state so no one ever worries about food and health care. People over party

If you annoy me I'll cut off any money to help my fellow man because politics




Sorry, try again sweaty

It doesn't count if they're rightoids.

This really is the best timeline.

I have a compromise!

We give them WYOMING

Nobody fuckin' lives there anyway

Is that a reference to the old Garfield & Friends cartoon?

"They took er jerbs" to own the libs?!

Where's that fag RandoCox when I actually WANT him to defend the right?

Swear to god w/ that guy.. It's like cat's riding tards trying to wrangle horses.

Randy is usually busy prostituting himself for cheeseburger money.

Y dont you stfu about our cheeseburgers you dontmattercel?

Rando may be a braindead ❌🧠 ❌ farrightoid, but at least he’s a real person and not some foreign garbage scum.

It never even began for foreigncels.

Those are dirty snow mexicans (cannucks) but i will gupvote you none the less good sir.


what is there to defend with his tweet? are u sayin u disagree with it ?

Unironically? Yes. Its not strong enough. They should be held in a space between the u.s. and mex that is designated as part of neither nation and not beholden to stupid U.S. judges

Dramafully? I think we should put illegals in cages and pelt them with the produce they pick. But i think we should do the same thing with blacks and basketballs, jews and gold coins, asians and chopsticks. I didn’t include whites because they should be shot on site.

Sigh. 2rama loves giving twitter and daddy clicks.

Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only....

....The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy – so this should make them very happy!

A fourth dot on his ellipse. What does this mean???

It’s times like this that I ask my self ‘what does that weird, childless middle age dude who wrote a kids book about daddy and responds to his tweets less than 30 seconds after they’re posted think about this’

His doing so would violate the Hatch Act.

Of course, he is ignorant of that fact.