AHS Trump Derangement Syndrome reaches 9000 : "This can not be allowed any longer. I'm contacting my local rep, and bringing this up at the next council. I won't stop until this stops." - about a /r/unpopular opinon post from a nonwhite person

19  2019-04-12 by UnalignedRando


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Just how white and first world do you need to be for a website to impact your life so much?

Every time I get too mad online I just delete my account and go outside

It's disheartening to think someone like /u/speakeasy518 is free on the streets.

It's not like this site doesn't have all kinds of radicals and weirdos, but for some reason, only the alt right are the most concerning

I don’t understand. What do they expect the congress person to do? Make it so minorities can’t badmouth the blacks?

calling your representative because a reddit post pissed you off is peak being terminally online

Something something industrial revolution


At this point I cannot tell if these kinds of opinion are popular or unpopular or r/unpopular opinion.

u/speakeasy518 I hate to be the bearer of bad news so please don't hurt yourself when I tell you that blacks think that blacks are more racist. Oh and 13 do more then 50