Prediction date for r/drama reopening its borders.

46  2019-04-13 by byobombs


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We're in there having dates with cute girls like Nakama Yukie and Kim Seul-gi. Maybe when we get tired of it we'll let you plebs in.


The fact that you f-slurs went back so quickly to smug approvedcel posting makes me happy, as it makes me realize just how agonizing the past several days must have been for your b-slur.

Ok that sounds gay and all but let me the fuck in now plz

Redact0, i’m sorry about calling you retardo. 😐

Hook a brother up and fast pass me w/ this shit 😑😑

Being out here in the immigration lines is awful 😱😱😱

Unironically I like your username because James Angleton is how he called himself and there's some really fucking weird agenda to call him James Jesus Angleton. Apparently this is done by British tards who are under Russian control. I guess the idea is that... like... Jesus was bad... so if that's your middle name then you're bad?

But also we love Latinos!

That’s super interesting.

I think the full name was actually taken.

I’m actually super conflicted on whether he was completely useless and actually a detriment to U.S. policy or a genius.

First strike is not realizing his besto friendo was a spy, but firstly I think their relationship was overblown by writers for a more interesting story, and secondly spies can be sort of hard to catch.

I sort of think that in general, the CIA are a completely incompetent and useless agency with one of the greatest failure rates of any organization on earth.

But they are one of the only organizations with complete deniability.

“Oh we look like retards? Well we were just pretending to be retarded. Thats what we wanted our enemies to think.”

“Did we fail at installing a proUS dictator and cause a massacre in shitmarkland? No, we wanted to destabilize the region.”

At least angleton understood the soviet spy machine (the one expressed by yuri bezmenov) and it’s goals.

I feel like all of the rest of the organizations history they’ve acted as a retardedly powerful hammer seeing the world as a globe full of nails. But maybe that’s literally what they want us to think.. but i doubt it.

The CIA did some stuff during and in the immediate aftermath of the Korean War that seems unsavory today. But, you know, literal Stalin and all that. Every third-world shithole would love to blame their bad choices in that era on the CIA. "We were gonna be a perfectly-functioning democracy but then The Man stopped us for reasons that make no sense!"

I feel like all of the rest of the organizations history they’ve acted as a retardedly powerful hammer

I feel like the CIA knew what they were doing and ur retarded but you're not a powerful hammer. 🤷‍♀️

Doubt. But it’s possible.

Out here wandering the desert for some drama.

cute girls

Nakama Yukie

q predicted this

is she retarded? there's no 26th month